bluestarone's JournalWhat i would like to see is a commercial that Harris or walz would do
That shows the IMPORTANCE of the Senate control and the House control. Something like Elect us, BUT please don't tie our hands behind our back by not giving us control of BOTH house!! WE need all three to get things done the RIGHT WAY!! VOTE STRAIGHT D's
To me the worse thing about this debate is
Both moderators continue to call this mother fucker. Mr President! WTF??
ok, let's dream a little. (Election victory)
Ok, we won the white house, the senate, the house. (all by full control, not by 2/3rds tho)) Now just what could be done about guns. ( i know this Supreme Court continue to protect 2nd amendment, which they should) BUT can we do away with magazine capacity? (3 shots only.) Can we finally pass FULL registration especially at gun shows? Can we decide finally 18 or 21 to purchase a gun? Are these laws (if passed) something THIS Supreme Court court over rule? What else could we do about GUNS if we win full control?
Just wondering here
Can the IDIOTS that donated to RFK jr demand their money back? That would be interesting.
Thinking this morning. (forgive me if i'm not clear on our laws regarding presidential powers)
Now, let's say THIS Supreme Court made a couple of rulings on Abortion, and abortion medications. (Also including family planning medications) If they ruled against the abortion pill being mailed out to people, would that be Federal or State violation if someone did it? In the very beginning The Supreme Court ruled that abortion basically is a state decision. (that's where we are at now) Let's say the SC instead ruled instead that Abortion is ILLEGAL, would that be federal then? The reason i ask, is can (or could the president issue a PARDON for all violation present and future? Any thoughts on this? TY
Walz is my first pick for VP. EXCEPT, i want him to stay in Minnesota as Govenor.
My brother and family are big time trummpys and hate Walz. SO i'll support whoever Kamala's choice is. Please stay in Minnesota Tim.
I support this decision. (not easilly) I gotta wonder though
DID Joe win by allowing him to pick Kamala? ( I think so) TWO woman battle the Supreme court decision could be AWESOME! Give this time to think about it.
If there ever is a fight against GOOD and EVIL
THIS is it Joe and Kamala vs TFG and asshole vance. NOVEMBER will there the story for us all.
I'm gonna say this once. The timing of the no Biden releases are pissing me off to no end
Little here little there. If i ever find out te real reason for this bullshit, i'm really gonna blow a gasket!! ENOUGH ALREADY!! GOD DAM the hell!!
When Joe wins in November, can you name one of the first things you would like to see him do?
I feel the MOST important thing i'd like to see him start is (if we control congress) ADD judges to the Supreme Court.
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