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Demovictory9's Journal
Demovictory9's Journal
January 21, 2022

Canadian restaurant was closed (for days) after it accepted dog photos instead of vaccination proof


The Granary Kitchen, a popular neighborhood restaurant in the city of Red Deer in Alberta, Canada, is back open to indoor dining this week after health officials shuttered it for several days after inspectors discovered that the restaurant was allowing patrons to enter who, instead of showing proof of vaccination, shared pictures of dogs.

After getting a tip that patrons were submitting pictures of pooches instead of the required documents, health inspectors sent two separate "test shoppers" to check. In both cases, "staff used a tablet to make it appear as if they were scanning a QR code when in fact the staff member was presented with a photograph of a dog," Alberta health officials said in an order on Friday in which it shut down the indoor dining area.

The restaurant reopened on Monday, after the owner met with health officials and showed he had complied with the order by submitting a written plan to enforce the rules and training staff on them, health officials told The Washington Post.

The Granary Kitchen's Facebook page explained the closure, calling it "an unfortunate circumstance" involving an "underage hostess" and said it would reopen after retraining staff. "We would like to remind everyone of the tremendous pressure being placed on front staff, and please remember to be kind," the post read. An email to the owner of the restaurant requesting comment was not immediately returned.
January 21, 2022

How to help a stranger on the street in a mental health crisis

You’re walking down the street, and you encounter someone crying.

Or perhaps the person seems worked up in another way — screaming at the air or rocking back and forth in distress.

A disquieting feeling follows. Do you attempt to say something? Call emergency services? Or, perhaps the likeliest option, avert your eyes, cross the street and keep moving?


Here’s some expert advice about how to recognize when a stranger is in mental distress and how to help without adding harm.

What to look for
“You first want to establish: Is this person having a bad day, or are they in danger of hurting themselves or hurting someone else?” Bonds said. If someone is not doing any self-harm or causing danger to others but is “quietly psychotic,” he said, referring to a person hearing voices or seeming “out of it,” then intervening may not be the right idea “because that could escalate the situation.”

Give yourself a moment to take in the situation. Notice if the person appears agitated, angry, restless or engaging in risky behavior, advised Dawn Brown, national director of National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine Services.


January 21, 2022

Peloton Suspends Production Supply has outstripped demand as potential customers return to gyms

With demand no longer on an incline, Peloton plans to stop making its bike and treadmill equipment for a while. The company overestimated its market, CNBC reports, and now has thousands of unsold treadmills and cycles on its hands—on cargo ships or in '
. A company memo attributed the drop in demand to consumers' price sensitivity and increased competition. Shares closed Thursday at $24.22, off 24%. That puts the stock’s market value at $7.9 billion. The company's production halt will affect its:

Bikes: None will be made for two months, February and March.
Bike+: Production of the more expensive cycle was stopped last month and won't resume until June.
Tread: Starting next month, this treadmill machine won't be manufactured for six weeks.
Tread+: After a safety recall in 2021, production of this model was shut down. The memo shows the company doesn't plan to resume making it in fiscal 2022.


January 21, 2022

19-Year Fight Over Loud Toilet Is Finally Over Couple wins lawsuit over owners of neighboring apartm

19-Year Fight Over Loud Toilet Is Finally Over
Couple wins lawsuit over owners of neighboring apartment

Back in 2003, somebody flushed a toilet in the middle of the night in Italy and the couple in the neighboring apartment thought, boy that was loud. Nineteen years later, that couple near La Spezia has finally won their legal case against the neighbors for too-loud flushing at night, reports the Times of London. The case reached the nation's highest court, which cited principles laid out by the European Court of Human Rights in deciding for the couple, notes the Washington Post. The toilet was not only loud, it was reportedly used often—"aggravated by frequent night use," is how the court put it.

The judges ruled that the flushing compromised the couple's quality of life by disrupting their sleep and jeopardizing their health. As the case inched its way through the Italian legal system over the years, the full story emerged.

