tonyt53's JournalI think I know where the idea for tariffs on aluminum comes from. Mitch McConnell
KY is a serious player in the aluminum industry here in the US. Several thousand people work in the aluminum industry at several plants. trump, and Mitch, can't deliver on bringing back coal, so now they turn their attention to aluminum. In turn, Mitch will do his best to do whatever trump wants.
Got a question. What do you consider to be "out of bounds" when it comes to male - female contact?
I mean, what would be crossing a line that you feel should never be crossed? In the business world, I have always cringed when I would see a guy walk up behind a woman and start rubbing her shoulders. I've seen the looks on the faces of the women, and I'm pretty sure they felt like they were being invaded. I've seen hugs last more than a couple of seconds where the female has pretty much dropped their arms and released their return hug. I've seen guys walk up beside a woman, put his arm around her and then draw himself close and rub her opposite arm up and down for more than a few seconds. Just are just a few. When I have seen these things it bothers me. I wouldn't want a guy to be doing that to my mother, sisters, wife, and now my grand kids. How the hell anybody thinks these types of behaviors are okay is beyond me. Then make make excuses for it, or to blame the females, makes me extremely angry.
What the hell have we become?
Damn folks, don't panic about emails/FBI
This was timed to hit the weekend news cycle and nothing more. Fact or fiction, it makes no difference. The GOP is dying for a decent weekend in about a month.
Anybody seen or heard Grover Norquist lately? Is he buried in somebody's back yard?
Why all of a sudden has the GOP abandoned that guy?
As my wife and I were watching some of both MSNBC and CNN last night, something hit me.
I recalled that over the years, I have seen men (usually in management positions, but not always) walk up behind a female and start rubbing her shoulders; sort of like a massage. I always felt like that was like him crossing a certain line. I have even said something to a couple of guys about it afterward and they brushed it off saying the women "liked" it or they would have said something. My reply was always "don't count on that". I even asked them if they wanted some guys rubbing on their wives, and both said that was harmless. My reply was always that I wasn't raised that way.
I've seen this same thing in others places, and it always made me feel uncomfortable for the female. We really do ALL need to have THIS conversation.
Think there has been news today (more Trump accusers, and more hacked emails)?
Tomorrow afternoon or Friday there will be more. That is so the "news" will make the weekend news cycle. In my humble view though, years of abuse of many, many women, is far worse than planning for a political campaign that lasts for a year. The reports of Trump going into dressing rooms of teenagers and then of women over 18, in various stages of attire, makes me sick. As a husband, father to a daughter, grandfather to three girls, brother to four sisters, uncle, and a son to a wonderful mother (diehard Democrat at that - she would have worked hard against Trump if she was still here), I cannot fathom how a female feels right now. There will be more even damaging news about Trump.
Well at least we now know who thought of one of the possible names for Stone Temple Pilots.
That would be little Donnie Trump.
Watched my wife's face as she saw that video for the first time.
I had already seen the video before my wife had seen it. I watched her face as she was watching it. Her first words " what a worthless piece of shit".
"Russia warns of terrible consequences if US attacks Syrian army" - anybody surprised?
Putin is saber-rattling to make Obama and Hillary look bad to make up for Donald's bad week. Putin is daring the US to respond to its indiscriminate and repeated attacks on civilians. Coming soon, Russian military incursions into Ukraine.
These events will come up at the next presidential debate, as well they should. Maybe during the VP debate also. Maybe Trump will have a hard time saying that somebody he admires is doing something wrong. Maybe it is all part of the grander scheme to make Trump appear to be stronger than Hillary.
The bashing of Alicia Machado has spread to Fox Entertainment News. business news also has a damning story about her. Smear, smear, smear.
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