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(46,179 posts)
64. I have to call bullshit.
Sun Dec 29, 2013, 02:18 PM
Dec 2013

Yes, various conditions can be over-diagnosed and mistreated.

But Oppositional Defiant Disorder is REAL.

I know. My grandson was diagnosed, once we got him away from his very troubled mother and got him the physical and mental health treatment he needed.

We're not talking about people who question authority, who think independently, who resist conformity. I do all of those things myself; hence my screen name on DU and the consistent attacks here for not being a good enough Democrat. So does my son, his father, who is even more so than I. Neither of us, though, is ODD.

ODD is an extreme. It has several causes. In my grandson's case, neglect, abuse, lack of supervision, inconsistent and harsh discipline through the age of 4...definitely.

The person with ODD has control issues, and takes those issues beyond the edge of extreme. Even at the age of 3 or 4. They will do ANYTHING to "win," including endangering and hurting themselves and others. They don't respond to the ways most kids learn civility or how to make appropriate choices. Adults in their family have to be trained to go outside their own experiences to make any progress at all.

They don't need medication, unless it's addressing a related condition. They do need intensive therapy and training in self-management and choice making, and their families need training in how to interact with them to help move things in positive directions, rather than feeding the problem.

This blog was written by an anonymous person referencing an article written by someone only identified as "Andrew," with no last name, no qualifications given for the statements made. When "Andrew" has had to put a 4 yo into a restraining hold to keep him from extreme violence to himself and others around him; when he's stood under a very tall tree, terrified that the 4 yo will fall after he scrambled up faster than adults could reach him, afraid to climb after him for fear he would throw himself onto the rocks below, hoping that if he fell he could be caught, and knowing that no "coaxing" in the world would get him down; when he's had to chase a 4 yo over a fence and into miles of public forest that he could be lost in for way too long, with that 4 yo looking back at him with a feral grin because he was "winning;" when he's had to find a way to get a 4 yo to eat when he's made up his mind not to...for 2 days...when he's had a 4 yo unlatch his seatbelt and launch his arms around the driver's neck on the highway, only to take off across that highway in the midst of traffic when the car was pulled over for safety...

When he's had to give up his job so that he can show up at school at any given moment to remove his child; when his entire adult life is given to therapy, counseling, a special school for children with these kinds of problems, and all trips into the public arena are determined by whether or not the child is in a good enough place that day to do so safely...when it takes 8 years of all of that therapy and retraining to get to a point that the child can interact, privately and publicly, with civility and reasonable behavior, but STILL has control issues which he struggles to manage every day...

When he wants to give his full name and his qualifications to speak authoritatively about mental illness...

then "Andrew" can make pronouncements about whether or not ODD is real. Until then, I'll stick with my grandson's team of doctors and other acknowledged authorities whose credentials can be checked.





Interestingly enough, when an ODD student enters our school, I'm the one called to assist the assigned teacher, or, if the child is in my grade level, he or she will be placed in my class. Why? Because there are specific strategies for working with these kids, and I've already been trained.

