calimary's JournalShots and tears.
Perfect, BidenRocks. "Mission accomplished."
Indeed indeed indeed. Theyre both gonna go to Heaven when they die. Probably on the Express-Up elevator.
Seems just that simple: JUST STOP doing this crap.
Sheesh, havent we gotten beyond this shit by now? I guess the answer is no
Ooooooooh! Quote of the Week!
Engineers make bridges.
Artists make paintings.
Scientists make rockets.
But teachers make them all.
Thirty-six years in the Senate. That's SIX, count 'em, SIX terms.
Somebody evidently thought he was a keeper. A whole colossally huge lot of somebodies!
I don't blame them one bit.
I wouldnt want to live in Florida either, under the current tyrannical and cruelly judgmental regime.
Im up here, Nelson.
You just reminded me of a moment at the college radio station where I spent most of my time, in college. One day I skipped the bra and just grabbed the closest tank top while getting dressed for the rather warm day. It honestly hadnt occurred to me that it was the flying saucer tank top with the flying saucer up hovering at the top of the shirt, over the scenery below. It - uh - emphasized whatever body part(s) were underneath.
I think I was a junior or senior at the time. Nelson was a younger member of the air staff and was - uh - really obviously transfixed by it. I was on the management team by then so people tended to listen when I had something to say.
the good ol days
back when I was young n nubile
And don't ever sit too close to him, or immediately across the table from him.
Youre apt to get a saliva shower.
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Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
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