FACT: Hillary Clinton and her husband, the President, were on the wrong side of banking deregulation.
FACT: Hillary Clinton and her husband, the President, were on the wrong side of free trade.
FACT: Hillary Clinton takes money from Wall Street banks on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, her presidential campaign and herself.
FACT: Hillary Clinton says she will not reinstate Glass-Steagall, the repealing of which was one of the worst features of banking deregulation. CONCLUSION: HC is still on the wrong side of banking deregulation.
FACT: Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, helped direct the negotiations of the the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
FACT: Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, pushed a free trade agreement with Panama, which greased the way for US Ponzi scheme managers and Hedge Fund managers to incorporate shell corporations through crooked lawyers in Panama for hiding assets.
FACT: Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to sell fracking to the world.
FACT: Hillary Clinton approved the sale of weapons to nations after receiving donations to the Clinton Foundation from the leaders of this nations, including Saudi Arabia.
CONCLUSION: Hillary Clinton is ethically and judgmentally unfit to be President of the United States.
Camp Weathervane can't complain that any of the above are "smears", as they are want to do, because everything above is either a fact or a conclusion derived from facts.
We have nothing to fear from the likes of Hillary Clinton. She had some awfully heavy baggage when she ran for president in 2008 with her poor judgment on the Frat Boy's Iraq War; she has even more baggage now.
She wants to go nuclear on Bernie, does she? Bring it on.