Are_grits_groceries's JournalI think Trump should get a security briefing.
Tell him that Mordor will attack Narnia. In addition Oz, The Shire, and Wonderland are forming a strategic alliance.
Republican Ana Navarro sent out the best tweet about Trump:
Hispanic Outreach: @HillaryClinton has Spanish-speaking do-gooder who was a missionary in Honduras; Trump has Joe Arpaio...and a taco bowl.
5 scary words:
My air conditioner is broken.
It is working just enough to keep the temperature down but it will probably blow up in heat of the day.
Calling emergency maintenance ASAP.
Three Problems With the NYT Report On The Harvard Study On Police Shootings (important context)
Three Problems With How the NY Times Highlights a Non-Peer Reviewed Study Allegedly Showing No Racial Bias in Police Shootings
Today, amid nationwide protests over state violence against black people, The New York Times chose to publish an article headlined: Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings.
The articles authors, Quoctrung Bui and Amanda Cox, quote Roland G. Fryer Jr., a Harvard economics professor and the studys author, who says: It is the most surprising result of my career.
But once you look at the context of data cited by the Times, its not so much the evidence (contested here) thats surprising, as the way the Times chooses to frame it. Heres why.
Fryer is not afraid of controversial questions. It might be more accurate to say that he actively seeks out questions that could challenge conventional wisdom, given that his interests have included considering the possibility of genetically lower intelligence in black people than whites.
It would seem that the NYT and Professor Fryer want to gain attention without enough review of their work.
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