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Initech's Journal
Initech's Journal
October 31, 2016

Donald Trump Destroyed E-Mails, Court Order Finds

Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders. These tactics—exposed by a Newsweek review of thousands of pages of court filings, judicial orders and affidavits from an array of court cases—have enraged judges, prosecutors, opposing lawyers and the many ordinary citizens entangled in litigation with Trump. In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled—sometimes in vain—to obtain records.

This behavior is of particular import given Trump’s frequent condemnations of Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent, for having deleted more than 30,000 emails from a server she used during her time as secretary of state. While Clinton and her lawyers have said all of those emails were personal, Trump has suggested repeatedly on the campaign trail that they were government documents Clinton was trying to hide and that destroying them constituted a crime. The allegation—which the FBI concluded was not supported by any evidence—is a crowd-pleaser at Trump rallies, often greeted by supporters chanting, “Lock her up!”

Trump’s use of deception and untruthful affidavits, as well as the hiding or improper destruction of documents, dates back to at least 1973, when the Republican nominee, his father and their real estate company battled the federal government over civil charges that they refused to rent apartments to African-Americans. The Trump strategy was simple: deny, impede and delay, while destroying documents the court had ordered them to hand over.


So... what's the big deal about Hillary's e-mails again? It seems Trump plays that game also!
October 28, 2016

Top 10 Conservative Idiots: The Complete First Season

Ladies and gentlemen, now that the first season of the Top 10 has come to a close, as is tradition we would be releasing this on DVD. But since we can't do that, what we will do instead is provide you with a comprehensive list of every single edition we've done from the first one to the one we posted today. So you can follow the Donald Trump campaign from its' humble beginnings when he called Mexicans rapists and building a wall around the Mexican border, to the clusterfuck it is today! The new Top 10 began with just 6 simple letters: GOP WTF. And it's ballooned from there. Enjoy! And as always don't forget the Key!

Edition #1: GOP WTF Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027404141 (12/5/15)

Carly Fiorina finds herself in hot water when her toxic rhetoric against Planned Parenthood causes a gunman in Colorado to stage a mass shooting. Ben Carson explains "both sides are guilty of toxic rhetoric". Jim Bob Duggar fails at explaining sexual assault allegations against his son Josh, while Jim Bakker blames the people he stole money from.

Edition #2: God Isn't Fixing This Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027420873 (12/5/15)

A mass shooting in San Bernardino finds Congress scrambling for answers. Donald Trump shuts up Fox & Friends. Ann Coulter live Tweets the shooting and blames it on liberals. Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg donated $4.5 billion to his own tax free shelter. Ted Cruz eats bacon off a machine gun. The IOC screws Brazil out of $2 billion. Fox & Friends attempts to explain race relations in America and fails big time.
Bonus Idiot: Fox Correspondent Peter Johnson

Edition #3: The Biz Vs. The Nuge Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027434394 (12/9/15)

A string of mass shootings finds the NRA scrambling for answers when it comes to justifying their lack of gun control. Erick Erickson shoots the New York Times. Ted Nugent shoots himself in the foot explaining violence. Ben Carson hates transgendered people. Bryan Fischer blames the shooting in Colorado on legalized pot. George Zimmerman gets caught trying his hand at revenge porn.
Bonus Idiot: Michele Fiore

Edition #4: Trumpland Uber Alles Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027444108 (12/12/15)

Donald Trump goes full Nazi. Alex Jones attempts to stir his followers into overthrowing the Obama administration. The University Of Texas campus republicans stage an ill timed protest aimed at gun control. Meanwhile, Martin Shkreli gets trolled by the Wu Tang Clan. James Inhofe and ExxonMobil spell out climate change armageddon. A new TV channel hopes to sell guns 24/7.

Edition #5: Power Of The Dark Side Edition: http://election.democraticunderground.com/10027452214 (12/16/15)

Antonin Scalia got caught saying something racist on camera. Scotland was contemplating banning Donald Trump. A Florida Congressman gets caught taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich. Carson Newman University wants to discriminate against who they please. Bill Cosby sues his accusers. Ted Cruz' analogy on the Maldives and climate change fails. Liberty University allows guns in dorm rooms after multiple mass shootings.

Edition #6: Stormtrooper Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027460685 (12/20/15)

A gun shop in Colorado is selling some extremely poor taste memorabilia. Mike Huckabee thinks the San Bernardino shooting was an act of war. Donald Trump supporters unleash havoc aimed at a Muslim supporter. A Christian ministry answers the question "what would Jesus do" when it comes to homeless mothers. A Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist is finally fired for harassing the victims of said tragedy.
Top 10 Video Vault: You're A Mean One, Mr. Trump

Edition #7: The Wolf Of Pharma Street Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027470083 (12/23/15)

Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli is exposed for the fraud he is. Magic Johnson is exposed as being completely greedy. Marcus Cinemas allows real guns but turns away fake ones. Plus in time for Christmas, we take a look at some Christmas fails including a school banning a performance of "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

Edition #8: A Schlonged Time Ago Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027475967 (12/27/15)

Donald Trump says something sexist about Hillary Clinton while being named Liar Of The Year. Jeb Bush's poll numbers are released and it's not in his favor. Theodore Shoebat fantasizes about how he can enact the next Holocaust. Bryan Fischer asks "How do I science?".
And Now This: The End Of The War On Christmas 2015

Edition #9: Love Potion Number NEIN Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=7496889 (1/4/16)

America's Neo Nazis and White Supremacists aren't hiding their love and support of Donald Trump's campaign. Michigan's governor unleashes a toxic poison in their water supply. A New Hampshire representative thinks it's OK to harass breastfeeding mothers in public. Kevin Swanson has an unhealthy obsession with the sexual orientation of Harry Potter characters.
And Now This: Remembering Lemmy

Edition #10: Tarp Man (Or The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance) Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027518958 (1/11/16)

A group of land owning gun nuts claiming loyalty to the Constitution take over a bird sanctuary in Oregon. Carly Fiornia roots against her alma matter during the Rose Bowl. Antonin Scalia wants to cram something down your throat. Plus we introduce a real life Trump supporter who really hates Taco Bell.

Edition #11: Daddy's Sworn Oath Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027540640 (1/18/16)

Alabama justice Roy Moore goes against the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage. The Oregon militia led by John Ritzheimer is begging people not to send them dildos. Mike Huckabee offers shooting targets for the candidate of your choice. Alex Jones goes off the rails against people who are criticizing him.
And Now This: Remembering David Bowie

Edition #12: Two Corinthians Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027560588 (1/25/16)

While giving a speech at Liberty University, Donald Trump hilariously misquotes the Bible. The Duck Dynasty clan officially endorses Ted Cruz with a bizarre campaign ad. Rick Snyder faces removal from office over Flint's toxic water crisis. Marco Rubio bought a gun on Christmas Eve because... Isis. Donald Trump has 8 year old cheerleaders sing at a rally. Plus we recap all the times Ted Nugent has threatened to murder public officials.
And Now This: Welcome Back Los Angeles Rams!

Edition #13: Fear The Walking Bundys Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027577258 (2/1/16)

Flint's toxic water crisis reaches epic proportions. The Bundys are hauled away to prison. A North Carolina senator wants restaurants to be able to opt out of health code restrictions. Meanwhile, Martin Shkreli escalates his feud with the Wu Tang Clan. Plus a guy brought a gun into a movie theater showing "13 Hours" because he was afraid of a possible mass shooting and - yup - shoots himself!
And Now This: This Picture Of A Potato Is Worth More Than You

Edition #14: Take My Brother Please Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027593655 (2/8/16)

The Top 10 recaps the Iowa Straw Poll which finds Donald Trump finishing second. Jeb! is caught on camera instructing his audience to "please clap". A blogger is in hot water after trying to justify rape and sexual assault. Meanwhile John Kasich made a promise that if elected president, he'll reunite Pink Floyd.
And Now This: Bern Your Enthusiasm

Edition #15: Funk You Very Much Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027614056 (2/15/16)

Ted Nugent posts a criminally insane op ed defending police brutality while claiming to be a black man. Donald Trump's son Eric Trump fails at explaining how torture works. Jeb! gets kicked off stage at his own rally. Ted Cruz posts a new ad featuring a porn star. Former Pantera frontman Phil Anselmo gets caught saying something racist. Plus we introduce you to a Florida man who threw an alligator through a Wendy's drive thru.
Bonus Idiot: Martin Shkreli

Edition #16: The Dumb & The Restless Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027630470 (2/22/16)

Alex Jones thinks that Obama and Clinton are going to start murdering SCOTUS justices in the wake of Antonin Scalia's sudden death from a heart attack. Mitch McConnell tells Obama "You will not fill this seat, jackass!". Ted Cruz fears that religious freedom in America is under attack. Glenn Beck thinks that the rapture is going to happen soon. Kanye West is $53 million in the hole.
And Now This: Rush Limbaugh Name Drops Us

Edition #17: Playing The Drumpf Card Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027648456 (2/29/16)

Donald Trump gets owned by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight. The fiscal numbers show just how much money Jeb! lost on his failed campaign. Plus we ask: "The Confederate Flag: How Is This Still A Thing?". Meanwhilel, a blogger is convinced that Antonin Scalia can cast his votes from beyond the grave.
Bonus Idiot: Sid Miller

Edition #18: The KKK Took My OC Away Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027665393 (3/7/16)

The KKK's planned rally in Anaheim California goes hilariously awry. A white supremacist gets caught live blogging a Donald Trump rally. Donald Trump and Marco Rubio get in the middle of a literal penis measuring contest. Meanwhile, just in time for March Madness, the Louisville Cardinals are at the center of one of the dumbest sports scandals of all time.

Edition #19: Endorsed By Donald Drumpf Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027680332 (3/13/16)

We take a look at Donald Trump's ridiculously long list of failed product endorsements. Ted Cruz appointed Jeb!'s brother Neil as his economic advisor and it was a terrible move. A church in Stockton, California cancels its' Easter ceremony. Bill Donahue gets worked up over a new sitcom from Dan Savage that features a gay character.

Edition #20: Everybody Was Trump Fu Fighting Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027700144 (3/21/16)

Donald Trump gets drowned out of his own rally in Chicago when it backfires spectacularly on him. Alex Jones attempts man on the street interviews at South By Southwest, and none of the festival goers seem to care. Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. fails at attempting to explain the Bible. Plus we introduce the Top 10 Mystery Machine and tell you about a plot to steal a billion dollars.

Edition #21: Trump V Cruz: Yawn Of Justice Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027718729 (3/27/16)

Donald Trump attempts to pick a fight with Ted Cruz and neither side wins. Mitch McConnell has his middle finger aimed squarely at President Obama. Erik Prince gets busted by the DOJ for tax evasion. Caitlyn Jenner turns on the transgender community. Plus we show you how the movie Idiocracy isn't just a comedy anymore - it's a documentary! Plus we pay tribute to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and comedian Gary Shandling.

Edition #22: Wheel Of Corruption Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027735754 (4/4/16)

First appearance of the Wheel Of Corruption. Donald Trump supporters petition Cleveland to allow guns into the RNC. North Carolina governor Pat McCrory passes the harshest anti-LGBT law in the country. Family values governor Robert Bentley resigns over a sex scandal. Plus hackers hilariously manipulate Microsoft's teenage girl chat support robot.
And Now This: You Had One Job

Edition #23: Wheel Of Corruption 2: Money Never Sleeps Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027750240 (4/11/16)

Second appearance of the Wheel Of Corruption. The wealthy elite get caught hiding trillions of dollars in off shore tax havens. Bruce Springsteen leads a protest against North Carolina over HB-2. Donald Trump gets confused over which countries should be allowed to have nukes. Rick Perry gets booed at Starbucks. Plus we "review" the movie "God's Not Dead 2".

Edition #24: How's That Joe Paterno Thing Going? Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027763175 (4/17/16)

While campaigning at scandal-ridden Penn State University, Donald Trump has no idea what happened the last couple of years at that university. And he wasn't even at Penn State. Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performs an exorcism. Bill O'Reilly gets caught saying something racist and denies it. Alex Jones feuds with Glenn Beck. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin calls herself a "scientist" while trying to explain climate change.
Bonus Idiot: Tom Taylor, introduction of the Top 10 Twitter Feed

Edition #25: Wheel Of Corruption 3: Dark Of The Moon Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027794932 (5/1/16)

Thanks to HB-2, conservatives think it gives them the right to police bathrooms. John Kasich thinks he'll walk away the winner of a brokered convention. Alex Jones unleashes a cartoonish level of hate aimed at Beyonce over her new single "Lemonade". Fox News "psychiatrist" Keith Ablow makes the case for the AFA to yank his medical license. Plus white supremacists are trying to rig science fiction's most prestigious awards. And a Wheel Of Corruption Lightning Round.

