calimary's JournalI totally get this. Certainly one for the "strange bedfellows" file.
Larry Flynt is no ideal spokesman, considering his background - which always made me cringe. But he's been a fighter on our side at times when it really counted. And he's still there now.
Maybe the-rest-of-his-life-in-a-wheelchair reality broadened his thinking?
The "orange man". That's what Jacob Blake's uncle, Justin Blake, called him yesterday.
We dont have any words for the orange man. All Ill ask is that he keep his disrespect, his foul language, far away from our family.
I saw that yesterday when the Blake family was speaking with the press. Wrote that quote down.
Btw - Yamiche Alcindor is on as I write this, saying Joe and Jill Biden are going to Kenosha tomorrow (YES! They NEED TO!) and the Blake family is interested in meeting with them.
Yeah, no kidding!
It is what it is, donald.
Joe knows. And sure he said a mouthful about it.
Update -
At 8:45am
Confirmed cases worldwide - 25,511,564
Deaths worldwide - 851,736
Confirmed cases US - 6,056,627
Deaths US - 184,782
At 12:24pm - domestic data only
Confirmed cases US - 6,073,067
Deaths US - 185,139
At 8:27pm
Confirmed cases US - 6,088,784
Deaths US - 185,516
At 8:46pm
Confirmed cases US - 6,088,837
Deaths US - 185,518
Thanks back atcha, alwaysinasnit!
We're doing well over here!
Today's our 177th day in self-quarantine.
Doing our fair share of ordering supplies as needed, lots of intensive gardening, keeping up with the news, and online activism with my local Indivisible group. Everybody's healthy but being very careful and always wearing masks! I keep one around my neck all day - just another thing to put on while getting dressed in the morning.
You stay healthy and safe too.
Remember: the COOL kids are the careful ones.
And she gets more nationwide exposure this way than when she was a Senator.
Now, she comes on to comment on ANYTHING that's being discussed, not simply some move in the Senate that she initiated or was part of.
And it will also develop her as a TV talking head and a familiar personality with credibility - with whom the viewer soon becomes familiar and comfortable. Positions her as a go-to pundit/analyst/expert. Adds a high-visibility credential and extends her resume. We need as many of those as we can get.
I was just gonna add something like this up top! BOOM! "I guess All Lives don't matter anymore."
Black OR otherwise.
I think they really need to have this messaging shoved in their faces.
They're NOT "Pro-Life." They're pro-female-domination. Keeping women shackled to old ideas and dictates (usually issued by men) that are irrelevant, unrealistic, blatantly sexist, and thoroughly out-of-date by now. Woman, you MUST bear my precious almighty seed. To term. Without question, and regardless whether your life or circumstances can support the results.
The Daily Dread - Tracking the spread, 9/1/20 - Come September...
All times Pacific, source: Johns Hopkins/NBC News
At 8:45am
Confirmed cases worldwide - 25,511,564
Deaths worldwide - 851,736
Confirmed cases US - 6,056,627
Deaths US - 184,782 *
At 12:24pm - domestic data only
Confirmed cases US - 6,073,067
Deaths US - 185,139 *
* Basic digit change, from 184 thousand-and-some to 185-thousand-and-some. If I remember enough from math class, you round up to the next number at 5 or more in the number below it. If it's less than 5 then you don't round up. So you can generalize truthfully with a number like 184,782 by calling it "almost 185-thousand." But you can't do that with a number like 185,139. You can't round it up and say "almost 186-thousand." That's not a fair call, because the next number below the 5 is only 1 (as in 139). Gotta wait til 139 passes 500. Then you're talking more-than-half. So you can fairly call it "approaching 186-thousand," or "almost 185-thousand" - as the number grows increasingly beyond the 500-mark.
At least that's how I learned it, if memory serves. Seems to me when we're dealing with numbers, we're bound to be consistent with the precision those numbers offer. And seems to me it's all the more profoundly important because those numbers count sick people and people who've died from that sickness.
Not trying to be too nerdy here, but please forgive me if this stuff starts getting annoying. For some odd reason I feel compelled to explain things right now...
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