calimary's JournalROFL!!!!!!!!!!!

Threads like this are just another reason why I LOVE DU, and have for almost 20 years!
No kidding. Just look at the MAGAts.
It won't open.
What did it saY?
I gave up on Balonia after just a few minutes. Can't stand her voice. Or that accent. Don't give a rat's ass about whatever it is she's trying to say.
And what she did to Jackie Kennedy's garden - it's standard for this woman's - uh - "taste." GOOD GRIEF she has shitty taste. Boring, monochrome, one level - Jackie's garden had wonderful trees shading that long open colonnade, fabulous when they flowered, and a profusion of color and texture from the flowers and flowering shrubs planted underneath. Gone.
What happened to those trees? Dear God, I shudder to think.
I'm one of the last of the red hot tree huggers. Mortal sin to me is cutting a healthy tree down. PERIOD. End of Sentence. Full stop.
I hope its labeled as the current death toll. Not everybodys gonna know. Im always surprised how much people dont know. But then again, Im a news junkie so Im on it all the time. Daily.
But hey, didn't the donald say the cops should have banged his head on the side of the door
as they put him into the back seat?
They were far too gentle with him.
With ya on that! I too want hate radio destroyed.
I too want Pox Noise disemboweled. And that ridiculous home of the bimbos OAN (One America News - who are they kidding?!? - btw, I think we know) as well.
They are both the prime reasons why conservatives have gone overboard and are throwing their weight around to the degree they are. They gave aid and comfort to the knuckledragger contingent, validated them, and made them feel justified. And made it okay for them to be out n proud about some of the nastiest, most sexist, racist, intolerant, mean-spirited and and unashamedly in-yer-face about it.
They made it okay. Hell, they made it mainstream. I used to be that weird old Uncle Harold who was such a Neanderthal, stayed up in the attic because nice people didnt say those things, much less actually believe them. Now, those dirty little secret feelings you didnt dare utter in public (what would people think of they knew I felt this way?) for fear youd have no friends - all that is now out in the open, strutted and not apologized for, and even celebrated!
Hearing that poison repeated for hours on end on little pipsqueak stations out in the middle of nowhere keeping truckers company out on the highway have them a feeling of solidarity and support, and validation. Yeah! Hes tellin it like it IS!
And all this shit and unspoken grievances and resentments people nursed in private because those feelings were severely anti-social and backwards and unChristian and intolerant and greedy and selfish and mean-spirited and just plain wrong were allowed out of the closet and into the fresh air. Where the toxins could stretch out and spread. They were all suddenly okay! And you werent alone anymore because that big rich fat-ass on the radio was saying the same things. He was saying out loud what you were thinking but didnt think you had the nerve to say out loud. And that made it okay. And you felt not only okay but justified and reinforced. And definitely not alone.
Thats how it worked. And how it spread. Like a metastasizing cancer. And just as deadly. Deadly to our body politic, that is.
SING, my angel of music!
As the Phantom of the Opera would exhort (musical version).
Update -
At 6:49am - domestic data only
Confirmed cases US - 5,765,422
Deaths US - 178,451
At 7:43am
Confirmed cases US - 5,765,802
Deaths US - 178,464
At 8:45am
Confirmed cases worldwide - 23,674,172
Deaths worldwide - 814,250
Confirmed cases US - 5,765,802
Deaths US - 178,464
The Daily Dread - Tracking the spread, 8/25/20
All times Pacific, source: Johns Hopkins/NBC News
At 6:49am - domestic data only
Confirmed cases US - 5,765,422
Deaths US - 178,451
At 7:43am
Confirmed cases US - 5,765,802
Deaths US - 178,464
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
Current location: Oregon
Member since: 2001
Number of posts: 85,181