Magoo48's JournalA devastating disservice is unfolding in Springfield, Ohio.
May this siege of MSM, and the plague of diseased hate-cultists running Springfields streets, be gone as quickly as it descended so the community can restore a peace stronger than ever.
May all with the willingness, ability, and desire to help restore Springfield find the ability to do so now.
Thirteen pictures of The OrangeOne and two of Orange Aid now on front page do DU.
24 hours is enough time for a good snit. Perhaps it's time to choose an attitude.
Change is constant; impermanence is absolute. They cant be stopped. So, the Captain is changing, but here where the grunt work is done, the challenge is the same, to win, the fire carriers at the top reshuffled, but their goal is still to win. Theres a new wrinkle in the script, but from what Im reading, momentum is continuing build for us. We keep on with purpose.
Perhaps this infighting, backstabbing, and general bully ratfucking within his own party
Is giveing Joe just the twisted street creds needed to attract a certain kind of MAGAts our way. Maybe???? Just trying to put a little lipstick on the pig.
Found on Facebook
For all, Independence Day.
May all which is good in our nation flourish and spread.
May we all be happy, joyous, and free.
May we know peace and good health.
May our compassion be evident in all we do.
May our independence be irrefutable.
May our unity be spacious and indestructible.
Thank You protesters
across the UC system for your direct action supporting divestment and non violence.
The status quo has its paranoid, marble-sized huevos all drawn in over students and employees expressing their power of unity.
The system must withdraw all penalties and sanctions which oozed out under closed doors this week. Keep it up young folks; youre on the right path.
MSM failure.
MSM journalism died under corporate control, manipulation, censorship, collusion, and, well, you name it
Listener funded, personally funded, and philanthropic funding can produce some in-depth, investigative journalism which releases truths.
People are funny though: they will endlessly piss and moan about the quality of MSM being just what it is, and must be under corporate control, and then turn around and turn their noses up at listener funded journalism like Democracy Now simply because moderate liberalism catches a little flack from time to time.
Readers must still pick the fly shit out of the pepper. Hasnt that always been true to a certain extent?
Eleven pics of tfg on our Home page right now.
All of those articles could have been posted without his pic. He always looks the same; we know what he looks like. We have an option whether to read the recycled information, but we dont have the option of seeing the pics when visiting our Home page.
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Member since: Sun Oct 2, 2011, 10:19 AMNumber of posts: 4,993