Why Democrats Don't Get Sanders' Endgame (and Why It Will Hurt Them in the End) [View all]
Lets examine Krugmans quote, above. In his view, Sanders loses credibility and goodwill by not quitting. Quite a revealing take. Credibility, in Krugmans world, isnt about sticking to the values and ethics youve been espousing; its not about being true to the people who supported you because of those values. Rather, it is about playing by the Party rules. Once again, Party trumps people.
Rendell, looking through the Party lens, can think of nothing more important than having a prominent speaking role at the Convention, and he is perplexed that Sanders isnt doing all he can to get one. Values? People first? Not even in the equation.
Then theres the world according to Conrad. If you dont fall into line, then you are not a team player. And of course, if youre not a team player, then you must be just focused on yourself. Here, Conrad is looking through the doubly distorting lenses of the horserace and the Party simultaneously. No wonder he doesnt get it.
What Sanders wants, of course is obvious: Hes less interested in joining the Democratic Party than he is in transforming it. And with good reason.