Edition #26: Why Would God Let Trump Happen? Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027816245 (5/8/16)

The Bathroom Police turn from a joke into complete terrorists targeting America's transgender population. We recap Obama's final White House Correspondents Dinner. Ted Cruz finally bows out of the race. The GOP starts abandoning ship when Donald Trump's rhetoric gets too toxic. Donald Trump's Cinco De Mayo celebration backfires on him spectacularly.
And Now This: A-Rod Gets Wood

Edition #27: The Butler Did It (A Bird In The Hand) Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1016156541 (5/15/16)

George Zimmerman gets hilariously trolled when he attempted to auction off the gun he used to murder Trayvon Martin. CNN shows us things that are more popular than Donald Trump. Sarah Palin wants to be Donald Trump's vice presidential nominee. Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson attempts to explain transgender bathroom issues and fails hard. Meanwhile Budweiser starts calling itself "America". Because, America.

Edition #28: Wheel Of Corruption 4: Age Of Extinction Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027848522 (5/23/16)

Citizens United and Duck Dynasty debut a new film that dangerously links terrorist groups to removing God from the picture. The bathroom police start taking weapons into bathrooms. A Virginia Congressional candidate gets caught accessing porn on a government owned computer. Plus we recap a crazy fight between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Texas Rangers.

Edition #29: Springtime For Trumpenfuror Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027864798 (5/29/16)

The San Diego Padres fans boo the National Anthem when the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus sings it. Donald Trump's campaign heads to Southern California and quickly heads out after it's met with protest. Louie Gohmert thinks Matt Damon's hit movie "The Martian" is a real thing. Plus we talk about a Twitter war over a potential plot twist in the much anticipated sequel to Disney's smash hit "Frozen".

Edition #30: Army Of Beyonces Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027890691 (6/8/16)

Bill Kristol trolled the presidential debates when he suggested an alternate candidate for Trump. A Stanford University student gets caught raping a woman behind a dumpster and gets off. I mean he got a reduced sentence. North Korea supports Donald Trump. Alex Jones doubles down on his theory that Beyonce is part of a CIA mind control plot. Axl Rose attempts to sue Google to get memes about how fat he was removed. Plus we ask the question "Is Captain America secretly a Hydra agent?".
And Now This: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Schools Bill Maher On Science

Edition #31: Making America Vulnerable Again Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027918502 (6/15/16)

We recap the media's insane coverage of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando. Brock Turner's rape case at Stanford gets weirder and creepier. The Bathroom Police rail against a store in Illinois that sells adult diapers. Charles Grassley joins the list of "People Who Somehow Got Elected". Bruce Campbell of "Ash Vs Evil Dead" fame exposes an attempt to troll liberals by Trump supporters.

Edition #32: Wheel Of Corruption V: Cheeto Jesus Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027941518 (6/22/16)

Donald Trump attempts to religion-bait Hillary Clinton and fails big time. The Bathroom Police escalate their war on bathrooms. In England, a British PM is the victim of a shooting and stabbing murder. Sarah Palin is under the impression that somebody asked her about the Orlando shooting. Plus Anthony Keidis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and talk show host James Cordon save a baby's life during the filming of his "Car Pool Karaoke" segment.

Edition #33: Nazi Golf Balls Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027967189 (6/29/16)

Donald Trump goes to Scotland to attend the opening of a new golf course. While there, he gets pelted with golf balls that have a swastika on them. Plus we recap Britian's insane decision to exit from the European Union. Darrell Issa joins the growing list of "People Who Somehow Got Elected". Texas wants parents to opt out of public education if they believe in the rapture. Plus we tell you about the American equivalent of the Brexit vote involving Texas.
And Now This: Donald Trump Gives A Speech In Front Of A Trash Heap

Edition #34: Trump Man & The Mosquito Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027997971 (7/10/16)

Donald Trump invokes white supremacism while talking about Hillary Clinton's e-mail "scandal". Trump also gets attacked by a mosquito during a speech. The US military overturns the ban on transgender people serving. Roger Ailes is in hot water after Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment allegations. Scotland holds a Nazi fashion show. Plus we recap Taylor Swift's insane 4th of July party and her short lived romance with Avengers star Tom Hiddleston.

Edition #35: Wheel Of Corruption VI: Out Of The Shadows Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028008150 (7/13/16)

We discuss how former president George Bush handled himself at the memorial for the fallen Dallas police officers. Chik-Fil-A's latest promotion backfires on them. Donald Trump champions himself as the "law and order" candidate. Roger Ailes gets fired as sexual harassment allegations escalate. Plus Pokemon Go is causing people to do strange things, and with Star Trek Beyond in theaters, we recap the controversial decision to out USS Enterprise pilot Hikaru Sulu.

Edition #36: Make America Twerk Again Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=8030844 (7/20/16)

We discuss a real life coup that took place in Turkey. With the RNC underway, the lineup of speakers they introduced was laughable at best. Plus with the announcement of Mike Pence as Donald Trump's VP, the original logo designed for the campaign was a colossal disaster. Soverign citizens are frothing at the mouth over the idea of a race war. Plus we have more Pokemon Go insanity.

Edition #37: Bromancing The Trump Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028052876 (7/27/16)

At the RNC, Melania Trump gets caught plagiarizing and Rick Rolling. Alex Jones leads a one man protest. Deborah Wasserman Shultz resigns amid scandal. Caitlyn Jenner continues to throw her own people under the bus. We discuss the impending disaster that is the Rio Olympics. And we also offer suggestions for Donald Trump campaign songs after his most recent one gets rejected.
Bonus Idiot: The Holy Land Experience
Bonus Idiot #2: Milo Yiannopoulos

Edition #38: Wheel Of Corruption VII: The Wrath Of Khan Edition http://sync.democraticunderground.com/10028087991 (8/10/16)

Since Donald Trump decided to pick a fight with the father of a US soldier who lost his life in the Iraq War, we dedicate all ten slots to Donald Trump. Among other things, his sons go on an expensive hunting excursion, while announcing a team of all white male economic experts and we talk about his support of the US Olympic Team.
Bonus Idiot: Mitch McConnell

Edition #39: #HoorayFreedom Editon http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028116712 (8/22/16)

Donald Trump's campaign manager jumps ship. Meanwhile it's being determined whether or not Donald Trump forged letters from his doctor. We recap the clusterfuck at the Olympics involving Ryan Lotche and public urination. Donald Trump escalates his feud with Khazir Khan. Plus we ask - "Body Shaming: How is this still a thing?"
And Now This: Kanye West Writes A Poem About McDonalds

Edition #40: Zika Virus Apocalypse Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028135130 (8/31/16)

Another pharmaceutical CEO gets caught using the company as their personal piggy bank. Ann Coulter questions her loyalty to Donald Trump. Donald Trump picks fights with Dwayne Wade over the tragic death of his cousin and Avengers star Don Cheadle. Colin Kaepernick ignites a controversy over Black Lives Matter. The media goes into full apocalyptic mode over the Zika Virus. Plus we recap Lindsay Lohan's trip to Russia and her diva-esque behavior.
And Now This: Primus Covers “Pure Imagination” (in memory of Gene Wilder)

Edition #41: Make Mexico Great Again Also Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028158112 (9/11/16)

Donald Trump makes a shady donation and travels to Mexico, where his plans to "Make Mexico Great Again Also" backfire on him hilariously. The bathroom police escalate their harassment of trans people. Paul LePage is under fire for a voice mail SNAFU where he got caught saying something racist. Plus we talk about the origins of a creepy clown scare in a South Carolina apartment complex.
And Now This Also: Ben Carson Forgets His Luggage

Edition #42: Meet The Deplorables Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028171742 (9/18/16)

It's the 47% comment all over again as Donald Trump supporters embrace Hillary Clinton's moniker of "deplorable". Donald Trump goes on the Dr. Oz show to ease fears about his health. Alex Jones is convinced that Hillary Clinton was possessed by demons and was replaced by a body double. We recap the violent and hateful Twitter trolling over the deaths of trans activists Alexis Arquette and Lady Chablis. Wells Fargo got caught screwing over their customers. Plus we talk about some really dumb people.
And Now This: Dwight Yoakam Covers "Purple Rain"

Edition #43: Wheel Of Corruption IX: With A Vengeance Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028195256 (9/28/16)

Recapping the first debate, Donald Trump ignited his old feud with Rosie O'Donnell. Donald Trump's sons got caught saying something racist on Twitter. Chris Christie gets his ass handed to him in the Bridgegate scandal. Caitlyn Jenner attempts to talk Kim Kardashian into voting for Donald Trump, but it backfires on her. We talk about things to watch on TV. Plus we play consumer watchdog advocate and tell you about exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones.
First Live Musical Guest: Bastille

Edition #44: Tweets From The Toilet Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028207905 (10/5/16)

Donald Trump embarrasses himself with an insane 3AM Twitter rampage taking aim at a former Miss Universe. Which is poorly timed as sexual harassment allegations against him begin to surface. Alex Jones escalates his feud with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. We discuss alternative candidate Gary Johnson. Plus we talk about insane things happening in Florida and showcase the exciting world of tomorrow!
Live Musical Guest: The Claypool Lennon Delirium

Edition #45: Donald T & The Women Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028225584 (10/12/16)

Donald Trump shoots himself in the foot over sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations involving former Miss Universe contestants. Meanwhile GOP anti-women brigade attempts to justify said sexual harassment allegations. Chechnyan president Ramzan Kadyrov goes full dictator. We discuss alternative candidate Jill Stein and ask: "Constitutional Literalism: How Is This Still A Thing?". The GOP abandons ship on Donald Trump. Plus the creepy clown situation escalates and it's becoming a problem sweeping the country, and actual professional clowns are fighting back against negative images.
Live Musical Guest: Alter Bridge

Edition #46: Wheel Of Corruption X: Never Go Back Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028240071 (10/19/16)

Donald Trump is hopping mad over Alec Baldwin's portrayal of him on Saturday Night Live and is convinced that the media is rigging the election against him, despite that poll numbers say otherwise. Martin Shkreli gets trolled by an upscale New York City bar. Rush Limbaugh fails at explaining how sexual assault works. Plus we talk about the rising and falling star of the second debate, undecided voter Ken Bone, and give you ideas for new Halloween costumes.
Live Musical Guest: Halsey

Edition #47: Bad Hombres & Nasty Women Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028253054 (10/26/16)

Season finale: With two weeks to go before the election, Donald Trump spends more time opening another Trump Tower, while getting humiliated at the Al Smith dinner. Meanwhile the taco trucks of Las Vegas stage a creative protest outside Trump Tower. Curt Schilling joins conspiracy theorist website Breitbart. We introduce you to alternative candidate Joe Exotic. Pat McCrory channels Ultron. Plus the Dark Knight joins the fight against creepy clowns and they become a global problem.
Live Musical Guest: Rob Zombie

That's it! Season 2 will premiere after the election! It will be bigger and badder!

Cross-posted from GD.
October 27, 2016

Top 10 Conservative Idiots: The Complete First Season

Ladies and gentlemen, now that the first season of the Top 10 has come to a close, as is tradition we would be releasing this on DVD. But since we can't do that, what we will do instead is provide you with a comprehensive list of every single edition we've done from the first one to the one we posted today. So you can follow the Donald Trump campaign from its' humble beginnings when he called Mexicans rapists and building a wall around the Mexican border, to the clusterfuck it is today! The new Top 10 began with just 6 simple letters: GOP WTF. And it's ballooned from there. Enjoy! And as always don't forget the Key!

Edition #1: GOP WTF Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027404141 (12/5/15)

Carly Fiorina finds herself in hot water when her toxic rhetoric against Planned Parenthood causes a gunman in Colorado to stage a mass shooting. Ben Carson explains "both sides are guilty of toxic rhetoric". Jim Bob Duggar fails at explaining sexual assault allegations against his son Josh, while Jim Bakker blames the people he stole money from.

Edition #2: God Isn't Fixing This Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027420873 (12/5/15)

A mass shooting in San Bernardino finds Congress scrambling for answers. Donald Trump shuts up Fox & Friends. Ann Coulter live Tweets the shooting and blames it on liberals. Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg donated $4.5 billion to his own tax free shelter.
Bonus Idiot: Fox Correspondent Peter Johnson

Edition #3: The Biz Vs. The Nuge Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027434394 (12/9/15)

A string of mass shootings finds the NRA scrambling for answers when it comes to justifying their lack of gun control. Erick Erickson shoots the New York Times. Ted Nugent shoots himself in the foot explaining violence. Ben Carson hates transgendered people. Ted Cruz eats bacon off a machine gun.
Bonus Idiot: Michele Fiore

Edition #4: Trumpland Uber Alles Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027444108 (12/12/15)

Donald Trump goes full Nazi. Alex Jones attempts to stir his followers into overthrowing the Obama administration. The University Of Texas campus republicans stage an ill timed protest aimed at gun control. Meanwhile, Martin Shkreli gets trolled by the Wu Tang Clan.

