NCDem47's JournalI'm convinced Trump thought he could cakewalk this election against Biden.
Absolute bare minimum for campaigning. Stay in a tight bubble. Reduce opportunities for forced errors (as if!). Pissed as hell now he has to get out there and do something against Harris/Walz. FORCED to further reveal himself and mix amongst riff raff you know he has contempt for.
Then again, maybe the goal wasnt to win it with exposure, but to lean on voter suppression in the states and send to House and/or Supreme Court.
So, is this "Vance on way out?" seeping into MSM bloodstream?
Or is it a DU fever dream?
Reason I ask, is because, if real and gaining traction, I want Rs to be harrassed EVERY. DAMN. TIME. they are on camera about this. Put them on defense constantly having to justify/support Vance and Trump's decsion making.
Three times I've taken a break from DU and most media
Lurked without posting on DU for months before 2016 election. In 2017, I had to join DU and say something with all the dumb stuff Trump was doing right out of the gate. Since then, I had to stop coming to the site, or reading or watching anything poltical on three occasions:
1. Trump's win Nov. 8, 2016
2. RBG's death on Sept. 18, 2020
3. Biden/Trump debate on June 27, 2024
Seriously, I couldn't take any of these events. The despair of Democrats (at least my impression of the overall mood) was severe and heartbreaking. I knew I had to step away and do something for joy and relaxation. Each time I came back though...two weeks is usually my thing. I can't stay away. I care too much. Just started wading back in here after what went down three weeks ago. I STILL cannot watch any network nightly news. My anxiety is already rising with Clooney, Schiff et al. and what THAT is leading to and how we're reacting. Deep breaths with our convention coming up.
Any other times you've done the same?
What is it about Florida boaters and Trump??
Boater here. Just went from Tampa to Ft. Lauderdale and back through Okeechobee Waterway. Out this weekend too. Get out about 2-3 times a month in Tampa Bay and along Gulf Intercoastal. Traversing some ruby red counties.
Trump 2024, MAGA , "Take Back America," and "F Biden" flags (BIG obnoxious ones too) just catch my eye and they seem to be everywhere. Maybe less so than 2016 and 2020 (maybe?). Don't get me started on sandbar life and how they've overun that. Waterfromt homes also. Large signs and flags along waterways.
Truly, help me. What is it about the psyche of Florida boaters that are so enthralled with Trump and why do they go out of their way to put it IN...YOUR... FACE?
White privilege and affluence?? Tacky trash?? "I've got mine, F you"??
Just takes a little joy out of getting on the water.
Florida CFO nominates Musk for Nobel Peace Prize
Elon Musks free speech advocacy and use of Starlink satellites to help hurricane victims in Florida mean he should receive the Nobel Peace Prize, according to Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis.
Patronis wrote to the Sweden-based Nobel Foundation on Friday to throw his support behind Musks nomination, which Norwegian lawmaker Marius Nilsen floated earlier in the week.
But working against Musk:
Musk has styled himself as a free speech absolutist but has also threatened to sue journalists who alleged hate speech had increased since he bought Twitter. He also endorsed an antisemitic tweet in November 2023.
The help to Ukraine, however, was complicated by the news that Musk refused to allow the Ukrainian military to use Starlink to launch an attack on Russian forces in Crimea.
So, has the media decided they are going to report on every DeSantan utterance?
I get the "newsworthiness" of it all (he is an official Presidential candidate), but cable, online, broadcast network, print...BREATHLESS coverage of anything he says. Every day. Is it going to be this way until he flames out?
Florida resident here, so you can imagine the regional ampage. My local NBC affiliate can't get enough of this man. Feels like lead story every other day.
why are we fed election "coverage" all...the...damn...time? 24/7
SC Mifepristone decision today
I know there are several potential outcomes for this, but my money is on a 4:58 pm ET annoucement with every Republican heading for the hills for the weekend.
So Protasiewicz wins, but looking like R might win WI Senate seat
All this talk of the R legislature turning around and impeaching her. Play it out for me
can Rs pull that off? Who would replace her?
infuriating! Talk me down someone.
Oh, Rs already at work to muddy waters on who wants to "cut" Medicare
Here in Tampa, Fl. Just saw a tv commercial on NBC affiliate with bowling seniors talking about Medicare Advantage being cut. The call-to-action was to contact the White House to tell them not to cut it.
Is this to confuse people into thinking Biden wants to cut so seniors dont trust anyone on this? And we alllllllll know who not to trust on this.
If the Rs have House, Sente and President, they will cut no matter WHAT they say or promise. Mark my words.
Respect for Marriage Act...question
If I marry in one state, it MUST be recognized by another state, even if that state outlaws. Federally, gay and interracial marriage is protected. Period. The U.S. Supreme Court could not intervene on this.
But, could a future Republican House, Senate and President all togther get rid of it?
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