ProudLib72's JournalIt's going to SNOW on Thursday!
So say the weather people.
Looks like fall is here...
So What Would You Do If Your 13 Year Old Student Came to Class
Wearing a tRump hoodie? I mean a hoodie picturing tRump riding on top of a tank and his name all over the place?
Yes, it happened yesterday.
How Often Do You Rec Posts?
Are you a parsimonious reccer or munificent reccer?
Or maybe, like me, you are a post wrecker?
List of little things you can do to make yourself and everyone else feel better
1. When you go to the checkout and the woman in front of you tells you to go ahead because you only have one or two items to her ten. It's not a big deal, but it means someone noticed you. Always, always ask if she is sure she doesn't mind. This also works in reverse you know. You can be the one to give up your place in line...
2. Finding a lonely dog someone left outside a store and petting him. He likes the attention! It will make you happy just petting him. You can also ask the people in the store if they have a water bowl for him. Around here, most stores have doggie water bowls available.
3. Help neighbors out with their car/gardening/stubborn stain/etc problems. For me it's always the car because that's what I know, and I have the tools to fix it. Pretty soon you will find that your neighbors are doing little things for you too.
What am I missing? Help me fill in some more...
What Makes Jimi Hendrix Such a Good Guitarist
I got chill bumps no less than three times while watching this. No one can touch Hendrix. No one.
Raw chicken breast crawls off restaurant table in horrifying video
The terrifying moment when a piece of raw chicken appears to come back to life on a restaurant table has been caught on video.
Footage shows a plate of raw meat on a restaurant table, including a piece of chicken that begins to twitch.
After hoisting itself upward, the carcass yanks itself off the diner’s plate as a terrified onlooker can be heard screaming.
People posted comments suggesting the movements were caused by nerve endings that had not yet died.
One person said “usually because the meat is so fresh the muscles can still move,” while a second added, “it was so fresh that some of the muscles are still firing off signals.”
Zombie Chicken! I blame tRump!

What Makes John Bonham Such a Good Drummer?
I found this vid about Bonzo's techniques. All I can say is HOLY CRAP! Anyone who thinks they are just another rock band have not been listening at all.
The "Have You Ever Noticed" Thread
Sort of like the pet peeve thread, but more involved. This is the thread in which you describe something odd or annoying that seems contrary to logic.
It can be about a pet peeve: Have you ever noticed that people with the best/loudest car audio systems have the worst taste in music?
It can be something about pets: Have you ever noticed that dogs love to jump in lakes, streams, even sprinklers, but they are averse to going out in rain? (At least my dog is.)
It can be a Murphy's Law scenario: Have you ever noticed that, as soon as you take a shower, you will need to do something strenuous and get all sweaty again?
So let's hear your "Have you ever noticed..." insights.
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Member since: Sun Jan 1, 2017, 06:42 PMNumber of posts: 17,984