Edition #5: Power Of The Dark Side Edition: http://election.democraticunderground.com/10027452214 (12/16/15)

Antonin Scalia got caught saying something racist on camera. Scotland was contemplating banning Donald Trump. A Florida Congressman gets caught taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich. Carson Newman University wants to discriminate against who they please.

Edition #6: Stormtrooper Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027460685 (12/20/15)

A gun shop in Colorado is selling some extremely poor taste memorabilia. Mike Huckabee thinks the San Bernardino shooting was an act of war. Donald Trump supporters unleash havoc aimed at a Muslim supporter. A Christian ministry answers the question "what would Jesus do" when it comes to homeless mothers.
Top 10 Video Vault: You're A Mean One, Mr. Trump

Edition #7: The Wolf Of Pharma Street Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027470083 (12/23/15)

Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli is exposed for the fraud he is. Magic Johnson is exposed as being completely greedy. Marcus Cinemas allows real guns but turns away fake ones. Plus in time for Christmas, we take a look at some Christmas fails including a school banning a performance of "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

Edition #8: A Schlonged Time Ago Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027475967 (12/27/15)

Donald Trump says something sexist about Hillary Clinton while being named Liar Of The Year. Jeb Bush's poll numbers are released and it's not in his favor. Theodore Shoebat fantasizes about how he can enact the next Holocaust. Bryan Fischer asks "How do I science?".
And Now This: The End Of The War On Christmas 2015

Edition #9: Love Potion Number NEIN Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=7496889 (1/4/16)

America's Neo Nazis and White Supremacists aren't hiding their love and support of Donald Trump's campaign. Michigan's governor unleashes a toxic poison in their water supply. A New Hampshire representative thinks it's OK to harass breastfeeding mothers in public. Kevin Swanson has an unhealthy obsession with the sexual orientation of Harry Potter characters.
And Now This: Remembering Lemmy

Edition #10: Tarp Man (Or The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance) Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027518958 (1/11/16)

A group of land owning gun nuts claiming loyalty to the Constitution take over a bird sanctuary in Oregon. Carly Fiornia roots against her alma matter during the Rose Bowl. Antonin Scalia wants to cram something down your throat. Plus we introduce a real life Trump supporter who really hates Taco Bell.

Edition #11: Daddy's Sworn Oath Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027540640 (1/18/16)

Alabama justice Roy Moore goes against the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage. The Oregon militia led by John Ritzheimer is begging people not to send them dildos. Mike Huckabee offers shooting targets for the candidate of your choice. Alex Jones goes off the rails against people who are criticizing him.
And Now This: Remembering David Bowie

Edition #12: Two Corinthians Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027560588 (1/25/16)

While giving a speech at Liberty University, Donald Trump hilariously misquotes the Bible. The Duck Dynasty clan officially endorses Ted Cruz with a bizarre campaign ad. Rick Snyder faces removal from office over Flint's toxic water crisis. Marco Rubio bought a gun on Christmas Eve because... Isis. Donald Trump has 8 year old cheerleaders sing at a rally. Plus we recap all the times Ted Nugent has threatened to murder public officials.
And Now This: Welcome Back Los Angeles Rams!

Edition #13: Fear The Walking Bundys Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027577258 (2/1/16)

Flint's toxic water crisis reaches epic proportions. The Bundys are hauled away to prison. A North Carolina senator wants restaurants to be able to opt out of health code restrictions. Meanwhile, Martin Shkreli escalates his feud with the Wu Tang Clan. Plus a guy brought a gun into a movie theater showing "13 Hours" because he was afraid of a possible mass shooting and - yup - shoots himself!
And Now This: This Picture Of A Potato Is Worth More Than You

Edition #14: Take My Brother Please Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027593655 (2/8/16)

The Top 10 recaps the Iowa Straw Poll which finds Donald Trump finishing second. Jeb! is caught on camera instructing his audience to "please clap". A blogger is in hot water after trying to justify rape and sexual assault. Meanwhile John Kasich made a promise that if elected president, he'll reunite Pink Floyd.
And Now This: Bern Your Enthusiasm

Edition #15: Funk You Very Much Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027614056 (2/15/16)

Ted Nugent goes full Nazi. Donald Trump's son Eric Trump fails at explaining how torture works. Jeb! gets kicked off stage at his own rally. Ted Cruz posts a new ad featuring a porn star. Former Pantera frontman Phil Anselmo gets caught saying something racist. Plus we introduce you to a Florida man who threw an alligator through a Wendy's drive thru.
Bonus Idiot: Martin Shkreli

Edition #16: The Dumb & The Restless Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027630470 (2/22/16)

Alex Jones thinks that Obama and Clinton are going to start murdering SCOTUS justices in the wake of Antonin Scalia's sudden death from a heart attack. Mitch McConnell tells Obama "You will not fill this seat, jackass!". Ted Cruz fears that religious freedom in America is under attack. Glenn Beck thinks that the rapture is going to happen soon. Kanye West is $53 million in the hole.
And Now This: Rush Limbaugh Name Drops Us

Edition #17: Playing The Drumpf Card Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027648456 (2/29/16)

Donald Trump gets owned by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight. The fiscal numbers show just how much money Jeb! lost on his failed campaign. Plus we ask: "The Confederate Flag: How Is This Still A Thing?". Meanwhilel, a blogger is convinced that Antonin Scalia can cast his votes from beyond the grave.
Bonus Idiot: Sid Miller

Edition #18: The KKK Took My OC Away Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027665393 (3/7/16)

The KKK's planned rally in Anaheim California goes hilariously awry. A white supremacist gets caught live blogging a Donald Trump rally. Donald Trump and Marco Rubio get in the middle of a literal penis measuring contest. Meanwhile, just in time for March Madness, the Louisville Cardinals are at the center of one of the dumbest sports scandals of all time.

Edition #19: Endorsed By Donald Drumpf Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027680332 (3/13/16)

We take a look at Donald Trump's ridiculously long list of failed product endorsements. Ted Cruz appointed Jeb!'s brother Neil as his economic advisor and it was a terrible move. A church in Stockton, California cancels its' Easter ceremony. Bill Donahue gets worked up over a new sitcom from Dan Savage that features a gay character.

Edition #20: Everybody Was Trump Fu Fighting Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027700144 (3/21/16)

Donald Trump gets drowned out of his own rally in Chicago when it backfires spectacularly on him. Alex Jones attempts man on the street interviews at South By Southwest, and none of the festival goers seem to care. Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. fails at attempting to explain the Bible. Plus we introduce the Top 10 Mystery Machine and tell you about a plot to steal a billion dollars.

Edition #21: Trump V Cruz: Yawn Of Justice Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027718729 (3/27/16)

Donald Trump attempts to pick a fight with Ted Cruz and neither side wins. Mitch McConnell has his middle finger aimed squarely at President Obama. Erik Prince gets busted by the DOJ for tax evasion. Caitlyn Jenner turns on the transgender community. Plus we show you how the movie Idiocracy isn't just a comedy anymore - it's a documentary! Plus we pay tribute to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and comedian Gary Shandling.

Edition #22: Wheel Of Corruption Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027735754 (4/4/16)

First appearance of the Wheel Of Corruption. Donald Trump supporters petition Cleveland to allow guns into the RNC. North Carolina governor Pat McCrory passes the harshest anti-LGBT law in the country. Family values governor Robert Bentley resigns over a sex scandal. Plus hackers hilariously manipulate Microsoft's teenage girl chat support robot.
And Now This: You Had One Job

Edition #23: Wheel Of Corruption 2: Money Never Sleeps Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027750240 (4/11/16)

Second appearance of the Wheel Of Corruption. The wealthy elite get caught hiding trillions of dollars in off shore tax havens. Bruce Springsteen leads a protest against North Carolina over HB-2. Donald Trump gets confused over which countries should be allowed to have nukes. Rick Perry gets booed at Starbucks. Plus we "review" the movie "God's Not Dead 2".

Edition #24: How's That Joe Paterno Thing Going? Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027763175 (4/17/16)

While campaigning at a university in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump forgets what happened the last couple of years and what university he's at. Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performs an exorcism. Bill O'Reilly gets caught saying something racist and denies it. Alex Jones feuds with Glenn Beck. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin calls herself a "scientist" while trying to explain climate change.
Bonus Idiot: Tom Taylor, introduction of the Top 10 Twitter Feed

Edition #25: Wheel Of Corruption 3: Dark Of The Moon Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027794932 (5/1/16)

Thanks to HB-2, conservatives think it gives them the right to police bathrooms. John Kasich thinks he'll walk away the winner of a brokered convention. Alex Jones unleashes a cartoonish level of hate aimed at Beyonce over her new single "Lemonade". Fox News "psychiatrist" Keith Ablow makes the case for the AFA to yank his medical license. Plus white supremacists are trying to rig science fiction's most prestigious awards. And a Wheel Of Corruption Lightning Round.

Edition #26: Why Would God Let Trump Happen? Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027816245 (5/8/16)

The Bathroom Police turn from a joke into complete terrorists targeting America's transgender population. We recap Obama's final White House Correspondents Dinner. Ted Cruz finally bows out of the race. The GOP starts abandoning ship when Donald Trump's rhetoric gets too toxic. Donald Trump's Cinco De Mayo celebration backfires on him spectacularly.
And Now This: A-Rod Gets Wood

Edition #27: The Butler Did It (A Bird In The Hand) Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1016156541 (5/15/16)

George Zimmerman gets hilariously trolled when he attempted to auction off the gun he used to murder Trayvon Martin. CNN shows us things that are more popular than Donald Trump. Sarah Palin wants to be Donald Trump's vice presidential nominee. Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson attempts to explain transgender bathroom issues and fails hard. Meanwhile Budweiser starts calling itself "America". Because, America.

Edition #28: Wheel Of Corruption 4: Age Of Extinction Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027848522 (5/23/16)

Citizens United and Duck Dynasty debut a new film that dangerously links terrorist groups to removing God from the picture. The bathroom police start taking weapons into bathrooms. A Virginia Congressional candidate gets caught accessing porn on a government owned computer. Plus we recap a crazy fight between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Texas Rangers.

Edition #29: Springtime For Trumpenfuror Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027864798 (5/29/16)

The San Diego Padres fans boo the National Anthem when the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus sings it. Donald Trump's campaign heads to Southern California and quickly heads out after it's met with protest. Louie Gohmert thinks Matt Damon's hit movie "The Martian" is a real thing. Plus we talk about a Twitter war over a potential plot twist in the much anticipated sequel to Disney's smash hit "Frozen".

Edition #30: Army Of Beyonces Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027890691 (6/8/16)

Bill Kristol trolled the presidential debates when he suggested an alternate candidate for Trump. A Stanford University student gets caught raping a woman behind a dumpster and gets off. I mean he got a reduced sentence. North Korea supports Donald Trump. Alex Jones doubles down on his theory that Beyonce is part of a CIA mind control plot. Axl Rose attempts to sue Google to get memes about how fat he was removed. Plus we ask the question "Is Captain America secretly a Hydra agent?".
And Now This: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Schools Bill Maher On Science

Edition #31: Making America Vulnerable Again Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027918502 (6/15/16)

We recap the media's insane coverage of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando. Brock Turner's rape case at Stanford gets weirder and creepier. The Bathroom Police rail against a store in Illinois that sells adult diapers. Charles Grassley joins the list of "People Who Somehow Got Elected". Bruce Campbell of "Ash Vs Evil Dead" fame exposes an attempt to troll liberals by Trump supporters.

Edition #32: Wheel Of Corruption V: Cheeto Jesus Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027941518 (6/22/16)

Donald Trump attempts to religion-bait Hillary Clinton and fails big time. The Bathroom Police escalate their war on bathrooms. In England, a British PM is the victim of a shooting and stabbing murder. Sarah Palin is under the impression that somebody asked her about the Orlando shooting. Plus Anthony Keidis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and talk show host James Cordon save a baby's life during the filming of his "Car Pool Karaoke" segment.

Edition #33: Nazi Golf Balls Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027967189 (6/29/16)

Donald Trump goes to Scotland to attend the opening of a new golf course. While there, he gets pelted with golf balls that have a swastika on them. Plus we recap Britian's insane decision to exit from the European Union. Darrell Issa joins the growing list of "People Who Somehow Got Elected". Texas wants parents to opt out of public education if they believe in the rapture. Plus we tell you about the American equivalent of the Brexit vote involving Texas.
And Now This: Donald Trump Gives A Speech In Front Of A Trash Heap

Edition #34: Trump Man & The Mosquito Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027997971 (7/10/16)

Donald Trump invokes white supremacism while talking about Hillary Clinton's e-mail "scandal". Trump also gets attacked by a mosquito during a speech. The US military overturns the ban on transgender people serving. Roger Ailes is in hot water after Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment allegations. Scotland holds a Nazi fashion show. Plus we recap Taylor Swift's insane 4th of July party.