Given the conditions of contemporary society, how can one claim the "normal" person is really sane? hobbit709 Dec 2013 #1
Someone wants to identify and label those who notice the world is crazy. Octafish Dec 2013 #2
I guess I'm guilty! LeftofObama Dec 2013 #3
So am I L0oniX Dec 2013 #30
I am completely outraged by this!!! longship Dec 2013 #4
Luckily for you, there's a room open... pinboy3niner Dec 2013 #6
ROFL!! Good one. longship Dec 2013 #11
LOL. funny. GoneFishin Dec 2013 #38
Heh, there you go. Lefty nutcase calling in! idwiyo Dec 2013 #5
Not this lefty. I'm a perfessional. Eleanors38 Dec 2013 #7
This is why I think psychiatry is borderline quackery. MindPilot Dec 2013 #8
^^^this^^^ L0oniX Dec 2013 #24
...says the guy with a bug in his sigline pinboy3niner Dec 2013 #43
. L0oniX Dec 2013 #50
Mostly, you just get us to swat our screens for a while pinboy3niner Dec 2013 #52
Yes, the so-called "science" of the oppressive mental health system ... ananda Dec 2013 #37
Which explains why they no longer talk with the person anymore. QuestForSense Dec 2013 #40
This is not true. Few, very few write prescriptions w/o some talk and a referral. nolabear Dec 2013 #77
I'm sure there ARE psychiatrists who care and try to help. QuestForSense Dec 2013 #81
I know. I'm a psychoanalyst. Getting coverage for effective talk therapy is nearly impossible. nolabear Dec 2013 #83
Thanks for educating everyone re insurance companies and talk therapy. QuestForSense Dec 2013 #85
You're welcome. Lots of good folks leave the business because it's been made so hard. nolabear Dec 2013 #88
Well, schizophrenia IS something gone wrong with the brain. kestrel91316 Dec 2013 #68
Well, let's see you sit back, watch a terrified, hysterical, suicidal patient and explain that. nolabear Dec 2013 #75
I have been called odd dotymed Dec 2013 #9
If you're past adolescence, then you're not ODD. Crunchy Frog Dec 2013 #12
Lol, I am somewhat past adolescence dotymed Dec 2013 #25
Posting urban legend as fact. Crunchy Frog Dec 2013 #10
Yes, ODD has been around since DSM-III (1980), and Yes it's a disorder of childhood. Jackpine Radical Dec 2013 #15
I don't follow DSM data really, but was interested... MrMickeysMom Dec 2013 #22
I don't think environment is the answer YarnAddict Dec 2013 #66
I think I was fairly careful not to be absolutist in my comment. Jackpine Radical Dec 2013 #72
He is a nut case for sure. zeemike Dec 2013 #29
Nothing wrong with liking long walks and late-night conversation Crunchy Frog Dec 2013 #35
Hey, you keep your calm rationality out of this! You hear? arcane1 Dec 2013 #58
Thanks. You're exactly right. The OP is completely w/o merit. nolabear Dec 2013 #78
automatic gain-saying... truebluegreen Dec 2013 #13
no it isn't. Voice for Peace Dec 2013 #17
Yes it is. awoke_in_2003 Dec 2013 #49
Heh. truebluegreen Dec 2013 #56
If this is really true, that is a VERY dangerous precedent. loudsue Dec 2013 #14
This has been happening for decades now. ODD isn't new. Jackpine Radical Dec 2013 #16
Wow. That really sucks. loudsue Dec 2013 #20
ODD does not refer to adult non-conformists. Crunchy Frog Dec 2013 #28
Well, I read the thread... Wounded Bear Dec 2013 #18
Hmm davidthegnome Dec 2013 #19
You mean this is not fiction? nadinbrzezinski Dec 2013 #21
Not the way diagnosis reads in DSM-V. idendoit Dec 2013 #23
Be careful how otten you point that out. The same article mentions "arrogance, narcissism" too.n/t jtuck004 Dec 2013 #33
Not how manual the reads. idendoit Dec 2013 #36
It was from the DSM-IV, as stated. And it exists in the DSM-V, and has been changed. n/t jtuck004 Dec 2013 #42
OP article is indeed silly treestar Dec 2013 #54
If you fanatically resist nilesobek Dec 2013 #71
No it's a very specific DSM category treestar Dec 2013 #84
Krishnamurti quote Ichingcarpenter Dec 2013 #26
+ a brazillion! nt pinboy3niner Dec 2013 #45
If you are NOT outraged you must have had a lobotomy or live under a rock. L0oniX Dec 2013 #27
Oh dear gawd, we have an epidemic!!1! JNelson6563 Dec 2013 #31
it's a childhood disorder dlwickham Dec 2013 #32
More drugs for our children ...hurry! L0oniX Dec 2013 #46
Being a teen is now a condition. enlightenment Dec 2013 #34
Needing some topic to blog about, this writer MineralMan Dec 2013 #39
I always said the Republican Congress is mentally ill. dsharp88 Dec 2013 #41
I'll second that! mountain grammy Dec 2013 #47
Hey! Be nice! Racism IS a mental illness too. L0oniX Dec 2013 #48
Sounds like most teenagers thoughout the years, myself included. mountain grammy Dec 2013 #44
Can you say "Ritalin"? I thought you could! WinkyDink Dec 2013 #53
It all depends. If such behaviors and attitudes are chronic Pretzel_Warrior Dec 2013 #51
I agree with everyone else chknltl Dec 2013 #55
I've been around kids labeled ODD and they were extreme... not just kids in need of 1monster Dec 2013 #57
Message auto-removed Name removed Dec 2013 #59
Welcome to DU gopiscrap Dec 2013 #63
IMO this is a very dangerous view. radicalliberal Dec 2013 #60
It would be even more dangerous Crunchy Frog Dec 2013 #67
This is nothing new.. sendero Dec 2013 #61
"Where's The Outrage???" Dirty Socialist Dec 2013 #62
I have to call bullshit. LWolf Dec 2013 #64
+1000 Crunchy Frog Dec 2013 #70
I bet the folks fuming about the black guy in THEIR White House are all aflutter over this. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2013 #65
They probably are, because believing in this is on a par with believing in birtherism. Crunchy Frog Dec 2013 #69
The funniest thing is a Moran claiming to be a Rebel as they represent The Establishment. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2013 #73
Oh Honey, this Dx has been around forever. And it's a real disorder, though becoming obsolete. nolabear Dec 2013 #74
Tell me this is some freaking joke article from onion-type website. diabeticman Dec 2013 #76
No, but it's a completely misinformed claim. Numerous debunkings in the thread. nolabear Dec 2013 #80
That's not what ODD is and ODD isn't a new diagnosis. LeftyMom Dec 2013 #79
Perfect way to imprison people who do not agree with society or the government. Lint Head Dec 2013 #82
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." 1000words Dec 2013 #86
As Sen Inhofe once said when americans were outraged to learn of our torture program Bandit Dec 2013 #87
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»ODD: “If you’re outraged,...»Reply #64