Four brothers owned the apartment with the loud toilet, and they installed the water tank in a shared wall that happened to be the couple's bedroom wall. Italy's supreme court ordered the brothers to move the tank and pay the couple 500 euros (or about $565) for every year it was in place, reports the Guardian. That will amount to about $10,700 for the couple.


January 20, 2022

comment of the day: "We waste time refuting one lie after another while they sit around making up ..

Miami Gardens, Fl
Jan. 19
Times Pick
I keep asking over and over and can't get an answer...why do they lie? Thanks Mr. Edsall. We really need to have this conversation about why intolerant whites are so angry about America being less white. Why do they hate black and brown children? Why do they insist on their privilge being passed down to their children? Democrats don't eat babies. Trump did not win in 2020. Critical Race Theory is not being taught in any public school in America. We waste time refuting one lie after another while they sit around making up one new lie after another. It accomplishes nothing. Discussing the emotions that drive the lies are the only really productive conversations we have that fix our nation at this point.


Jan. 19
I grew up in Indiana. I left.

Many people, however, that I attended high school with never did leave. A significant majority of these fine folks are very much adherents of the Big Lie, and operate in a counterfactual universe that contradicts objective reality. For these former classmates of mine, no amount of data, peer-reviewed or otherwise, can convince them that Donald Trump is not the rightful President of the United States, or that the Covid vaccine is not some sinister invention of George Soros and Bill Gates, or that climate change is not a hoax, because it's really cold. Where they are at. Right this minute.

For a long time, I tried to "connect" with these people, and patiently engage them with counterarguments and parallel examples that would lead a reasonable person to consider their stance. But these are not reasonable people. My former classmates only know that America is the by-golly-bestest country in the history of the universe, and that there is one true American Way, and that Donald Trump embodies that Way. Any attempt to persuade my former friends to the contrary is a waste of time.

Recently, one former classmate (and former good friend) became so indignant with me, that he actually threatened to "come over there" and "teach [me] a lesson". I pointed out that he would need a passport to do this. He doesn't have one, just as many of his like-minded classmates do not. Why travel, after all, when you've already "got it all" right there?

54 Replies1766 RecommendShare

SW Ohio
Jan. 19
“In an economically unequal society, it is important for the conservative economic party to use culture war politics to win elections because they are unlikely to win based on their economic agenda.”

Yes. This. A thousand times this.

The Republican Party's true agenda is to make life harder for the masses in order to make life ever easier for the elite so they've got to come up with some reason, no matter how ridiculous, for the masses to vote for them. The only thing Republicans love more than low or no taxes on the rich is even lower wages for the rest of us. Honesty about that would make them popular only with the rich so they've got to come up with something to buy votes from the very people whose wages they want to suppress.

The fact that so many Americans are gullible enough to believe them is what's going to cost us our democracy.

18 Replies1259 RecommendShare

January 20, 2022

new survey finds that attitude regarding immigration/race correlate with belief in the "big lie"

Why is Donald Trump’s big lie so hard to discredit?

This has been a live question for more than a year, but inside it lies another: Do Republican officials and voters actually believe Trump’s claim that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election by corrupting ballots — the same ballots that put so many Republicans in office — and if they do believe it, what are their motives?

A December 2021 University of Massachusetts-Amherst survey found striking links between attitudes on race and immigration and disbelief in the integrity of the 2020 election.

According to the poll, two-thirds of Republicans, 66 percent, agreed that “the growth of the number of immigrants to the U.S. means that America is in danger of losing its culture and identity,” and the same percentage of Republicans are convinced that “the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate with voters from poorer countries around the world.”


Divisions over racial equality were closely related to perceptions of the 2020 presidential election and the Capitol attack. For example, among those who agreed that white people in the United States have advantages based on the color of their skin, 87 percent believed that Joe Biden’s victory was legitimate; among neutrals, 44 percent believed it was legitimate; and among those who disagreed, only 21 percent believed it was legitimate. Seventy percent of people who agreed that white people enjoy advantages considered the events of Jan. 6 to be an insurrection; 26 percent of neutrals described it that way; and only 10 percent who disagreed did so, while 80 percent of this last group called it a protest. And while 70 percent of those who agreed that white people enjoy advantages blamed Trump for the events of Jan. 6, only 34 percent of neutrals did, and a mere 9 percent of those who disagreed did.


