RandomNumbers's JournalFor a little Labor-oriented fun - Johnny Cash, One Piece at a Time
For a more serious Labor Day song, go on over to appalachiablues' thread, Sixteen Tons, Johnny Cash (I Owe My Soul to the Company Store)
That one has an important but somewhat depressing description of "company towns". And the video is, of course, excellent.
But being a Cash fan, I immediately thought of this somewhat more humorous tune. Enjoy!
A reminder that RFK Jr was always a GOP Op
A truly stupid gambit. C. Robert Cargill (@crobertcargill.bsky.social) Aug 23, 2024 at 3:57 PM
ICYMI : full video of Josh Shapiro speaking at Philly rally
And there are other videos there from the rally and MSNBC's coverage.
Anyone else catch "Higher Ground" as they were filing out of the rally? Very appropriate.
Not sure if it was this version, but it might have been. This is my fave. (PFC versions are often my fave versions of songs, even for Ripple by the Dead.)
Maryland: Please support Angela Alsobrooks for US Senate
She is up against your former Gov, Hogan, who is usually described as "moderate" and "popular".
She is black and female. Current 538 polling report shows her only 8 points ahead and below the 50% support line. As you know, 8 points can disappear rather quickly once the bashing and trashing starts.
It would be GREAT to lock in this Senate seat with this accomplished woman.
From NPR (back in May, just after the primary, but still relevant):
he would seek the Republican nomination after consulting with Senate Republican
leader Mitch McConnell and former President George W. Bush. The 67-year-old
popular two-term governor, portrayed as a moderate in large part because of his
criticisms of former President Donald Trump, had previously shown no interest in
the race, instead making noise about a potential presidential run.
Alsobrooks is in her second term as county executive of Prince George's County in
the Washington, D.C., suburbs. She previously served as state's attorney in the
county, which is the second largest by population in the state. If elected, the 52-
year-old Alsobrooks would be only the third Black woman ever elected to the
Senate, and the first from Maryland. She had the backing of most of the state's
Democratic establishment, including Gov. Wes Moore.
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Alsobrooks
(could possibly use some cleanup - looks like some cherry-picking has been done on her positions, and citation links go to paywalled articles so they can't be checked easily)
Her website: https://www.angelaalsobrooks.com/
Bruce Cockburn - Free to Be
One of my favorite Bruce Cockburn songs.
This is a song to which most of us can relate. I'm posting this particular version because it is a live session from a few years ago, where Bruce talks about the relevance of the song today in the context of many terms that might not be familiar to youngsters (like switchboard), and what is the Western Guard that the song references.
Excerpt, emphasis added:
Children laugh in the school yard
On the skid row of the spirit
Hear the ranting of the Western Guard
Why don't you cool out?
Can it be so hard
To love yourself without thinking
Someone else holds a lower card?
About the Western Guard:
(Video) The Heritage Foundation's 2025 Song (We Don't Think We'll Have to Kill You)
(but a little scary because it ain't that far off ... )
JHFC it's not "cult-of-personality", it is CULT OF REALITY
You mentioned yourself the difficult logistics of replacing him on the ticket at this point.
Beyond that, there's this real fear -
If President Biden is removed from the ballot, the GOP will sue and keep the party off the ballot in a number of states
OR are you saying that is only "conspiratorial" and not something to be concerned about?
I'm sorry if some people feel they are personally being attacked. If those "some people" aren't politicians or media, then they should realize it ain't about them! If they ARE media or politicians - well if they really believe their position then fight for it, but they are undermining the Democratic candidate and they should be ready to shoulder the vitriol they will receive for that.
The "Crime Family"
This appears to be an old list, and some things are missing. But it's a pretty long list as is. (This came from a friend's post on FB; I assume the 4-para limit doesn't apply. Obviously can't link for privacy reasons.)
Joe Biden as Vice-President.
8 years
0 investigations
0 indictments
0 convictions
Joe Biden as Senator.
36 years
0 investigations
0 indictments
0 convictions
Barack Obama as President (or ever).
8 years
0 investigations
0 indictments
0 convictions
The entire Obama/Biden administration:
8 years
0 indictments
0 convictions
Donald Trump as President:
43 individuals from the Trump admin, campaign, and org have been criminally indicted!!! With 19 CONVICTIONS (so far).
Indicted: Donald J. Trump
Indicted: Allen Weisselberg CFO
Indicted: Paul Manafort, campaign chief
Indicted: Steve Bannon, senior advisor
Indicted: Roger Stone, senior advisor
Indicted: Rick Gates, campaign mgr
Indicted: George Nader
Indicted: Mike Flynn
Indicted: Peter Navarro
Indicted: Michael Roman
Indicted: George Papadopolous
Indicted: Rudy Giuliani, attorney
Indicted: John Eastman, attorney
Indicted: Jeffrey Clark, attorney
Indicted: Sidney Powell, attorney
Indicted: Ken Chesebro, attorney
Indicted: Boris Epshteyn, attorney
Indicted: Michael Cohen, attorney
Indicted: James Troupis, attorney
Indicted: Jenna Ellis, attorney
Indicted: Sam Patten
Indicted: Elliot Broidy
Indicted: Richard Pinedo
Indicted: Tom Barrack
Indicted: Alex van der Zwaan
Indicted: Lev Parnas
Indicted: Igor Frumen
Indicted: Waltine Nuata
Indicted: Carlos de Oliveira
Convicted: Donald J. Trump
Convicted: Allen Weisselberg, CFO
Convicted: Paul Manafort
Convicted: Steve Bannon
Convicted: Roger Stone
Convicted: Rick Gates
Convicted: Mike Flynn
Convicted: Peter Navarro
Convicted: George Papadopolous
Convicted: Jenna Ellis, attorney
Convicted: Sidney Powell, attorney
Convicted: Ken Chesebro, attorney
Convicted: Michael Cohen, attorney
Convicted: Sam Patten
Convicted: Elliot Broidy
Convicted: Richard Pinedo
Convicted: Alex van der Zwaan
Convicted: Lev Parnas
Convicted: Igor Frumen
Found liable: Trump University (fraud)
Found liable: Trump Foundation (fraud)
Found liable: Trump
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