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In reply to the discussion: Paul Ryan’s Worst Nightmare Comes True as Bernie Sanders Is On The Budget Committee [View all]Hestia
(3,818 posts)and has never used the Nuclear Option. Why not? I know that some Dem's are all a skeered of "if/when the GOP is in charge of the Senate then they'll ram stuff through" school of thought. It has always appeared that he talks tough but, in the past, done nothing to back up all the talk. It has to where when I see Reid on the news I cringe because I wonder what point he has capitulated on this time.
Ever since the people rose up against any action regarding Syria, Democrats have FINALLY figured out that we are on their side and have been using it.
How many internet petitions have you signed in support of a Democratic position only to find out our Reps. & Senators just to find out their staff sends them to the trash or junk in their email boxes? I've quit signing petitions because of their not actually reading them. I will give props to Kay Bailey Hutchinson because her staff actually did respond to each and every petition I signed when I lived in Texas. Of course, she was most always on the opposite side of how I felt but She Responded, which means the world.
I wish I had a copy of that 'toon of Democrats all gather around a spine asking what is that.