Kath2's JournalJust another pro-choice, anti-racist, climate-conscious woman who voted Biden.
Thanks for nothing, Trump. Your administration sucked!!! I longed for the reasonable days of Obama for the last 4 years. Very much looking forward to the Biden/Harris administration. And yes, I do love and admire Kamala Harris!
So how do you plan to celebrate the end of the Trump regime?
White wine with the lover of my choice here. I am so elated. Anyone else?
The Biden/Harris administration is pro-choice.
And they will work to undo the damage of the Trump campaign against women.
Fond fairwell to 4 years of hell.
Trump - Admit defeat.
You were a national disgrace. You totally mishandled a major pandemic. Your tweets were juvenile, racist and sexist. We have had enough. You have been rejected to the garbage, where you should be.
Sidney Powell is fired from the Trump "legal team."
Her insane conspiracy theories were even too much for these idiots.
Just hang it up, Trump. The PEOPLE have voted your sexist and racist ass out of office.
A MAJOR thank you to all pro-choice women (and men) who voted.
Your choice means CHOICE. Trump's last moment appointment of a religious extremist needs to be aborted.
We have a Pro-Choice President and Vice-President!
This is something to celebrate!
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Baltimore
Current location: Free
Member since: Sat Dec 31, 2016, 10:19 PM
Number of posts: 3,147