calimary's JournalLooks like that's tailor-made for those of us trekkers who don't have a life!
I could easily get there. LOVE all things "Star Trek" - but must say it's only LIKE, not love, for "Star Trek Enterprise." That one was a disappointment, and I'm STILL trying to get into it, lo these many replays later.
I think my all-time favorite "Star Trek" series is probably "Deep Space Nine."
Welcome to DU, better!
They're reaping the whirlwind alright.
That strange old tale of the Frankenstein monster comes to mind.
Welcome to DU, CozyMystery!
Hey, we gals used to have our own work category: "pink collar." Maids, manicurists, cooks, secretaries, stenographers, and so forth. And the marriage vows were to join Man and Wife. Why the hell didn't they just say "Man and Appendage" or "Man and Property"? The groom was the person. The wife was a mere accessory.
Welcome to DU, Progressive2020!
No kidding! It's the tackiest thing I've ever seen. Everything in gold. Garish as hell. Tasteless and gaudy. He seems to have an obsession with gold.
We've come a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNG way since the Kennedys, that's for sure. They were elegant, understated, tasteful as can be, class personified. When you compare Chelsea Clinton to the piratess Ivanka Trump, her tacky knock-off "designs" that basically steal ideas from haute couture, change one little thing, and charge somewhat less than the genuine item so you can pretend you're fabulous for less - there's really NO comparison. It's class versus crass.
I heard somebody on TV the other night saying everything trump touches - dies. Every time I see him prancing around at some photo op, I find myself mumbling - "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HILLARY'S HOUSE!!!"
Welcome to DU, Onyrleft!
Or the Steve Bannon School for Gross-Outs.
Bannon makes me want to go out and disinfect something.
Welcome to DU, syringis! Wish you could, too!
I wish you could do something to help us get rid of Captain Chaos and his merry wrecking crew.
We take some comfort in knowing that most observers aren't fooled. But we have way too many here in this country who are. And they're dragging all the rest of us, and our beloved country, right down the drain with them.
I wish they would get it.
Pull their head out of the clouds, stop insisting on the absolutely perfect when there are viable candidates who very much qualify as Good. Or even Excellent.
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Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
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