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calimary's Journal
calimary's Journal
May 10, 2014

NO parental leave. NO child-labor restrictions. NO workers' safety protections. And NO weekends!

Let's all remember that. The simplest and most basic workers rights came about because of UNIONS.

May 10, 2014

And the GOP will listen to them the way they listened to the Jersey Girls, and to the parents of

Sandy Hook, among others. They have an agenda, after all, and that's what's REALLY important.

May 10, 2014

Welcome to DU, bvf!

Glad you're here! I think he'll probably get in there and then start developing and broadening and really lock in on something! Look how well others have spun off from Jon Stewart's home base? Besides, Colbert and Carrell, we now have John Oliver off 'n' running, too! Really found his niche! I think Larry Willmore will, too. They don't get to "The Daily Show" without being of VERY high caliber and huge future potential.

May 10, 2014

I hope it's a TON!

That would be the SWEETEST of sweet revenge to have on those who only care about money (and judge one's worth by it)!

May 10, 2014

"To My Brother Russell Whom I Slept With" !!!

LOVED it!!!

And remember "The Chicken Heart" routine?

LOVED that stuff! "Why Is There Air?" I wore my albums out.

May 10, 2014

I'm about to do likewise! AND we have Sandra Fluke on the ballot here!

VERY cool! I'd like to help give her a start in politics! We need more voices like hers in positions of power and influence. Besides, wouldn't it piss off the gas giant with the sinking ratings?

May 10, 2014

I noticed that, too. "Hmmm... a republi-CON is doing this..."

Doesn't go far enough. If these guys want my attention in a favorable way, they're going to have to do a LOT more than this, and not just in the marijuana realm, either.

May 8, 2014

Twatwaddle!!! OMG!!!!


We refer to him as Little tucker carlson. Is he shaving yet? When I first saw this story, I thought - "and we should pay attention to anything little tucker carlson says because... ... ... ... ... ?

Love reading the comments here, though! He's never really recovered from the job Jon Stewart did on him when he was on CNN. "C'mon. Be funny!" And Paul Begala just sat back and let little tucker bow-tie fry himself in his own skillet. GOD that was WUNNNNNderful!!!!!!

May 8, 2014

Damn. I'm so sorry to hear this.

All I can say is - I certainly will keep you in my prayers. I know we all will. I just wish we could do more.

Profile Information

Gender: Female
Home country: USA
Current location: Oregon
Member since: 2001
Number of posts: 81,804

About calimary

Female. Retired. Wife-Mom-Grandma. Approx. 30 years in broadcasting, at least 20 of those in news biz. Taurus. Loves chocolate - preferably without nuts or cocoanut. Animal lover. Rock-hound from pre-school age. Proud Democrat for life. Ardent environmentalist and pro-choicer. Hoping to use my skills set for the greater good. Still married to the same guy for 40+ years. Probably because he's a proud Democrat, too. Penmanship absolutely stinks, so I'm glad I'm a fast typist! I will always love Hillary and she will always be my President.
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