Edition #35: Wheel Of Corruption VI: Out Of The Shadows Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028008150 (7/13/16)

We discuss how former president George Bush handled himself at the memorial for the fallen Dallas police officers. Chik-Fil-A's latest promotion backfires on them. Donald Trump champions himself as the "law and order" candidate. Roger Ailes gets fired as sexual harassment allegations escalate. Plus Pokemon Go is causing people to do strange things, and with Star Trek Beyond in theaters, we recap the controversial decision to out USS Enterprise pilot Hikaru Sulu.

Edition #36: Make America Twerk Again Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=8030844 (7/20/16)

We discuss a real life coup that took place in Turkey. With the RNC underway, the lineup of speakers they introduced was laughable at best. Plus with the announcement of Mike Pence as Donald Trump's VP, the original logo designed for the campaign was a colossal disaster. Soverign citizens are frothing at the mouth over the idea of a race war. Plus we have more Pokemon Go insanity.

Edition #37: Bromancing The Trump Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028052876 (7/27/16)

At the RNC, Melania Trump gets caught plagiarizing and Rick Rolling. Alex Jones leads a one man protest. Deborah Wasserman Shultz resigns amid scandal. Caitlyn Jenner continues to throw her own people under the bus. We discuss the impending disaster that is the Rio Olympics. And we also offer suggestions for Donald Trump campaign songs after his most recent one gets rejected.
Bonus Idiot: The Holy Land Experience
Bonus Idiot #2: Milo Yiannopoulos

Edition #38: Wheel Of Corruption VII: The Wrath Of Khan Edition http://sync.democraticunderground.com/10028087991 (8/10/16)

Since Donald Trump decided to pick a fight with the father of a US soldier who lost his life in the Iraq War, we dedicate all ten slots to Donald Trump. Among other things, his sons go on an expensive hunting excursion, while announcing a team of all white male economic experts and we talk about his support of the US Olympic Team.
Bonus Idiot: Mitch McConnell

Edition #39: #HoorayFreedom Editon http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028116712 (8/22/16)

Donald Trump's campaign manager jumps ship. Meanwhile it's being determined whether or not Donald Trump forged letters from his doctor. We recap the clusterfuck at the Olympics involving Ryan Lotche and public urination. Donald Trump escalates his feud with Khazir Khan. Plus we ask - "Body Shaming: How is this still a thing?"
And Now This: Kanye West Writes A Poem About McDonalds

Edition #40: Zika Virus Apocalypse Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028135130 (8/31/16)

Another pharmaceutical CEO gets caught using the company as their personal piggy bank. Ann Coulter questions her loyalty to Donald Trump. Donald Trump picks fights with Dwayne Wade and Don Cheadle. Colin Kaepernick ignites a controversy over Black Lives Matter. The media goes into full apocalyptic mode over the Zika Virus. Plus we recap Lindsay Lohan's trip to Russia and her diva-esque behavior.
And Now This: Primus Covers “Pure Imagination” (in memory of Gene Wilder)

Edition #41: Make Mexico Great Again Also Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028158112 (9/11/16)

Donald Trump makes a shady donation and travels to Mexico, where his plans to "Make Mexico Great Again Also" backfire on him hilariously. Pat McCrory channels Bart Simpson while the bathroom police escalate their harassment of trans people. Paul LePage is under fire for a voice mail SNAFU where he got caught saying something racist. Plus we talk about the origins of a creepy clown scare in a South Carolina apartment complex.
And Now This Also: Ben Carson Forgets His Luggage

Edition #42: Meet The Deplorables Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028171742 (9/18/16)

It's the 47% comment all over again as Donald Trump supporters embrace Hillary Clinton's moniker of "deplorable". Donald Trump goes on the Dr. Oz show to ease fears about his health. Alex Jones is convinced that Hillary Clinton was possessed by a body double. We recap the Twitter trolling over the deaths of Alexis Arquette and Lady Chablis. Wells Fargo got caught screwing over their customers. Plus we talk about some really dumb people.
And Now This: Dwight Yoakam Covers "Purple Rain"

Edition #43: Wheel Of Corruption IX: With A Vengeance Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028195256 (9/28/16)

Recapping the first debate, Donald Trump ignited his old feud with Rosie O'Donnell. Donald Trump's sons got caught saying something racist on Twitter. Chris Christie gets his ass handed to him in the Bridgegate scandal. Caitlyn Jenner attempts to talk Kim Kardashian into voting for Donald Trump, but it backfires on her. We talk about things to watch on TV. Plus we talk about the failure that is the Samsung Galaxy Note 7.
First Live Musical Guest: Bastille

Edition #44: Tweets From The Toilet Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028207905 (10/5/16)

Donald Trump embarrasses himself with an insane 3AM Twitter rampage taking aim at a former Miss Universe. Which is poorly timed as sexual harassment allegations against him begin to surface. Alex Jones escalates his feud with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. We discuss alternative candidate Gary Johnson. Plus we talk about insane things happening in Florida and showcase the exciting world of tomorrow!
Live Musical Guest: The Claypool Lennon Delirium

Edition #45: Donald T & The Women Edition: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028225584 (10/12/16)

Donald Trump shoots himself in the foot over sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations involving former Miss Universe contestants. Meanwhile GOP anti-women brigade attempts to justify said sexual harassment allegations. Chechnyan president Ramzan Kadyrov goes full dictator. We discuss alternative candidate Jill Stein and ask: "Constitutional Literalism: How Is This Still A Thing?". The GOP abandons ship on Donald Trump. Plus the creepy clown situation escalates and it's becoming a problem sweeping the country, and actual professional clowns are fighting back against negative images.
Live Musical Guest: Alter Bridge

Edition #46: Wheel Of Corruption X: Never Go Back Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028240071 (10/19/16)

Donald Trump is hopping mad over Alec Baldwin's portrayal of him on Saturday Night Live and is convinced that the media is rigging the election against him, despite that poll numbers say otherwise. Martin Shkreli gets trolled by an upscale New York City bar. Rush Limbaugh fails at explaining how sexual assault works. Plus we talk about the rising and falling star of the second debate, undecided voter Ken Bone, and give you ideas for new Halloween costumes.
Live Musical Guest: Halsey

Edition #47: Bad Hombres & Nasty Women Edition http://www.democraticunderground.com/10028253054 (10/26/16)

Season finale: With two weeks to go before the election, Donald Trump spends more time opening another Trump Tower, while getting humiliated at the Al Smith dinner. Meanwhile the taco trucks of Las Vegas stage a creative protest outside Trump Tower. Curt Schilling joins conspiracy theorist website Breitbart. We introduce you to alternative candidate Joe Exotic. Pat McCrory channels Bart Simpson. Plus the Dark Knight joins the fight against creepy clowns and they become a global problem.
Live Musical Guest: Rob Zombie

That's it! Season 2 will premiere after the election! It will be bigger and badder!
October 26, 2016

Top 10 Conservative Idiots #47: Bad Hombres & Nasty Women Edition

Top 10 Conservative Idiots #47: Bad Hombres & Nasty Women Edition

Welcome back to the season finale of the Top 10 Conservative Idiots! This edition of the Top 10 was made possible through a generous grant from the Chubb! Group in association with the Fillmore Complex. Chubb! Proudly telling people what to think and how to vote since 1923! We are back ladies and gentlemen! World Series… getting underway! That’s got to be exciting for fans of the Cleveland Indians! I mean it’s been what – 4 months since the last championship parade that was held in downtown Cleveland? Oh you must be long suffering fans! Also congratulations to the Chicago Cubs who are finally ending their World Series drought. I mean there’s finally rain in California, and there’s a world series in Chicago. What is this world coming to? But there’s one aspect of game 6 on Saturday we *HAVE* to talk about. And that’s former Bulls great Scottie Pippen singing “Take Me Out To The Ball Game”. Let’s roll tape.

Ouch. I mean seriously, how do you fuck up that song? Everyone knows it! If you’re an American and a sports fan (who isn’t?) then it’s engrained in your blood, even if you don’t like baseball! Two year olds can sing that song better! Seriously!!! That’s enough of the intro this week, we have a lot of conservative idiocy to get to. And I mean a lot. But first one of my favorites – the great Mr. Weird Al Yankovic, got together with the Gregory Brothers of Songify fame, and recorded a song that made fun of Donald Trump during the debates. Can we show that?

OMG, Donald Trump just continues to shoot himself in the foot, doesn’t he? He got destroyed at the Al Smith Dinner, and left like a dog with its’ tail between its’ legs. So the first two slots we’re going to recap exactly what went down at the Al Smith Dinner and it’s not in favor of Donald Trump (1). Meanwhile, Donald Trump (2) is digging himself further in a hole over his mistreatment of women. In the third slot, Donald Trump (3) found himself at the center of a very creative protest at his Trump Tower on the Las Vegas Strip. Taking the fourth slot, we’re going to talk about who’s already digging a grave on Donald Trump’s (4) political career. Taking the 5th slot, we’re going to talk about the few supporters that Donald Trump (5) still has left. In the number 6 slot, we’re going to talk about former Red Sox great (?) Curt Shilling (6). He is planning on challenging Elizabeth Warren (good luck with that), and got a cushy job with right wing conspiracy theory website Breitbart. Can a job with Infowars be far behind? In the number 7 slot, the Bathroom Police (7) are back, and founding member Pat McCrory is seriously channeling Bart Simpson. Plus some more cases of the Christian right as actual sex offenders for you. In the number 8 slot, we’re going to introduce you to presidential candidate Joe Exotic (8) and wow… just I can’t say anything further. This is too damn good! In the number 9 (NEIN!!!!!) slot, we’re actually going to talk about Nazis with the Kansas House Speaker (9) calling Hitler’s words “profound” and naturally getting trounced on social media for it. Finally this week – you’re not going to believe this, especially in time for Halloween, that creepy clowns are in the news! This time it’s the Rise Of The Planet Of The Creepy Clowns (10), they’re getting arrested, fined, banned, the tables are turning on America’s creepy clowns! But it’s spreading all over the world! Plus since you’re nice, for listening to my schtick, a bonus. We’re taking a week off next week, we’re going to get you in the mood for Halloween with some live music. And who is more associated with Halloween, than Mr. Rob Zombie? I can’t think of too many people that’s for sure! And he’s got a new album out with an unusual title, and he will be stopping by to play something from it! Enjoy! And as always don’t forget the key!

[font size="8"]Donald Trump[/font]

One more thing about the Cubs before we dive head first into all things Donald J. Trump this week. And just like the last couple of weeks, it’s going to get dark really fast, so we need to find things to lighten it up. I had a family friend who was a die hard Cubs fan since the 1920s and lived in Chicago her whole life, who passed away a couple years ago at the age of 89. I actually did get to attend a Cubs – Angels game at Wrigley with her about four years ago and I’m very grateful for that. So with that in mind, here’s another Cubs superfan that we must pay props to. Can we roll that?

That’s right – nothing says “71 year drought over” like “shots of Jagermeister”! Dorothy, we salute you!

So now let’s dive into the world of all things possible future president Donald J. Trump has been up to this week. Starting with the Al Smith dinner. Holy shit, did he look like a deer in car headlights or what?

Four years ago, as a speechwriter for President Obama, I commissioned a binder full of women.

A little context. It was the morning of the Al Smith Dinner, the election-year tradition in which both parties’ nominees don white-tie attire and deliver comedy monologues to New York City’s elite. Our opponent, Governor Mitt Romney had recently used the words “binders full of women” while discussing gender parity in government. Eager to mock the clumsy phrase, I asked a staffer on the advance team to put together a prop.

But our binder never saw the light of day. Obama nixed the idea. I remember being disappointed by the president’s decision, and wondering if POTUS was phoning it in. Of the jokes that did make it into the final draft, one in particular stood out for its authenticity.

“In less than three weeks, voters in states like Ohio and Virginia and Florida will decide this incredibly important election. Which begs the question—what are we doing here?”

Whoa let’s stop there. You have white people wearing white attire. I mean just look at this crowd!

Seriously – dressage could not even begin to compete with this kind of billionaire pretentiousness. Now pay close attention to that guy sitting right behind Donald Trump. Just watch what happens when Trump tells the first joke and how fucking awful it is!

Yeah that’s about how we all felt watching the most cringe-worthy speech of the Donald Trump campaign so far! And this is coming from a guy whos’ opening speech called the entire country of Mexico rapists and job stealers! There’s more though, so much more!

It was tense even before they started. Reporters tweeted that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump entered the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner from separate sides of the room, and didn't even shake hands (which at this point really isn't a surprise).

But there was hope that Thursday night's event could serve as a comedic salve for the nation following three decidedly nasty presidential debates. The fundraising event for Catholic charities — now in its 71st year — traditionally is a time for the candidates to offer jokes about themselves and their opponent.

Trump spoke first, and it was hard at times to tell if he was joking. Trump complained about all the politicians who loved him, his money and his endorsements before he decided to run for president. "Suddenly, [they] decided when I ran for president as a Republican that I've always been a no-good, rotten, disgusting scoundrel. And they totally forgot about me." And he continued, to silence from the crowd, "but that's OK."

