Assure Trading Partners Play by the Rules. Some nations have consistently violated agreements by the World Trade Organization, such as taking unfair actions to block U.S auto companies from selling in their markets. This Administration has not used the available remedies to crack down on these violations and help U.S industries, John Kerry would. ....
Review Existing Trade Agreements and Require New Agreements to Contain Labor and Environmental Standards. John Kerry will also order an immediate 120 day review of all existing trade agreements to ensure that our trading partners are living up to their labor and environment obligations and that trade agreements are enforceable and are balanced for America’s workers. He will consider necessary steps if they are not and he will not sign any new agreements until the review is complete.
John Kerry will also not sign any new trade agreements unless they contain strong labor and environmental standards. on CLOSING CORPORATE LOOPHOLES
Restore Investor Confidence With Strong Enforcement by the Securities and Exchange Commission: John Kerry will fund strong budgets and assure strong enforcement by the SEC.
Stop Corporations From Keeping Bank Accounts in Countries like Bermuda to Avoid Paying Taxes. John Kerry believes that American companies should not be allowed to set up virtual headquarters in foreign countries that are hardly more than mailboxes just to avoid paying U.S. taxes.
Assure Corporations Account for Disparities on the Books. A recent Joint Committee on Taxation report found that Enron claimed a $2.3 billion in profit between 1996 and 1999 in reports to its investors, while reporting a $3 billion tax loss to the IRS. John Kerry believes corporations should have to account these kinds of disparities.
Stop Giving Government Contracts to Corporations Breaking the Rules. The Federal government should not give lucrative contracts to companies that have a record of accounting fraud – like WorldCom – or are moving offshore.
End Unfair Protections for CEOs. Executives should not be walking away with millions of dollars in salaries and benefits while their workers are laid off their companies are defaulting on loans. Kerry would tighten the laws that allow corporations to take advantage of tax deductions for performance based executive pay – even when executives do nothing to improve productivity.