RussellCattle's JournalI had always figured Tucker Carlson to be a lightweight, clownish, Bill O'Reilly wannabe, someone who.....
.....John Stewart could, and did, spank intellectually at will. Opportunist rich kid, bow tie, no brains. Ass kisser. You get it. But this latest chapter of his time in the conservative wilderness has opened my eyes to the fact that he may actually be a true believer. A racist, misogynist, neo-Nazi, MAGA true believer. I can't say if I hate him more, or less, but there you are. No, wait. It's more. Yep, more for sure.
Remember when Tom DeLay's House repub's got their noses out of joint when they were called the "New.....
.....Republican Taliban"? That was thirty years ago and it seems now that their umbrage may have stemmed from seeing the Taliban as too weak a model for their future plans. They, along with a bunch of other, pre-Trumpian extremist groups seem to have taken up the insult as a challenge to up their game and just go nuts. Project 2025 brought these groups together and Trump gave them encouragement in their fever dreams for our future.
I can't wait to hear Tim Walz's speech at the Democratic Convention. Hubert Humphrey, the original "Happy Warrior".....
......from Minnesota, gave a barn-burner of a speech about segregation at a Dem convention, and brought people together. Obama gave a barn-burner of a speech at a Dem convention, and Americans felt closer to one another. I hope and think that things are teed up for Tim to hit one out of the park.
Someone here suggested that Tim Walz is a "Happy Warrior" and I couldn't agree more. I bet that this was....
.....a reference to Hubert Humphrey, the original happy warrior from Minnesota and I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Humphrey was the best of us back then and a politician whose optimism was amazing and contagious. Like Humphrey, Walz is a member of the Minnesota "Democratic-Farm-Labor Party" and I hope they play this up in the campaign. Talk to those Farmers and Teamsters and bring them back into the fold of the old Democratic coalition.
Listen to Patti Smith and the "Choir, Choir, Choir" bunch sing about people power. Two friends have sent me this..... and Youtube's algorithm had already made it pop up the other night when I was surfing the news of excited Democrats celebrating Kamala's new gig. If this is the tune that is coming to people's minds lately, we're in good shape.
Does anyone here know why I should wrap aluminum foil around my hotel door knob? Or carry a plastic closure from....
.....a loaf of bread in my wallet? Or what I should do if I find a water bottle on the tire of my parked car? Just curious, but, I guess not curious enough to click on these things.
Kamala Harris is just now speaking at her new campaign headquarters and had a brief moment with her husband, Doug. He...
.....said to her, from off camera, "I love you", and she replied, laughing, "I love you too". Things like this, and her inimitable laugh, are what just more of the many things that is going create a blue wave this fall that will finally bring an end to the orange menace.
When the Repubs were "swiftboating" John Kerry at their convention, they wore tiny little band-aids with.....
..a Purple Heart printed on them. They were denigrating Kerrys tours of service in Vietnam and the wounds that he received there and the recognition that he received for them. So now they are wearing bandages on their ears to honor his heroism for not getting shot. How do these assholes live with themselves.
I was really pleased when Joe picked Kamala as his running mate, as I like the idea of picking one's....
.....primary opponent, acknowledging their worth and party membership and as a sign of respect. One wonders how Trump gets away with picking someone who has run against him in the past, and who he has belittled and called names. I figure that Rubio has less than a zero chance.
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