But there’s even more to the Al Smith Dinner – we’re still not done!

First, let’s recognize some lines that did show a mature sense of humor. Trump:

“You know, Cardinal Dolan and I have some things in common. For instance, we both run impressive properties on Fifth Avenue. Of course, his is much more impressive than mine. That’s because I built mine with my own [pause] beautifully formed [longer pause] hands.”

“Michelle Obama gives a speech and everyone loves it, it’s fantastic. They think she’s absolutely great. My wife Melania [as Trump said this, the camera showed her shaking her head and smiling, clearly in on the joke] gives the exact same speech, and people get on her case.”

“Hillary accidentally bumped into me, and she very civilly said ‘pardon me.’ [Pauses as many in the room laughed]. And I very politely replied, let me talk to you about that once I get into office.”

The last one started to cross the line from self-deprecating to sniping, but the room laughed, and if he’d stopped there, he would’ve been okay.

That’s it? That’s the best ya got? Pardon me? I love the band Incubus and I’d much rather listen to their song “Pardon Me” a million times before I listen to that joke again! You know what? Fuck it, let’s play that shit!

Ah I feel better! But things continue to get worse for Donald T. and the Women:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump vented at an adult film star on Monday who has accused him of groping her.

Over the weekend, actress Jessica Drake said that Trump kissed her and two of her friends without permission. She also claimed that he later offered her $10,000 for sex.

In a Monday interview on New Hampshire radio station WGIR, Trump lashed out at Drake.

“These are stories that are made up, it’s total fiction,” Trump told radio host Jake Heath. “You’ll find out that in the years to come, these women that stood up, it’s all fiction. They were made up. I don’t know these women.”

“It’s not my thing to do what they say. I don’t do that,” he continued. “I don’t grab them — as they say — on the arm. One said, ‘He grabbed me on the arm.’ And she’s a porn star! This one that came out recently, ‘He grabbed me and he grabbed me on the arm.'”

Trump added sarcastically: “Oh, I’m sure she’s never been grabbed before.”

read more: http://www.rawstory.com/2016/10/donald-trump-mocks-woman-accuser-on-talk-radio-oh-im-sure-shes-never-been-grabbed-before/

[font size="8"]Donald Trump[/font]

We have to show this from the Hillary Camp - Donald Trump loves conspiracy theories so much you can make your own Donald Trump branded Tin Foil Hat! I'm sure Alex Jones and Roger Stone already have them made!

So last week we talked about Donald Trump’s extremely poor taste photo opportunity when he’s been embroidered in scandal after scandal involving his mistreatment of women during his time as the head of the Miss Universe pageant. Can we show that picture again?

Excuse me a minute…

OK so now Donald Trump has come full circle and done the most Donald Trump thing his presidential candidacy has done so far – he is threatening to yes, sue the women who are accusing him of sexual harassment. Now like most Donald Trump lawsuits, he isn’t going to do anything with them. He just uses them for show. Kind of like the way he uses Chris Christie as a stage prop.

Even Chris Christie in that picture is like “What the fuck am I doing here?”. So Donald Trump is threatening to sue the women accusing him of sexual harassment.

Donald J. Trump threatened to sue The New York Times for libel on Wednesday night in response to an article that featured two women accusing him of touching them inappropriately years ago, but the newspaper defended its reporting and told Mr. Trump’s lawyer that “we welcome the opportunity to have a court set him straight.”

The threat of legal action comes as the Trump campaign has been ensnared in controversy after the release of a video last week that showed the Republican nominee for president demeaning women and bragging about being able to force himself on women without consequence. During a presidential debate on Sunday night, Mr. Trump said that it was just “locker-room talk” and that he never did those things.

Mr. Trump told The Times that the allegations of the two women were false and his lawyer, Marc E. Kasowitz, demanded that the newspaper retract the story and issue an apology.

He’s suing the NY Times, folks! I mean if that doesn’t say “I’m guilty” then what does? And Donald, when you’re already in a hole, you might want to stop digging!

But seriously, Donald is in so much shit over this it’s almost unbelievable. But in, again, the most Donald Trump way fashionable – he’s “too busy” to actually go through with the lawsuit!

Donald Trump hasn't moved forward on his threat to sue the women accusing him of unwanted sexual advances because he's busy with the presidential election, his campaign manager said Sunday. When asked by "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd, "Why not sue them now?" Kellyanne Conway responded: "Because we're busy winning the presidency."

"We're a little bit busy over here doing that," she said. "He's just putting people on notice that they can't just falsely accuse him."

Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, opened up a rally in Gettysburg, Pa., on Saturday by promising to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct. "Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said.

And yes there is tape of this. Can we roll it?

But seriously is Donald Trump channeling Charlie Sheen during his “winning” phase? Because he really does seem to be going that way. Maybe he’s abusing steroids too? Because he might at least start after seeing what is happening.

Jill Harth, the first woman who publicly accused Trump of sexual misconduct, released a statement on Sunday in which she explained that she only chose to speak up after he called her a liar.
“Trump’s calling me a liar again yesterday only strengthens my resolve to speak the truth about what he did to me.”

Lisa Bloom, Harth’s attorney, said she would “continue to proudly represent” her client through any lawsuits.
And then she goes for the jugular:
“In that lawsuit I would take the deposition of Trump and all of his enablers, and subpoena his business and personal records as well as any recordings that may exist in which he brags about sexual assault, such as the Access Hollywood recording and potentially, the Apprentice raw footage.”

Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Trump,” said Allred. “If you sue the accusers, the lawyers who represent these women will have the opportunity to depose you.
In plain English, you will be required to testify under oath and the women’s lawyers will welcome the opportunity to question you under oath.
You may find the questions may include all the women with whom you have had sexual interaction.”

But now the tables are turning my friends! Now Donald Trump is going on the defense, because counter suits are possibly being launched!

Seeking to re-set the presidential race, Donald Trump unveiled his "closing arguments" speech Saturday that included an agenda for his first 100 days in office, attacks on Hillary Clinton and the media, and threats to sue women who have accused him of inappropriate sexual advances.

"All of these liars will be sued after the election is over," Trump said of his accusers during his remarks in Gettysburg, Pa.

The latest accusation surfaced Saturday, when adult film actress Jessica Drake said that at a golf tournament in 2006 Trump invited her and two other women to his suite and kissed them on the lips without permission. Trump, who has steadfastly denied all the claims, said members of the media "are trying to poison the mind of the American voter."

Yeah a little too late to hit the reset button there, Donald!

[font size="8"]Donald Trump[/font]

Tacos. You can go to a real Mexican restaurant and get tacos that look like this:

Or you can go to Burger King and get the Whopperito. I mean seriously what the fuck is this thing? It’s not a burrito. It’s not a burger. It’s not a sandwich, and I’m pretty sure it does not qualify as any sort of authentic Mexican food.

So why am I brining up gourmet Mexican food? Well I don’t count the chicken and waffle breakfast taco at Taco Bell as gourmet Mexican food. OK I’m getting carried away here. Back to the real story. We go to Las Vegas for this where the Vegas version of Trump Tower was met with protests from the taco trucks of Las Vegas. I love this story.

This was inevitable. This collision of two notable, and objectionable, moments from the Donald Trump campaign: a wall and taco trucks.
A half dozen taco trucks formed a "wall" outside the Trump International Las Vegas hotel, hours before the presidential debate Wednesday.

"If you don't get out and vote, this clown could be president," a worker told the crowd as he pointed at the building.

Now this…. This is a protest that I want to be a part of! I mean who wouldn’t want taco trucks as far as the eye can see? That sounds fucking awesome!!!

And remember when Donald Trump tweeted that picture of him eating a taco bowl and declaring that the best taco salads come from Trump Tower on Cinco De Mayo?

Well would you be surprised to learn that it’s inspired protests all around the world like this one in Belgium which shows Trumpenfuror eating a waffle with his thumbs up?

Restaurants across the country have taken advantage of Donald Trump’s laughable attempt at speaking Spanish and cooked up some cheeky dishes at his expense. On Wednesday night during the final presidential debate, when asked about his thoughts on immigration and border protection (as if we didn’t already know) Trump decided to test his entry-level español and uttered , “We have some bad hombres here and we’re going to get them out.”
The best (and worst) jokes from the Al Smith dinner
Read more

The problem is that what he actually said was hambres – hambre meaning hungry or hunger in Spanish, so food trucks and restaurants across the nation decided this was the perfect opportunity to showcase some ingenious menu specials.


[font size="8"]Donald Trump[/font]

So we have to talk about who’s already digging a grave on Donald Trump’s political career. Well for one thing Donald Trump’s past is starting to catch up to him. So who is digging a grave on Donald Trump’s political career? Why it’s Donald Trump himself! Just look what he said to John Travolta’s wife when their son tragically passed away several years ago.

Even the death of a child couldn't keep Donald Trump from talking about hitting on the boy's mother.

In January 2009, Kelly Preston and John Travolta's son Jett passed away at the age of 16 after suffering a seizure while on a family vacation. Four days later, Trump wrote a blog post dedicated to Preston on the website of the now-defunct Trump University, which has been sued by the state of New York and former students over claims of fraud.

The mogul expressed his condolences to Preston for her loss, but not before he mentioned the time he tried to sleep with her. According to Trump, the attempt failed.

Just……………….. wow. Not even a day after their son dies, Donald Trump talks about hitting on her. Can you imagine this guy as president going to the funeral of a deceased soldier? “Excuse me, ma’am, I’m sorry your husband was killed in Iraq. I was against the war from the beginning. He was a stupid loser, he should have never enlisted. He should have never been near that building that blew up. If he had only been a few feet further to the right, he might have survived. You want to go out on a date sometime? I think you’re hot, OK????” So who else wants to say goodbye to the Donald Trump presidential campaign? His own brand!


According to Travel + Leisure, new Trump luxury hotels will now bear the “Scion” name.

According to CEO Eric Danzinger, the new name reflects the family without using the brand name Trump has spent a lifetime building.

“We wanted a name that would be a nod to the Trump family and to the tremendous success it has had with its businesses, including Trump Hotels, while allowing for a clear distinction between our luxury and lifestyle brands,” Danziger said in a press release.

According to Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions, Ivanka Trump, “Our business at Trump Hotels is stronger than ever and we are incredibly excited about the future of Scion, the newest brand in our hotel portfolio.”

OK first off Donald – why would your hotel business be thriving when it's surrounded by taco trucks? Second, haven’t you ever heard of a car company called Scion? I think I smell a copyright infringement!

And Donald Trump is continuing to dig his own grave here. You know Donald when you’re already in a hole, the thing you might want to do is stop digging!

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump vented at an adult film star on Monday who has accused him of groping her.

Over the weekend, actress Jessica Drake said that Trump kissed her and two of her friends without permission. She also claimed that he later offered her $10,000 for sex.

In a Monday interview on New Hampshire radio station WGIR, Trump lashed out at Drake.

“These are stories that are made up, it’s total fiction,” Trump told radio host Jake Heath. “You’ll find out that in the years to come, these women that stood up, it’s all fiction. They were made up. I don’t know these women.”

“It’s not my thing to do what they say. I don’t do that,” he continued. “I don’t grab them — as they say — on the arm. One said, ‘He grabbed me on the arm.’ And she’s a porn star! This one that came out recently, ‘He grabbed me and he grabbed me on the arm.'”

Trump added sarcastically: “Oh, I’m sure she’s never been grabbed before.”

read more: http://www.rawstory.com/2016/10/donald-trump-mocks-woman-accuser-on-talk-radio-oh-im-sure-shes-never-been-grabbed-before/

Even Donald Trump’s own party is burying him!

Donald Trump has made the terrain so difficult for some GOP congressmen in moderate districts that a handful have threatened to sue TV stations for running ads produced by Democrats tying the Republicans to their nominee, the Huffington Post reported.

The Huffington Post report identified five different Republicans -- whose campaigns have sought to distance themselves or even fully disavow Trump -- who have filed complaints with stations requesting they pull ads linking them to Trump. Some of the letters, which claim the ads are misleading, have included the threat of legal action.

In general, it's not uncommon for politicians to try to get unfair ads against them taken down. But, as Huffington Post notes, lawmakers usually aren't crying defamation over being linked to the presidential nominee of their own party.

Sorry GOP but you own this. Donald Trump is your creation. You can’t back out of it now.

[font size="8"]Donald Trump Supporters[/font]

But now we have to talk about the few supporters Donald Trump does have left – the 44% of white evangelical voters, or the Deplorables. These people just… WTF. Before we dive head first into the world of Deplorables, this study shows exactly who the few supporters Trump still has left are. And it's mainly white Christian conservatives. We'll cover their extreme hypocrisy later in this edition.


Many white evangelicals believe Trump demonstrates strong moral character.

