I tried telling people that Trump already won Nevada before people voted. Nevada, I do not understand, held 2 elections, the first a primary where none of the above candidate wins, then later I guess some people get to vote again in a caucus where Trump already has the votes to win Nevada. The people of Nevada didn't select Donald Trump, the vote was already rigged for Trump.
This is how the GQP is rolling, and believe me they are going to try to cheat in the general election, we are going to need a few hundred Marc Elias'.
People in positions of power were not held accountable and it goes way back to DOJ allowing the Cyber Ninjas to have access to ballots, voter information, election equipment and materials. 2 private groups, not DOJ, filed a request for information from the Ninjas. they never produced the information, a judge fined them thousands of dollars a day but nothing happened, why, because the Ninjas was a bogus group with a mailbox for an office. DOJ should have intervened because Title 52 was violated.
People way back then defended DOJ's non-action. They will keep doing it because they are not being held accountable.
Violence against librarians, election workers, school board members, NARA employees, has increased since J6. We were told to be patient that once Kristen Clark was confirmed to the civil rights division of DOJ things would change, things did change, they got worse.
People in high places have immunity under this DOJ, and we have a member of the Federalist Society leading the FBI, a guy who lied to Congress.
It is up to us once again to vote them out, maybe a second time will work?