calimary's JournalWelcome to DU, billhicks76!
Glad you're here! Thanks for the link. Seems as though, with between six and seven billion people on earth, it stands to reason that somebody would figure out how to do that or something similar.
Seems to me there's this prevailing human tendency to try to get around whatever is in the way.
The first one and the last one, with the peek-a-boo kitty.
Although the fucking-drop-dead-gorgeous red-haired horse photo pretty much sums up our bass player... (dammit!)
There are SEVERAL I'm copying from here. Showed my husband the cargo pants cat pocket, since he's become interested in cargo pants lately. And the kitty tongue I will save for all kinds of reasons and applications!!!!!
BINGO. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.
This is what started it.
During reagan.
You know, I wish to hell chris matthews would shut the fuck up about his damn book. Every time I see an image of ronald reagan I want to throw up. That's where it all started. The reagan era was where all this SHIT that we're going through now - STARTED. You look at ANYBODY (or some organization) beyond and beneath and behind the upstarts and invariably it'll be somebody who (or organization that) got started during the 80s under the cover reagan provided.
When he came onto the national scene I feared he was the most dangerous man in America because of the nice soft gentle warm-fuzzy and presumably "harmless" way he could sell these shit concepts to a gullible, unsuspecting public.
Nuff Said.
I would put it to all the GOP - "...and where was YOUR better idea?" You had YEARS to come forward with one!!!
I actually shut a few people up with a version of that, awhile ago. During and after the Clinton years, there were plenty of people who mocked and sneered at Hillary Clinton's "Hillary-Care" when her husband tasked her with solving the health care coverage crisis. I started saying - "hey, it's a problem that NEEDS solving, and at least SHE tried!" Nobody had much of a retort for that.
Welcome to DU, Shemp Howard!
Glad you're here! Go Anonymous +1,000,000!!! Totally agree with what you said. Mighty glad they're there. But it's a shame that they even have to be.
Congressman Cohen certainly nails it. About time we start calling it what it is.
If a foreign entity did this kind of damage to us as a country, this same dingdong Congress would be drawing up a Declaration of War. This is nothing less than domestic terrorism. I think it could also be described as sedition, and if we pushed it and added "...during wartime," we might even call it treason. If we wanted to stir things up, we certainly could. They're starting to invoke the "i" word (impeachment), so why can't we start up the drumbeat with the "t" word?
I think we Dems should remain on offense, since showing a solidly united backbone from the White House on down certainly paid off this week. We have a large number of the opposition visibly shaken. They may act like they're outnumbered by the teabaggers but they're not. We need to start trying to reach out to them and convince some of 'em to help us out, take advantage of OUR numbers (which frankly are nothing to sneeze at in the House of Reps even while we don't quite have a majority). We need to start further isolating the teabaggers from the mainstreamers and, well, I'll go along with it for the moment, "moderates." We need to help drive that wedge in deeper. If they splinter off, great!!! That's two parties the Dems will face, neither of whom can win alone and are so alienated from each other that they probably can't do much business together. The teabaggers won't accept anything or any candidate that enough the so-called moderates will vote for, because the teabaggers only feel emboldened (yeah, theirs IS a Bizarro World indeed!) and feel encouraged to go even more extreme. And the so-called moderates have already been turned off by their extremist mates. So far, not lethally so. BUT it's only in the past couple of days that the business community started speaking up. That still holds tremendous significance for the so-called moderates. The baggers don't give a flying fuck, but the so-called moderates I think have a brand new case of ice-cold feet as far as going along with the nutcases, because the business community has started screaming. That throws a lot more weight against the increasingly frightening onslaught of the teabaggers.
In ANY Event - the Dems should be looking at any and all ways to exploit this condition. ANY way we can help keep them weak and upset, on the defensive, tearing at each other, and DIS-united, we should do or at least try. What's the ONE THING that kept coming up in all the commentary surrounding the Democratic power play? That we were UNITED. That the Dems were solidly UNITED. That was and is viewed as a huge attribute in any case. Even moreso when it contrasts so dramatically with a completely disrupted and chaotic enemy.
Themselves and a shrinking share of the electorate.
They're already a minority party. And steadily declining. Thank Heaven!
Encouraging thread about the trend in Virginia. Polls showing GOP support dwindling so seriously that it's described as "collapsed" in Virginia as that gubernatorial election draws near. Well, counting California, that's two states. Hoping that's a trend that catches on!!!
Well, there's nothing like a little positive reinforcement!
Posted here so my collection of TOLL FREE Capitol Hill switchboard numbers is in this thread, too, for your convenience!
More calcium supplement for their nice new spines, please!!! Call one or two of 'em and thank them for standing strong and united - and urge them to stay that way!!!
LOVE this!!! Virtue rewarded! We see so little of this, these days. Really perks you up!
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