A new poll shows 44% of white evangelicals believe Trump demonstrates “strong moral character,” while only 18% of those with no religion agree.

A recent ABC/WaPo poll confirms what many have long suspected concerning the moral judgement of evangelicals, or lack thereof.

Noting the irony of white evangelicals claiming a man who openly brags about sexually assaulting women has strong moral character, Politico reporter Dan Diamond tweeted out the results of the poll:

I like that one. You know let’s extrapolate this for a minute. We will cover the Bathroom Police much later this week but we have to dissect the irony here. Christian people are so afraid of transgender people using public bathrooms and locker rooms that they’re actually taking AK47s into these places because… vigilantes, yeah! But this guy actually walks into a room where supermodels are getting changed because it’s “nothing I haven’t seen before”. And they think this guy has enough moral character to be president! This fucking guy!

Donald Trump has been caught out boasting about how he was the only man allowed backstage to 'inspect' naked women at the Miss USA pageant because he owned it.

The Republican nominee bragged about the extra power he had during an interview with Howard Stern in April 2005, the tapes of which have been released by CNN.

'I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,' Trump said about the pageant.

Well when you look at the caliber of person who still supports Donald Trump, it’s easy to see why they still support him. Like this winner of a citizen who is salivating over the idea of a second civil war:

Donald Trump’s recent rhetoric about rigged elections and a constitutional crisis would fulfill the fantasies of some supporters, who’ve been stockpiling weapons and food as they look forward to what most people would consider a worst-case scenario.

Jim Moseley, a self-described “Christian soldier” from Greenville, South Carolina, is buying extra ammunition and canned goods to prepare for what he believes will be a second civil war, reported The (Toronto) Star.

“Once the trucks stop rolling, the grocery shelves will go empty and gasoline rationing will go into effect,” Moseley wrote in a Facebook message early this week.

The newspaper caught up with Moseley, a 59-year-old retired salesman, earlier this week to discuss Trump’s darkening campaign rhetoric.

Read more: http://www.rawstory.com/2016/10/trumps-rhetoric-excites-christian-soldier-for-civil-war-your-skin-color-will-be-your-uniform/

And this Alt Right white supremacist radio host who thinks that Donald Trump is going to make babies great again! I hope you're not eating anything during this entry because this might be one of the most disgusting, batshit crazy things ever said by a Trump supporter, and that's saying a lot!

Matt Forney, a self-described alt-right radio host, suggested this week that there would be a “white baby boom” after the November election because “women are having sex dreams” about Donald Trump.

In a tweet on Monday, Matt Forney mocked Cosmopolitan writer Laura Beck, who said that allegations about Trump groping women were impacting her sex life.

“On one hand, the thought of being touched by my husband, a man, after spending day upon never-ending day listening to Donald Trump’s sexually assaultive language, is not a pleasant one,” Beck wrote. “On the other, we are both so obsessed with the election that our combined anxiety is killing our sex drives.”

Forney responded: “I fully endorse shitlibs not having sex due to Trump, it makes them less likely to breed.”

Excuse me a minute...

I feel better. You know anyone who uses the word "libtard" or "shitlib" should be disqualified from any sort of public debate, along with anyone who uses the phrase "Make America Great Again" not in a joke context. Like these people who actively left this passive-aggressive note while dining at a restaurant. Once again, irony escapes these people. Read the note, then the irony will become clear.

14702433_10207635092531776_6200157557141035776_nWhen you work at Cracker Barrel in South Carolina, I suppose you are prepared to serve all kinds of people who have injected cream gravy directly into their veins. It’s like heroin down there, right? Well this week, a couple of cream gravy addicts rolled their asses into Cracker Barrel for their daily allowance of sugar cured ham and hash brown casserole and decided that, instead of leaving a monetary tip for their waitress, they would bestow some 1950’s advice scrawled out onto a bev nap. The photo was sent to me by a few people and it needs to be addressed. It’s pretty surprising.

So you see the note. Here’s the transcript. It’s time for English 101 kids, see if you can identify the irony in this note.

Dear <name omitted>, thank you for your excelent service today. Your a good waitress.

Heres your tip:

The womans place is in the home. You’re place is in the home. It even says so in the Bible. You may think that your contributing to your household by coming into work, but your not. While your in here “working” this is the reason your husband must see another women on his way home from a long day at his work. Because you should be home taking care of the household duties. You may think what you are doing “working” is right, it is really essentially a disgrace to his manhood and to the American family. So instead of coming to your “job” and looking for hand out’s to feed your family, hows about going home and cleaning your house and cooking a hot meal for your husband and children, the way you’re husband and God intended, and help make America great again. Praying for families and our nation.

<name omitted>

Now if you need some spelling out of the irony here, they are dining out at a restaurant, and telling a waitress to *not* do her job. Need it spelled out again? A guy and his WIFE are dining at a fucking Cracker Barrel. And have the nerve to tell the waitress that she should be at home servicing her husband and in the dang kitchen!! If they wanted to be true to their word, shouldn’t they be doing the same instead of dining at a fucking Cracker Barrel? The word “deplorable” doesn’t begin to describe these lunatics.

By the way – Tom Hanks owned SNL this weekend as a Trump supporter on a SNL sketch called “Black Jeopardy”. Can we roll that?

[font size="8"]Curt Schilling [/font]

*Jim Rome voice* Curt Schilling. Guy’s a legend. He had that whole bloody sock thing with the Red Sox that allowed them to win the world series in that 2004 miracle comeback. OK enough of that. Apologies to Jim Rome, I do a terrible impression of him. But is Curt Schilling really a legend? Remember when he got fired from ESPN for spreading extremely toxic right wing, anti-LGBT memes on Twitter?

Curt Schilling, a former All-Star pitcher and one of the highest-profile baseball analysts on ESPN, was fired from the network Wednesday, a day after he drew intense criticism for promoting offensive commentary on social media.

Schilling, who had worked for the network since 2010 and most recently offered analysis on “Monday Night Baseball,” was dismissed after sharing a Facebook post this week that appeared to respond to the North Carolina law that bars transgender people from using bathrooms and locker rooms that do not correspond with their birth genders.

The post showed an overweight man wearing a wig and women’s clothing with parts of the T-shirt cut out to expose his breasts. It says: “LET HIM IN! to the restroom with your daughter or else you’re a narrow-minded, judgmental, unloving racist bigot who needs to die.”


Yup. That’s the kind of quality commentator that ESPN is looking for. That’s the meme that got him fired – and it was pretty well deserved. So what was he up to this week? He wants to play politics and thinks he can beat Elizabeth Warren! Aw…. Isn’t that special?

The former Boston Red Sox pitching ace Curt Schilling said Tuesday he will seek to unseat Sen. Elizabeth Warren in 2018, provided his wife approves.

CBS Providence affiliate WPRI reports Schilling made the announcement on a local call-in radio show while also defending his failed video game business in the state.

“I’ve made my decision. I’m going to run,” Schilling said during an interview on WPRO-AM. “But – but – I haven’t talked to Shonda, my wife. And ultimately it’s going to come down to how her and I feel this would affect our marriage and our kids.”

Shonda herself later called in to the show saying she wasn’t sure if she’d allow it.

In August, Schilling said he wanted to eventually run for the White House, and that getting elected to a state office was the first step in that plan.

Wait… the White House? Setting your aspirations a little high there aren’t we, Curt? I mean if Donald Trump’s polling numbers are any indication you’re a shoo-in!

Those in search of further evidence that Donald Trump is using his presidential campaign to market his new $212 million hotel in Washington, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, Oct. 26, when Trump plans to hold a grand opening celebration for the project.

That’s a dozen days before Election Day, Nov. 8. No official word on whether Trump himself will attend as his company, the Trump Organization, confirmed the date but has not yet sent out invitations.

This will be the third major event he has held at the hotel since launching his campaign, part of plugs and promotions for the hotel that he has inserted into campaign events, interviews and rallies.

Oh well. At least he’s got a cushy job at right wing conspiracy theorist website Breitbart:

As we watch embers fly from the conflagration that is Donald Trump’s unhinged campaign for America’s presidency, it is tempting to start probing questions of its legacy. What will remain after this bad hombre retreats to Trump Tower and ascends the escalator from which he once entered our lives to announce his noxious candidacy?

Much has been written about the toxic brew of misogyny, racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia that Trump has served up in generous quantities at rallies and on the Twittersphere. The rhetoric and malice found here have permeated large parts of the country. Long-harbored grievances and fears are now expressed openly. As Jeremy Scahill of the Intercept observes:

Whether Trump wins, loses, or loses big, he has empowered fascists, racists and bigots. He did not create them, but he has legitimized them by becoming the nominee and openly expressing their heinous, hateful beliefs. This, to me, is one of the most frightening developments on a domestic level in the U.S. this election cycle. Trump may go away, but the people he has empowered will not.


By the way in case you were wondering, why yes Curt Schilling does have anti-Semitic views!

[font size="8"]The Bathroom Police[/font]

So we already discussed the irony of the Christian right seeing Donald Trump as the “moral high ground”. Yeah right. As Mike Myers once said “Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!!!”. So with Donald Trump actually walking in on models getting changed in the locker room, how do the Bathroom Police feel about this? Well it’s been nearly six months since North Carolina’s horrific HB-2 was passed. So what happens now? Well let’s ask the original founding member of the Bathroom Police – Pat McCrory (R – Batshit), shall we?

Raleigh, N.C. — Gov. Pat McCrory pointed to a trove of internal Democratic National Committee emails published by WikiLeaks as evidence that the political left engineered the controversy that led to House Bill 2 as a political fundraising tool.

"Well, what's most disturbing is that these emails have clearly shown something we suspected all along – and that is the state of North Carolina, the City of Charlotte and especially small businesses were being used as a pawns by Roy Cooper, by the mayor of Charlotte and by the Democratic Party on an issue that was made up purely for political purposes and to raise money," McCrory said during an impromptu news conference Tuesday.

Cooper is North Carolina's attorney general and the Democratic candidate for governor this fall against McCrory.

Read more at http://www.wral.com/mccrory-the-left-to-blame-for-hb2/15880534/#dqruLuLvKEoyzrOX.99

And we might want to cue the Sad Hulk Music for this one – Pat McCrory said that he and his wife have lost friends over this bill! Well… boo hoo!!!

Pat McCrory's unwavering support of House Bill 2, which targets which public restrooms transgender people can use, has turned some of his friends against him, the North Carolina governor says.

BuzzFeed News reports that in a speech to the Family Research Council in Raleigh, McCrory said friends told him they couldn't support him out of fear they'll be attacked by Hillary Clinton.

"I've had at least five this week tell me that. Good friends. Very good friends. 'Pat, I love ya. I love ya man, we'll be friends for life. We just can't support you,'" McCrory said.

He said HB2, which forces transgender people to use the public bathroom corresponding with the gender on their birth certificate, has caused much hardship for he and his wife.

You know Pat – you brought this on yourself. You’re the one who signed the bill. You could have done the right thing and um *NOT* signed the bill. But instead you are the one who fucked up. Cue the world’s tiniest violin.

Switching subjects let’s take a dip in the international conservative idiots file and head to Paris, shall we? And yes in 2016 when you see support for gay marriage is at an all time high it’s sad to see shit like this still going on.

PARIS (AP) -- Tens of thousands of people have marched in Paris to call for the repeal of a law allowing gay marriage, six months before France's next presidential election.

The protesters ended up at Trocadero Plaza, near the Eiffel Tower. Police estimated the crowd at 24,000, while organizers gave a figure of 200,000.

They were also protesting Sunday against the use of assisted reproduction techniques and surrogate mothers to help same-sex couples have babies.

Assisted reproduction is allowed in France only for infertile heterosexual couples and surrogacy is banned.

Now remember that for every time an innocent trans person is harassed, or murdered simply for being who they are, we must report a sex crime for every time the Christian right feels the need to shoot their mouth off. Now this week, would you have guessed it would be the guy they consider “the moral high ground” for president?


It’s bad enough that Donald Trump allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl…But it turns out the way he raped her is absolutely horrifying, according to sworn testimony from the latest lawsuit filed against him.

A close look at the documents filed by the plaintiff and two other witnesses reveal Donald Trump as a monster that no one who has ever loved a girl or a woman should ever want anywhere near the White House. Seriously, he’s that creepy guy every pretty teenage girl has ever been warned about, who will lure them to rape parties by claiming he’ll help them become models…just like his daughter Ivanka.....

That’s right. These alleged rapes occurred in 1994, when Donald Trump’s beloved Ivanka was 14, just a year older than Katie Johnson. Just when you thought the infamous photo below couldn’t possibly look any more creepy…

Katie Johnson suffered four of these encounters with Donald Trump, but the last was the most horrific.
‘Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.’

