whathehell's JournalInternalized misogyny
I don't care how much one may differ with another's opinion, a Woman addressing another Woman as "Bitch" is about 'funny' as a Black man addressing another Black man as the N- word.
"Israeli Soldiers flaunt war crimes on video"
https://truthout.org/articles/israeli-soldiers-flaunt-war-crimes-online-why-arent-they-held-accountable/Fired employees sue Elon Musk for retaliating against
Sexual Harassment complaints..
UN Commission accuses Israel of obstructing Oct.7 probe
Suddenly, I'm unable to put someone on ignore..
I have no idea why..I pick out the person, find them, "select" them, and am shown my choice for full or partial ignore..The problem is there's no way to "choose" given. Al that appears are long explanations of the two options..Can anyone help? Thank you in advance.
Social Media made 11B in US ad sales from minors
and therefore has overwhelming
financial incentives to avoid protecting children, study finds.
Has anyone here had hip or knee replacement?
I could use some advice..I have 4th stage arthritis in my right knee, and strongly suspect the same for my right hip..Pain in knee was bearable, but it's
now been joined by groin and buttock pain.. I'm having a hard time walking, sitting and climbing stairs without pain.
RW Billionaires & GOP want a nation of
uneducated, compliant serfs and they are getting their way..
Illinois among states considering ban..
on cosmetics containing PFAS.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Philadelphia, PA
Home country: USA
Current location: Midwest
Member since: Sat Jun 21, 2008, 09:41 PM
Number of posts: 29,527