Quixote1818's JournalStudy, 70% of people in relationships started as friends
Stumbled upon this on Facebook and found it interesting as I was friends first with my wife. This is kind of a striking statistic especially with the stigma now attached to the "friend-zone". Not sure if I am buying it. Maybe the friend-zone is the place to be? How did most people on DU met their significant other?
Nearly 70 percent of romances may begin as friendships, new research suggests.
Only 18 percent of people reported they intentionally became friends with their now-partner due to romantic attraction.
People reported that online dating and blind dates were two of the worst ways to meet a potential partner.
Snip: To be exact, the researchers estimated that 68 percent of romantic relationships start from friendship. This is based on self-report data from seven separate studies in which 1,897 people were asked to respond to the following question:
What was your relationship with your partner before you became romantically involved? (a) friends; (b) a friend of a friend; (c) acquaintances; (d) worked together; (e) had never met before (strangers); (f) other.
Russell Brand And The Conspiracy Grift
Instead of calling them election deniers, shouldn't we start calling them
Democracy deniers? I think that lands a lot harder. Election denier sounds like the play it both sides garbage.
HOLY $&!T: Taylor Swift could turn Florida blue again!
Trump demands "immediate" debate again Biden, Biden laughs
Tucker Carlson's Putin Interview was a FAILURE
I like how Simon Rosenberg keeps saying Trump is the most unfit person to run for President in our history
Maybe something Biden could start saying?
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