[font size="8"]Joe Exotic[/font]

So we’ve talked a lot about alternative candidates in this election. We have discussed Jill Stein and Gary Johnson a lot. Why would you even vote for these people? If you’re a Bernie Sanders supporter who is still frothing at the mouth that he’s not the nominee… well get over it. Bernie’s doing as much to unite the party against Donald Trump as anybody. At this point maybe you’re still fed up with Trump, Hillary, Stein, and Johnson that you might sit out this election altogether. Well, you are wrong good sir / madam! I give you Joe Exotic, first profiled on Last Week Tonight:

So let’s expand further. I went down the worm hole on Joe Exotic. And he is quite possibly more insane than Donald Trump is. Take a look at one of his videos.

That one tiger looks like it’s about ready to pounce on him and start mauling him Simpsons style, doesn’t it? So let’s explore a bit more, shall we?

Are you feeling indifferent about the upcoming election? Does neither candidate excite you? Maybe you should consider a third party candidate—no, not Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.

We’re talking about Joe Exotic, the gay Oklahoma animal wrangler who’s pegging his Oval Office hopes on a write-in campaign.

John Oliver profiled Exotic (born Joe Schreibvoge) on Sunday’s edition of Last Week Tonight. (His segment starts at about the 1:40 mark).

According to his video, Exotic is unapologetically gay—”I’ve had two boyfriends most of my life”—and also “broke as sh*t.” He says he won’t change a thing about himself if he’s elected president, so don’t expect no fancy suits or a haircut.

Now is this not the guy you want running for president? Oh we’re not done! There’s more to this mysterious new candidate!

In the above Oct. 18 interview with Canote Films, Exotic explained how his views differ from Republican nominee Donald Trump specifically. “I don’t know what the f*ck he’s smoking, because you can’t throw 10 million people out of this country ‘cause we don’t have 10 million white people that’ll work ― and that’s a fact,” he said. “Being gay gave me the ability to open my heart and my mind to let people live how the hell the way to live.”

Exotic could find some support among those seeking a more down-to-earth candidate than Hillary Clinton and Trump, or even better-known third party hopefuls Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, Oliver said Sunday.

“Joe Exotic is truly the candidate you’d want to sit down and have a beer with, then another beer, and then several more beers until you’re drunk enough to try meth for the first time,” Oliver told his viewers, before suggesting that Trump’s campaign slogan could easily be adapted for the presidential hopeful: “Joe Exotic: Make American Exotic Again.”

Maybe he can run alongside Vermin Supreme for the undecided voter ticket. Exotic / Supreme – Because… fuck it, who gives a shit? 2016.

[font size="8"]Peggy Mast[/font]

Finally! We get to use the number 9 (NEIN!!!) slot to talk about actual Nazis. Specifically Kansas House Speaker Peggy Mast. Who used the magic of social media to, well, break the first rule of social media. And that is don’t say anything you’ll regret saying later. Let’s explain further.

A Kansas House leader said Thursday that her intent was to criticize Planned Parenthood when she called Adolf Hitler’s words profound in a Facebook post.

“Great quote from Hitler in the video,” Speaker Pro Tem Peggy Mast, R-Emporia, the No. 3 Republican in the Kansas House, posted to her Facebook page Thursday morning. “Please listen to it closely. His words are profound! Let’s start using discernment.”

Mast, who is not seeking re-election, did not return phone calls. She did, however, take to social media to clarify her position.

She said in another Facebook post that her intent was to compare Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest reproductive health provider, to the Nazi leader and that she “was not in any way agreeing with Hitler’s words.”

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article109448412.html#storylink=cpy

I think Adolf himself would like to have a word with you, Ms. Mast:

Eh, I’m not really feeling this entry. Let’s switch subjects and talk about Bob Dylan. You guys and gals OK with that? What the fuck is up with Bob Dylan getting the Nobel Prize for Literature?

Bob Dylan has won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature.

An American has won the Nobel Prize in Literature for the first time in 23 years—but in a shocking decision, songwriter Bob Dylan—not novelists Philip Roth, Don DeLillo, or Thomas Pynchon—won “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.” Dylan’s citation also compared him to Homer—the Swedish Academy had to reach back 3,000 years to find a precedent.

Born Robert Zimmerman in 1941, Dylan was the enfant terrible of the New York City folk scene—a impish trickster who annoyed (and stole from) many of his elders, particularly Dave Van Ronk and Pete Seger. Dylan first broke out in the early 1960s as a part of a growing movement of songwriters who were writing and performing topical material about the Civil Rights Movement and other current events. Dylan has been labeled a “topical songwriter” since that period, but he spent only a short period writing songs like “When The Ship Comes In” and “The Times They Are A Changin’”

But for some reason Bob Dylan is being oddly silent. I mean didn’t he just play that crazy Desert Trip concert to a sold out crowd of 75,000?

U.S. musician Bob Dylan performs during on day 2 of The Hop Festival in Paddock Wood, Kent, June 30, 2012. REUTERS/Ki Price

STOCKHOLM Many writers might give their right arm to be paid almost $1 million to deliver a lecture. But Bob Dylan's silence since he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature might mean he never sees the award money.

The American singer-songwriter, a cultural icon of dissent and protest from the 1960s onward, has said nothing about the award announced two weeks ago. But under Nobel rules, the winner must give one lecture on literature - or in Dylan's case even a concert - within six months to receive the $900,000 prize money.

Per Wastberg, a member of Swedish Academy that presents the award, has said that Dylan's silence is "rude and arrogant".

The Nobel Foundation does not accept any rejections of the prize - Dylan's name will be listed as the winner in 2016 whatever he says. But the award money is a different matter.

As a condition, Dylan must give a lecture on a subject "relevant to the work for which the prize has been awarded" no later than 6 months after Dec. 10, the anniversary of dynamite inventor Alfred Nobel's death.

[font size="8"]Rise Of The Planet Of The Creepy Clowns[/font]

We need some appropriate music for this entry. Can we get that please?

Really? I mean really? That’s what we’re going with? Well OK fine. I mean come on surely we can do better than that, right?

Now you guys are just screwing with me! You know I don’t want to talk about creepy clowns, but as long as they keep popping up in the news, we have to talk about it! They have long since left the confines of the Greensboro, North Carolina woods. And it’s not just in America either, creepy clowns are popping up all over the world! Like in Germany for instance:

Berlin police said on Saturday that two masked men in clown costumes attempted to rob a 25-year-old man in the German capital's neighborhood of Schöneberg. The man managed to break free from the assailants, but the masked men were able to escape and police have opened an investigation into the case.

Prior to that, incidents were reported in several other areas in Germany: a person dressed as a clown and wielding a chainsaw terrified a woman in the western town of Wesel, the dpa news agency reported.

A 15-year-old in Rostock was chased by a clown with a knife on Thursday, and a 33-year-old deaf man was injured in a knife attack by two men wearing clown masks in the German city of Gelsenkirchen.

Now, police have warned of more possible attacks on Halloween, fearing the holiday will make it easier for people to mask themselves as clowns and prank strangers, or even commit crimes.

But here’s the question that has not been asked yet of the creepy clown craze. First off, worst craze ever. Second, worst music festival ever. And that question is simple – what do they want? What is the ultimate end game for today’s modern creepy clown? Is there some sort of underground creepy clown fight club and they’re enacting their own version of Project Mayhem?

The Great Clown Scare of 2016 started in the dog days of August, when a young man began wandering the streets of Green Bay, Wis., in gruesome black-and-white clown makeup, carrying black balloons. (It was later revealed that he was doing guerrilla marketing for a horror short.) A few weeks later, children in a Greenville, S.C., apartment complex told the police about clowns flashing green laser lights in nearby woods and trying to lure them with cash. The complex issued a warning to residents, but the police found nothing — not one frizzy strand of clown-wig hair.

Nevertheless, reports of sinister clowns have spread to at least 20 states, and abroad, causing school closings and several arrests. Notably, no American children have been physically harmed, though last week a man in a clown mask in Sweden stabbed a teenager in the shoulder. Law-abiding clowns are predictably upset, and have organized at least one “Clown Lives Matter” protest in response.

Creepy clown sightings aren’t new. They date from at least May 1981, when the cryptozoologist Loren Coleman coined the term “phantom clowns” to describe them. At the time, children in Brookline, Mass., were reporting clowns in vans who beckoned them with promises of candy. The police issued an all-points bulletin, established checkpoints and conducted searches, but no clowns were captured.

But the tides are now turning! You know last time we talked about creepy clowns, the creepy clowns were fighting back against negative images (see Idiots #44… by posting the creepiest image imaginable and expecting people to show up at a peace rally!

You know I’m no PR expert but I’m pretty sure that’s *NOT* the image you want to use when you want to project a positive image! But the tides are turning! Now residents are fighting back against creepy clowns!

A Mississippi county has had enough of the creepy clown phase.

Kemper County, Mississippi's Board of Supervisors voted recently to make it unlawful to wear a clown costume in public. The ban covers all ages and includes costumes, masks or makeup.

Violation of the ban can result in a fine of up to $150.

The ban – which will expire the day after Halloween – comes at the request of the county sheriff, the Kemper County Messenger reported. It comes after a series of reports from around the country and Alabama that spooky-looking clowns were threatening children and schools. Some of those reports were later debunked and a few led to arrests with concerns over the creepy clown phenomenon growing as Halloween approaches.

Sales of creepy clown masks and costumes have skyrocketed in recent weeks though some retailers, such as Target, have pulled them from the shelves.

Wait a minute… back it up! Beep! Beep! So Target… you’re banning something popular from store shelves and not thinking about your profit margins? I mean what has the world come to? Maybe they saw this story out of San Francisco where guys wearing clown masks attempted to carry guns through a shopping mall. Yikes.

Three men carrying "creepy clown" masks and a gun fled from the Westfield San Francisco Centre on Sunday afternoon, after being discovered by security guards during a routine grounds check.

The guards were reportedly walking through the emergency stairwells in the mall when they found the men, according to the San Francisco Examiner. San Francisco police spokesman Officer Carlos Manfredi told the Examiner SFPD was informed about the incident at about 3:15 p.m. and confirmed that the masks were of the "creepy clown" variety.

"They saw three suspects, two clown masks that they were holding, and one of the three brandished a gun," Manfredi told the Examiner.

So I guess the question that needs to be asked is, what do the creepy clowns gain out of this? That is what newspapers like USA Today are starting to ask. Even the White House – the White House!!! Was forced to comment on the creepy clown situation!

Schools in Cincinnati, Ohio, closed on Friday because a woman reported being attacked by a male dressed as a clown. Another woman, who reported being attacked by a clown early Saturday, was later arrested after police confirmed that she lied about being attacked by a knife-wielding person dressed as a clown.

The phenomenon has even managed to get the attention of the White House, where Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked about the recent rash of creepy clown arrests on Tuesday.

“I don't know that the president has been briefed on this particular situation,” Earnest said. “Obviously, this is a situation that local law enforcement authorities take quite seriously and they should carefully and thoroughly review, you know, perceived threats to the safety of the community and they should do so prudently.”

But my favorite thing in this whole creepy clown mess? Is that it has brought out the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader himself – Batman, to fight the creepy clowns! We need some of the Dark Knight theme here. Can we get that?

When evil clowns invade your neighborhood, there’s only one man with the skills and experience to properly handle the situation.

Batman. Obviously.

That’s exactly who came to the rescue when an invasion of creepy clowns began popping up in Cumbria, England, just like we’ve seen here in America. BBC reports that these mysterious monsters have scared a number of young children (plus a bunch of adults, probably).

Luckily, a man known only as Cumbria Superheroes did the most sensible thing possible: he put on his pitch-perfect Dark Knight Batsuit and hit the streets to dish out the kind of dark vengeance that would make Martha proud.

No, he’s not punching anyone… At least, as far as we know. Instead, he’s giving them a taste of their own medicine by scaring them off.

Oh come on Batman, you got to do your part and help fight off the creepy clown who’s running for president!

[font size="8"]And Now This:[/font]
[font size="8"]Rob Zombie[/font]

Ladies and gentlemen, playing his song “Well, Everybody’s Fucking In A UFO” from his new album “The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser”, please welcome Mr. Rob Zombie!

Yeah how about that?

I’d like to take a moment to talk directly to the audience here. Hi, I’m DU user and founder of the new Top 10, Initech. We’ve been doing the Top 10 for the better part of a year now and following this insane election cycle way more closely than most people have been. And having a lot of fun in the process. This is the end of season 1, but some good news - we got renewed for Season 2!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

This is the last new Top 10 before the November 8th election. Now don’t be sad! This is it folks, it’s literally the 11th hour and it’s time to send the worst candidate in American history packing. We’re going to take two weeks off starting next week but we’ll be back on November 16th when the dust settles from the election with the start of Season 2 and a special edition that will hopefully see Donald Trump getting annihilated in a landslide. But we will be doing a best of next week to hold you over. That’s it! Stop with my nonsense and GOTV against Donald Trump! See you on the other side for the start of Season 2!

