yorkster's JournalAm signed in on Android. Got questions.
Recently got an iPad. How can I add DU to that device. Just tried and my user name was prompted followed by ellipses, which I thought stood for the password. Of course, can't remember the password. DU very nicely, when I have to log in very occasionally, includes the hidden password. So, any possibility of doing this on the iPad? Yes, I'm an idiot for not writing
the password down.
The larger keyboard is a real positive and I would love to use for DU. Thanks.
Accidental "trash". Anyone else?
Several times recently I have clicked on a post to read it and post appears with trash
highlighted. Don't think I brushed it and it never happened until recently. Of course, the highlighting disappears with a tap.
Weissman/ McCord on docs case MSNBC.
Saw this during 1st hour of The Weekend around 8:15 ET. Had a glitch with the telly, missed some of it and can't find it via Google. It seems Jack Smith has responded to Cannon's latest "list of demands", but I missed the meat of it.
Anyone know if it will be available online later?
They both had interesting and somewhat promising things to say re the 11th Circuit, but again, I missed a lot. Thx.
My profile indicates that I don't want to serve on DU juries.
That's not the case. I noticed it yesterday, changed it to to yes and today it's back to no. Anybody else got this prob.?
Thanks - I understand it may be a question of rotation, etc.
Health update.
A few weeks ago, I posted that dear husband had a mild stroke. It was afib related. Since then there have visits by therapists and a lot of improvement. There
may be a procedure soon to improve the situation re afib. We are grateful for the progress. Things could have been much worse. So, fingers crossed. Best to all.
Qwik update re my husband
He is improving gradually and may be home in a few days. We are both grateful - could have been much worse etc.
Be well all of you.
Will check in down the road apiece.
Thx to you good peeps.
Just got home after finding out he can come home tomorrow. Got a few fixings yesterday just in case. So, double Thanksgiving feelings.
Haven't checked in as much. My dear husband
has had a health episode requiring me to be there and supportive. We're crossing fingers for continued improvement.
In the meantime, I'll check in when possible. If I'm feeling brave. I may post a little ditty that I wrote a few months ago re
those times when you look down at your phone screen and wonder how did I get THERE?? I guess the Lounge would be the proper place.
Just to update - will know more in a few days, but there has been slow but steady improvement. Many thanks for your kind comments. We'll muck through as best we can, but are grateful as it "could have been worse". Thanks again. This reminds me of the many times on DU where I've heard of the pain some are dealing with and felt concern/compassion, etc. This is a time when "your concern is duly noted" is not sarcasm. Gratefully received is more like it.
Be well all and will update after a couple of days.
Bauhaus, baby! New format, that is.
It's clean, it's crisp. Almost makes me want to organize my life...
Still getting used to things, but damn well done, imho.
Many thanks, earlg et al.
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Member since: Fri Oct 22, 2021, 10:00 AMNumber of posts: 2,577