saying that I'm one of the best things here at the DU. I do appreciate that.
I do have stretches where I do not feel good about our country's future. By simply taking as objective a look as possible, and considering things in the context of human history and systems, I tend to believe that statistically speaking, the chances are that we are fucked. In those times, I tend to read books by my favorite authors, as well as some of the letters from my old buddy Rubin. And these do not always make me think that there is a great deal of hope unless there is a massive shift in human consciousness.
While that shift is possible, and thus remains one of several options available to us, people rarely seem to experience that change unless there are negative (often tragic) events taking place around them. Odd as it may sound, that may be the only thing about Trump that could be considered "good" -- he may make enought people uncomfortable that there is such a shift in consciousness on a wide scale.
Yet there are unconscious people such as Kavanaugh -- and I'm not referencing when he drinks to blackout -- who will seek to prevent any change in that manner. For he, like Trump, is an example of how an inferior human being behaves in the most self-righteous of ways. And that, of course, is an example of an unconscious being. Still, as petty as he is, he will likely rule against Trump if certain cases of conflict between the Congress fulfilling its constitutional duties and the president's attempts to prevent this, reach the USSC. Admittedly, he will do so for the wrong reasons, for he is a petty man.