January 20, 2022

"friends" question drunk teen privileged daughter of news anchor/judge about her racial views

I almost feel sorry for her. nice friends she's got there.


Videos that show the daughter of WSPA news anchor Amy Wood and magistrate judge Mike Wood using racist and homophobic language surfaced across numerous social media and websites January 12.


"There is absolutely no excuse for anything that came out of my mouth and I can only imagine the pain the people felt when watching those videos," Gracie said in her apology.

Gracie Wood said she was not raised to believe those thing but understands it doesn't change the impact of her words, which hurt people in the Black, Hispanic, Jewish, Asian, Middle Eastern and LGBTQ+ communities. She said she plans to use this opportunity to learn and grow and become a better person.

"I've met with several leaders in the communities that I offended," Gracie Wood said. "And I've had several people reach out to mentor me. I hope with their guidance and my self-accountability that I will become more educated and come out on the other side as a better human being."

There will be consequences for Gracie following the release of these videos. She is a senior at Oakbrook Preparatory School in Spartanburg and performed with the school's theater department and was a member of the volleyball team. She announced in her apology video she is no longer in attendance at her school and will not be allowed to walk at graduation. She also said there will be "several more consequences to come."
January 19, 2022

man hears 84 yr old is in hospital. Moves in, changes locks, doors, and utility bills to his name

Jeffrey Goddard reportedly told onlookers in Clairemont, California, "It's alright, I'll be back" as he was taken away in handcuffs. Goddard had, a few days earlier, said that he had stayed in the home nearly every night for a week and deserved to continue living in it.

The would-be squatter reportedly heard about the home's owner, John Marrs, 84, in a news story from December. Marrs had been hospitalized with carbon monoxide poisoning after being found disoriented in the garage with a car running. His adult daughter, Lisa Marrs, 52, was later found dead in the same home.

Soon after, neighbors told NBC San Diego that they noticed Goddard at the residence, changing locks, replacing a door, and receiving a handful of Amazon packages. When confronted about his use of the home, Goddard cited squatter's rights. Neighbors later learned that, in the short time that he had been there, he had already begun to pay property taxes and had changed several utility bills to his name.

"The gentleman [homeowner] is still alive," one neighbor named Kathy told the news outlet. "There should be no reason that this person should be allowed in this house."


A neighbor told the news outlet that they confronted Goddard — who allegedly claimed he had squatter’s rights. At some point, the neighbors contacted the homeowner’s niece, who lives in Texas.

Goddard is charged with theft, burglary, battery, identity theft, and contracting without a license. He remains jailed on $500,000 bail.

January 19, 2022

Conservatives lashed out at Carhartt after the company said staff had to get vaccinated

Some conservatives say they'll boycott Carhartt after it doubled down on its vaccine mandate.
The company is requiring workers get the jab even though the Supreme Court blocked Biden's mandate.
"Went from 'Buy Carhartt' to 'Bye Carhartt' real quick!" Ashley St. Clair tweeted.

The spokesperson told the Post that the company was aware that not all staff supported the vaccine mandate. "However, we stand behind our decision because we believe vaccines are necessary to protect our workforce," they said.

After copies of Valade's email were shared on social media, the news quickly went viral, and some opponents of vaccine mandates have threatened to boycott the company.

"Went from 'Buy Carhartt' to 'Bye Carhartt' real quick!" Ashley St. Clair, a right-wing author and former Turning Point brand ambassador, tweeted. She also tweeted "#cancelcarhartt" and said the company's vaccine mandate amounted to "medical tyranny."

Dana Loesch, a right-wing radio and TV host, former National Rifle Association spokesperson, and former Breitbart News writer, questioned Carhartt's mandate and said in a tweet that the vaccine "doesn't prevent transmissions."


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