BlueKota's JournalAs someone from New York State
I am sorry for my two gutless Senators, letting the nation down by refusing to stand against the tsf and the muskrats plans for our formerly great nation.
Micky Dolenz turned 80 today.
I remember watching the Monkees when I was seven. I still remain a fan.
Lincoln Project Blue Sky Post
Says Trump is in retreat mode? Is all this verified?
Says he told cabinet he is going to limit Eloon and delay some parts of the tarriffs?
Just saw a nickname for tsf that I haven't seen before.
The "tangerine toddler." It was in a post on another site about Canadian stores pulling Jack Daniel's off their shelves.
It gave me a small laugh, but hey even those are in short supply these days.
My cousin Cathy died today
I mentioned her in the post about her brother dying on Thursday. I feel so bad for my Aunt and there 2 brothers and one sister. Just so hard to process them both passing away within a few days of each other.
Great meme for a laugh.
Credit to Women Over 50
"I read that being a woman means whispering WTF to yourself daily. Okay, first of all I didn't know we were only supposed to be whispering it."
Being Told You Were Right
Isn't the compliment people think it is when it comes too late. Now I had more than one of those people say it's beginning to look like you were right, and you weren't just playing Chicken Little.
I told people in 2016 and again in 2024 this isn't about tsf. It's about his puppet master formerly of the KGB. I said VP would play tsf just like Hitler played Stalin.
Hitler through phony intelligence managed to convince Stalin his best Generals were plotting against him. He knew Stalin would get rid of them leaving Russian forces weaker to make Germany's chances of invading it better.
Now admittly tsf only fired top military personnel but replaced them with unqualified lackies.This administration also played fast and loose with our nuclear security.
Then there was the thumbing his nose at our traditional allies, voting with the evil side at the U.N. and now this disgusting display in the Oval Office.
All these things lead me to these conclusions. The only one whose benefiting from these events is VP and the rest of us will be fuck out of luck, including his little puppett.
My maternal cousin Ron passed away this morning
and his younger sister entered hospice as her battle also with cancer is nearing the end. We hadn't seen much of them in recent years but we are still close to one of their brothers and their Mom.
I remember the family reunions when all of we cousins played baseball and hung out together as a single unit when our reunions started to include our great Aunt's and Uncle's families because many of them were wealthy and our Grandpa and Grandma were farmers, poor, and had eight kids. All we cared was that we had fun and each other.
I miss those days.
Remember the days when Republicans
used to tell we liberals, "if we didn't like this country we should move to Russia," and also say things like "better dead than red?" My how things have changed. Wonder how some of those old guard Republicans who have since passed on, would feel about their party now?
I remember my Uncle by marriage, a World War II veteran, told me when I was studying it in college, that a lot of the soldiers wanted to take Stalin and Russia down too because Stalin was as bad and in some ways worse than Hitler. Once Germany was defeated even though they were technically our allies back then, they were hoping to invade Russia, but requests to do that were denied.
I can't imagine what Uncle Don would make of a U.S. President playing footsies with a former KGB officer now a Dictatoral leader himself?
I feel like tsf and his minions have betrayed everyone of those WWII vets, by now standing for everything they fought against. My 4 Uncles who fought in that war all made it home safe but I am still offended on their behalf, as well as their fellow soldiers, especially the ones who didn't make it back.
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Name: LindaGender: Female
Hometown: New York State
Home country: USA
Member since: Sun Oct 30, 2022, 09:05 PM
Number of posts: 3,967