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Mr. Mustard

(63 posts)
19. If you look at history change comes when
Fri Nov 14, 2014, 01:46 PM
Nov 2014

the oppressed finally reach their breaking point.

Like a mule who finally just sits down after years of abuse and never getting the dangled carrot. The mule knows he's probably in for a beating, but just can't carry the weight anymore.

A beating is preferable to the daily grind of humiliation, hopelessness.

Pardon me for this assumption, but if others are like me - we've lost the will to contribute because after 40 years in the work force and Wall. St. stealing money of mine during the Putnam Voyager, Comcast scam in the 1990's, then more money of my family's in the 2008 crash, along with pensions being given back to corporations it's a fool game to believe in the system anymore.

When we always have money for bombs, and tax cuts for the rich, but can't afford social programs (so they say) AND they're talking about increasing the Social Security retirement age to what 68 years of age now then the average person like me is faced with working soul sucking jobs, barely getting by, if at all until we drop dead - like the mule, then why should I believe a word anyone in D.C. says anymore?

Corporations have figured out they don't have to reward work due to globalization and a glut in the workforce. Which says everything about the profit-motive system. People don't count.

When the judicial system knowingly applies two sets of rules, three really - one for rich folks, one for middle class white folks, and one for African Americans then all seems pointless.

I sat in utter despair when my government allowed BP to spill oil in our gulf, then allowed them to spray the dispersants instead of scooping up as much oil off the top as possible, due to what - appeasing the oil company?

Citizens United, Bush v. Gore, Iraq, Halliburton, bank bailouts it never ends.

And guys - Read the PNAC created by the neocons that is why we invaded Iraq, why we didn't scramble the jets on 9/11 and why Bush sat for SEVEN minutes while America was under attack.

He sat there to allow the attack to happen, so the "crisis needed" would have enough impact to warrant the invasion of Iraq.

It's bad guys, and now the psychopathic corporatists have won, and we have to fend off the obnoxious Tea Party who get in our faces too.

Shoot, I was "clever" I thought when we bought our home, we went through a local bank for the loan. Not going to reward Bank of America, so I thought. Two weeks later, BOA bought our mortgage and no one asked me if I wanted to do accept it or not. He, he , how quaint.

Yea, I'm at a point where I'm downsizing as much as possible. No more loans, no credit, cash only and living as cheaply as possible so that maybe I can finish out my years with a few years of peace and happiness. Where I'm not constantly pressured to do more, work harder, PRODUCE dammit or we'll replace you! Work overtime for the company! But we don't get time and a half anymore. Thanks guys.

I simply don't know the answer, except I do really and that means going underground and then jail or death. Who wants to do that? So, I try one more time, ONE more time to believe that voting and playing the game will bring about change. Then, 2010, 2014.

The problem? It's the system of money, where consumption and wealth equal success. Even to the point of planet destruction.

The answer? Be willing to live in the woods, - oh wait that's illegal too now isn't it? Can't be homeless even which is now criminal in many states and cities.

My bones are tired, my heart is empty and I simply wish to walk with my family, eat a good meal, enjoy a puff or two and strum the guitar on the porch in the evenings. Can't do that because the low wage part time job I am trying to get has random drug tests because efficiency I guess, and the only reason we have our home is because we're frugal and our mother in law lives with us now, and guess what - she has SSI so a guaranteed income. Without that, we're in trouble.

At least now I do have health insurance, and that has helped alot - but Republicans and inexplicably businesses seem to want to take that away, where I won't be able to afford it, if they give it to me at all. Minor pre-existing condition you see.

Sorry for the downer, but then again why am I sorry - I simply don't have reason to be excited and I don't see the Democrats being able to solve this mess, which they helped create. Thanks Bill and Hillary Clinton. But THIS time, she'll revisit NAFTA, bankruptcy laws, overtime rules, this time. As soon as she's done with her next speech on Wall St.

Congress receives the money, and they make the rules about money. Congress won't enforce anti-trust laws either. Authoritarians worship billionaires like their gods. How do you overcome those obstacles?

America worships money and now it seems cruel corporations who don't have the constitution guiding them. But that's okay with the Tea Party, as long as government doesn't interfere with their ability to profit, at the expense of everything.

I ain't marching anymore, no more phone calls, no more letters to the editor (which has damaged my job prospects), no more money.

I will vote and try to teach the next generation what they're up against. Teach them to never sign a contract, read the fine print and stay out of debt.

Finally: beware white men in suits.

We are in a REALLY bad spot [View all] Cosmocat Nov 2014 OP
We must shake people awake out of their mass insanity. Keep shaking. Dont call me Shirley Nov 2014 #1
You have summed up the political situation very succinctly. nt ladjf Nov 2014 #2
You assume the wolves will always control the conservative henhouse. Hortensis Nov 2014 #3
Your correct about the natural end. It was called the Great Depression. Lochloosa Nov 2014 #6
I think it is a pretty safe assumption Cosmocat Nov 2014 #12
For that we need a second FDR. I think E. Warren could fill that role, but she ain't runnin'. Cal33 Nov 2014 #22
but not the candidate with the numbers to prevent that? VanillaRhapsody Nov 2014 #31
I keep wanting to believe Arthur_Frain Nov 2014 #4
Yeah Cosmocat Nov 2014 #30
And they have Citizen's United — the country is screwed brush Nov 2014 #5
I think it matters less in presidential races. hollowdweller Nov 2014 #7
2012 was the first presidential race where Citizen's United was in place brush Nov 2014 #9
"Since the early 90's" is not very long JayhawkSD Nov 2014 #8
Not sure Cosmocat Nov 2014 #14
Way to miss the point. JayhawkSD Nov 2014 #23
Yeah Cosmocat Nov 2014 #29
Not only that - they win by lying. You may have heard on Rachel that Az passed a prop that lets jillan Nov 2014 #10
Yep Cosmocat Nov 2014 #28
The media are complicit, not merely lazy. Jackpine Radical Nov 2014 #32
I sadly have to agree with the OP. world wide wally Nov 2014 #11
The Law of Elemental Democracy: Ultimately, countries get the government that suits them Old Nick Nov 2014 #13
cliche Cosmocat Nov 2014 #27
Sliding jalan48 Nov 2014 #15
Blame it on gerrymandering Phil1934 Nov 2014 #16
It's not really Republicans that are the problem. Kablooie Nov 2014 #17
Best, truest assessment Feral Child Nov 2014 #33
Your post and the post you responded to are the best posts ever. Yes, I Nay Nov 2014 #34
We are in absolute agreement, Nay. Feral Child Nov 2014 #36
and they break laws and usually never serve any time if even convicted while they glinda Nov 2014 #18
If you look at history change comes when Mr. Mustard Nov 2014 #19
Yeah Cosmocat Nov 2014 #26
If voter turnout was the same in midterms as in presidential election years, gmb92 Nov 2014 #20
This is part of the problem Cosmocat Nov 2014 #25
"... in the early 90s when they took the turn to being deranged lunatics." They were deranged Bluenorthwest Nov 2014 #21
Yeah Cosmocat Nov 2014 #24
We should go left so we can win. We need a good nominee in 2016 so we win back senate. craigmatic Nov 2014 #35
The left will never win big kwolf68 Nov 2014 #37
The best lack all conviction Zorro Nov 2014 #38
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»We are in a REALLY bad sp...»Reply #19