SomethingNew's JournalWhat's with the ads on this site lately?
For the past couple months it seems like in order to read the forum I have to dodge ad after ad. They come from the top of my screen; they come from the bottom of my screen; they are sprinkled amongst the legitimate posts.
I know ad revenue helps support websites and thats why I whitelist sites that I want to support. That whitelisting goes away when the ads become obnoxious and distracting. I cant be the only one thinking DU ads are creeping awfully close to that line lately.
Prison Abuse and Rape aren't Laughing Matters
Rape in prison is just as bad as every other kind of rape. Abuse, assault, and violence in prison is just as bad as it is out here in the wider world. Neither are laughing or casual matters.
I have seen far too many people casually mentioning how rough a time someone they don't like is going to have in prison. Gleeful references to a person being raped in prison can be found in just about every thread about a criminal. Sometimes veiled, often not.
This needs to change as part of essential criminal justice reform. That reform is part of the Party's official platform. Its right there under the category for bringing Americans together and removing barriers to opportunity.
Accordingly, I find it very disturbing that a "Democrat" reported a post on this forum calling out these disgusting instances of wishing rape on another human being. I find it very disturbing that numerous other "Democrats" voted to hide that post. It is very disturbing that anyone, especially within the Democratic Party, could find being anti-rape a divisive issue.
We need some self-reflection on this issue.
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Member since: Wed Dec 9, 2015, 03:52 PMNumber of posts: 279