calimary's JournalWow... what a great poem.
Healing and comforting. True wisdom of the deepest kind. Thank you for posting this, orangecrush. Its gonna help somebody make it through the night.
She's finally rid of him - hopefully forever.
I hope shes far, far away and not traceable when he gets out. Assuming, of course that he ever does get out.
Close that door and LOCK it, Tasha. Literally AND figuratively.
Thank you so much for letting us in to share your journey, Layzeebeaver.
I went through this with both my parents and my dear mother-in-law. There are times of so many mixed feelings. There are the moments when you dont know what to pray for: a miracle recovery or safe passage. Part of you wants them around forever but other parts of you want them released from the pain and suffering that sometimes seem to drag on so cruelly.
Just know you have many friends here. You wont have to carry this burden alone.
He's the star of my Quote-of-the-Week, that leads our Indivisible group's Call to Action email.
Every week starts with a timely announcement and a quote-of-the-week. Here's the one for next week!
I was suddenly taking care of a man with a hole in his head.
- Tasha Adams, estranged wife of eye-patch-wearing Oath Keeper founder Stewart Rhodes (just sentenced to 18 years in prison for leading a plot to help Trump stay in power after losing the 2020 election) who once accidentally dropped a .22-caliber handgun and shot himself in the face, costing him his left eye.
He lost an eye because he was a careless, sloppy jerk who didn't understand how to handle a firearm. And he certainly didn't care to take care!
Any brave souls here who are willing to listen and maybe take notes so the rest of us don't have to
Perhaps that intel could be shared here?
Who's the on-air person?
What station? What call letters?
Time of the broadcast?
Where's the station? What city or metro area do they serve?
Favorite topics and people they love to beat up on?
Might be interesting to start keeping track. Making some notes. Then share that intel - certainly here, and maybe with a local Democratic group or Indivisible group or liberal/progressive activist group.
Share that intel! Might help future targeting campaigns - letter-writing, phone-calling the station, voicing complaints. Being a squeaky wheel. Maybe they'll blow it off at first. But if it keeps happening, and the complaints keep coming, and maybe some letters of complaint are CC'd to local or state officials or Congressmembers or Senators. And CC'd to the local newspaper or radio station.
As my kid used to yell to the crowd when he led his rock band: "Make some NOISE!!!!!!"
Silence in this case is NOT golden. Not even fool's gold.
I remember those days. Howard Baker who was a good guy,
and Lowell Weicker - who I remember as a good guy, and Ed Gurney - who I barely remember at all. Maybe because he didn't distinguish himself like the others did. And Sam Dash was chief counsel, with Fred Thompson as minority counsel. He'd become a Senator in his own right, in later years.
The Repubs had three members, and the Dems had four - Sam Ervin who chaired. Daniel Inouye, Joseph Montoya, and Herman Talmadge
What memories, what memories...
Making a note of this for later.
Awwwwwwwwwww... Who's a good boy!
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