See you in three weeks!
October 21, 2016

Weird Al Feat. The Gregory Brothers - "Bad Hombres, Nasty Women"

This is a song that Weird Al made for the last debate featuring the Gregory Brothers of the Songify Youtube channel. Here's the lyrics:

Such a nasty woman
He choked (wrong)
He choked (wrong)
He goes around with crocodile tears
Wrong, such a nasty woman

We have so many adversaries overseas
Can we all agree to be frenemies?

I would work with our allies in the middle east
That’s the only way we’re going to keep the peace

Mosul Mosul Mosul so sad so sad
It’s a catastrophe so bad so bad

Can everyone achieve the American Dream?
Or should they sign up for my Ponzi scheme?

We are going to go where the money is
We are gonna help small businesses
Our jobs are being sucked out of our economy,
Right now our country is dying dying big league big league

Why should you run the show?
We’ve gotta do more
Tell us cause we need to know
We need to get all of the drug lords
Two more weeks until we vote
You’ll get shot walking to the store
Who should really run the show
Donald got into a twitter war

For the supreme court who would you choose?
Please don’t say me I’m a busy dude

The supreme court it’s what it’s all about
But the second amendment is under such such trauma
I understand and respect gun ownership
I hope the senate confirms the nominee of President Obama

To stop a cold war what should we be doing?
Would you go thumb wrestle Vladimir Putin?

I don’t know Putin. This is not my best friend
Outsmarted Hillary and she’s playing chicken.
Look at the start up they signed

You are willing to spout the Putin line
Cyber attacks from the Kremlin
Designed to influence our election

Putin has a very clear favorite in this race
He’d rather have a puppet as president of the united states

Why should you run the show?
We have horrible deals
Tell us ‘cause we need to know
Donald bought Chinese steel
Two more weeks until we vote
I should win easily
Who should really run the show, the show
He’s talking down our democracy

It’s so dishonest I say it’s rigged
She should never have been allowed to run based on what she did
I see
Our democracy works we’ve had free and fair elections
Donald thinks things are rigged every time things are not going in his direction

We have some bad bad hombres here
And we’re gonna get ‘em out
It’s what it’s all about
Bad hombres

Why should you run the show?
I want to raise the minimum wage
Tell us ‘cause we need to know
Our country is so outplayed
Two more weeks until we vote
We invest from the ground up
Who should really run the show, the show
Our jobs are being suck sucked
October 19, 2016

Top 10 Conservative Idiots #46: Wheel O’Corruption X: Never Go Back Edition

Top 10 Conservative Idiots #46: Wheel O’Corruption X: Never Go Back Edition

Welcome back to the Top 10 Conservative Idiots! This edition of the Top 10 Conservative Idiots was made possible by a grant from the Chubb! Group in association with the Fillmore Complex. Chubb and Fillmore: An alliance fit for the ages. But before we continue – we would like to get your attention. Do you know what you are missing out on by continuing to view the Top 10 without a generous donation? That’s right – your generous donation (in whatever amount, we’re not picky) – will get you this commemorative tote bag. A donation of $40 will get you the official Top 10 Tote Bag and the Top 10 Coffee Mug. A donation of $75 will get you all of the above, plus this David Crosby Greatest Hits collection. A donation of $100 will get you all of the above, plus we will throw in a DVD about the 100 Places You Must Visit In Hokkaido, Japan Before You Die. Ah, that’s enough of that nonsense.. Let’s get to it, shall we? But first – Stephen Colbert says what we're all thinking in regards to Donald Trump's insane conspiracy theories:

Holy shit. I mean seriously – holy shit. Did we ever imagine that the Donald Trump campaign would be channeling Rush Limbaugh and Bill Cosby? Well this edition is going to get real dark real quick, folks, and the cure for that is to bring out the Wheel O’Corruption. Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! The kids love the wheel don’t they? Well the top 4 slots this week are all going to go to returning champion and (hopefully not anymore, we’re hoping) possible future president Donald J. Trump. The first two slots – we’re going to talk about Donald Trump going in a full meltdown over Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of him on Saturday Night Live. In the second slot there’s more about his repore with women – and it’s not very good! We are going to go down the wormhole on this one and it is going to get real dark real quick. In the number 3 slot we’re going to talk about Donald Trump and the family values party – specifically Liberty University. In the number 4 slot – we’re going to talk about Donald Trump’s dangerous rhetoric about election rigging. In slot number 5, we’re going to have another installment of “People Who Somehow Got Elected” – this week we’re talking about Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (5). This is going to be a good one! Taking the sixth slot is the GOP Anti-Women Brigade (6). So Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives are actively trying to justify Donald Trump’s disgusting behavior toward women, and failing big time! In the number 7 slot – one of our favorite punching bags – Martin Shkreli (7) is back and attempted to hold a “get together” with his fans at an upscale New York bar, only to have it backfire on him big time. In the number 8 slot is our favorite punching bag - Infowars! So Alex Jones got name checked in a new ad by Hillary Clinton, and he’s pissed! Break out the popcorn! Plus he also made an absurd claim that Hillary Clinton was possessed by demons. In the number 9 (NEIN!!!) slot this week we’re going to talk about the rise and now fall of undecided voter Ken Bone (9). So in one week Ken Bone went from nobody to superstar to blithering racist. It is the work of insanity. We almost feel sorry for the guy. But it is the work of the internet at its’ finest. And really – we’re three weeks away from the GE, and how can you be undecided at this point? Finally this week, we’re going to lighten things up and talk about Halloween Costumes (10). Did you get yours yet? Halloween is a mere 13 days away and we’ve got some ideas for you! And because you’re nice for listening to my schtick this week – how about some more live music. I know what you’re thinking. “But Initech, we’ve only had 3 live bands on and they’re all dudes. When are lady musicians going to be represented?” *Donald Trump voice* *SNIFF* WRONG!!! You’re wrong!!! You’re stupid losers!!!! Well ask and ye shall receive! How about some live music from Halsey? Her new album “Badlands” is crazy good. Enjoy! And as always don’t forget the key!

[font size="8"]Donald Trump[/font]

Come on everybody say it with me. It’s time for the WHEEL OF CORRUPTION!!!! Yayyyyyyyyy!!!

And of course if we had a bigger budget we’d have our own graphics and theme music. The wheel is back everybody!! yes just like last time I’ll talk about whatever the wheel lands on. And just like the last time, we too shall have terrible sequel titles with each edition of the Wheel. This week's title comes from the new Jack Reacher sequel "Never Go Back". But remember that if it lands on the Guacamole option that it costs $1.50 extra. So this week the items on the wheel will be:

- Gun Nuts
- Go Directly To Jail
- Clip Without Context
- Guacamole
- 5,000
- Dating
- Music
- Community Chest
- Bankrupt
- Undecided Voters
- Halloween
- Chance
- Buy A Vowel
- Donald Trump
- My Wife
- Bathrooms
- Whammy
- A Recent Study
- Aliens
- Guns
- VR Headset
- Misogyny
- Late Breaking News
- People Who Somehow Got Elected
- 10,000
- How Is This Still A Thing?
- Fox News
- Jersey Shore
- 15,000
- New Products
- Congress
- Conspiracy Theories
- Booze
- Something random in the news
- ??? (Mystery)
- Florida (Obviously)
- Infowars
- Lightning Round
- Bonus Spin

So let’s get this going. Spin that shit! No whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy…. STOP!!! Conspiracy theories!

No that was a scene from the movie Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson. Spin it again! And it lands on… Donald Trump. So combining conspiracy theories and Donald Trump is like shooting fish in a barrel, it’s really impossible to miss. Well the Trump campaign went full-on batshit tin foil hat mode this last week because of what else? Saturday Night Live. Let’s explain.

Donald Trump thinks that even "Saturday Night Live" is part of a media conspiracy to bring down his presidential candidacy.
Saturday night, SNL opened with a mocking reenactment of the second presidential debate. The parody included the moderators taking shots, a kung fu style greeting between Trump and Hillary Clinton and an ode to town hall questioner -- and 15-minute celebrity -- Ken Bone.

But the biggest laughs came from Alec Baldwin's portrayal of a stalking, lewd, deceptive Trump. The live SNL audience was cracking up, but apparently the real Trump wasn't.

In a tweet, the Republican nominee said that Baldwin's portrayal "stinks." He also called on NBC to end its "boring and unfunny" show. And he said that SNL was trying to rig the election against him.

Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!

So let’s show that clip shall we?

And Donald’s response? “Saturday Night Live is a boring unfunny show. Alec Baldwin is a stupid loser, and the show is painfully unfunny and should be cancelled! Lorne Michaels should be thrown in jail, OK? Because when I am in charge freedom of speech will be only for stupid losers!” Oh wait, he actually did say that!

Donald Trump thinks that even "Saturday Night Live" is part of a media conspiracy to bring down his presidential candidacy.

Saturday night, SNL opened with a mocking reenactment of the second presidential debate. The parody included the moderators taking shots, a kung fu style greeting between Trump and Hillary Clinton and an ode to town hall questioner -- and 15-minute celebrity -- Ken Bone.

But the biggest laughs came from Alec Baldwin's portrayal of a stalking, lewd, deceptive Trump. The live SNL audience was cracking up, but apparently the real Trump wasn't.

In a tweet, the Republican nominee said that Baldwin's portrayal "stinks." He also called on NBC to end its "boring and unfunny" show. And he said that SNL was trying to rig the election against him.

Can we throw that Tweet up there?

That looks like it was made with the Fake Trump Tweet Generator, wasn’t it? Well I could make that same Tweet!

If I were to make one I would do this:

It’s getting harder to tell the difference between a “Saturday Night Live” presidential election sketch and the real televised thing. In last night’s Town Hall Debate cold open, Kate McKinnon and Alec Baldwin continued to perfect their Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump portrayals, with McKinnon narrating Clinton’s meticulous physical preparation (“I’d like to open this debate with a casual lean,” she says, sliding down the front of the pointless podium) and Baldwin turning Trump’s lurking behind Clinton during her responses into a surreal “Jaws” moment.

Did you think you were getting out of this sketch without a Ken Bone moment? Think again. Thanks, Bobby Moynihan!

The real Donald Trump? Was not impressed.

Gee, ya think? Well you could not create a character like Donald Trump. In fact Lewis Black said it best in his special that aired last week – “How do you satirize that which is already satirtical?”. That is an excellet point Lewis!

The GOP nominee demonstrated how thin-skinned he is on Sunday morning by blasting the show for mocking him.

The brash businessman tweeted out his anger by first claiming that “SNL” had performed a “hit job” on him.

He also said Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of him “stinks” and that it was “time to retire the boring and unfunny show.” Trump conveniently forgot, however, that he actually hosted the show just 11 months ago in November 2015.

Wait until he finds this show!

Damn it!

[font size="8"]Donald Trump[/font]

Let’s give the wheel a good strong spin! And it lands on…………………. Wait for it………… Aliens!

More specifically alien conspiracy theories. So Wikileaks failed to deliver on their big “October Surprise” against Hillary Clinton. But you know what they did deliver? Something equally as insane – former Blink 182 guitarist Tom Delonge apparently asked Hillary Clinton what she thought about aliens. This is real! That happened!

Tom DeLonge decided to walk a different — extraterrestrial — path last year when he parted ways with his band, Blink-182.

In a recent interview with Mic, the singer and guitarist said he left the band to investigate aliens, although he does not like to use that word.

"First of all, we don't really call it 'aliens,'" he explained. "In pop culture, that's a term people throw out there, and rightfully so because the government spends a lot of time and a lot of money throwing that term out there. But it's much more complex than that."

DeLonge says he always had an interest in UFOs and decide to leave his band — which found major success in the late 1990s and early 2000s — to investigate extraterrestrials

Hey Tom, I hear there’s two FBI field agents you might want to contact. They investigate paranormal activity (and it has nothing to do with the bullshit movies). Their names are agent Fox Mulder and Dr. Dana Scully. The truth is out there folks!

Spin it again! Donald Trump. So last week we covered extensively Donald Trump’s repore with women. And it’s not a good one. But we didn’t get to cover everything. Before we go down the wormhole on this, we have to acknowledge the government of Australia passing a motion calling Donald Trump a “revolting slug”.

But perhaps the most eloquent condemnation of Trump came from one of the houses of state parliament in New South Wales, which, according to BuzzFeed Australia, just passed a unanimous motion to declare Donald Trump a "revolting slug." The motion—a symbolic declaration of sorts with no real legislative heft—was tendered by a member of the Greens Party:

"I move that this house condemns the misogynistic, hateful comments made by…Mr Donald Trump, about women and minorities, including the remarks revealed over the weekend that clearly describe sexual assault…and agrees with those who have described Mr Trump as 'a revolting slug' unfit for public office," the motion read.

The Revolting Slugs – I saw them at the Troubadour last week. Amazing band! So what did Donald Trump do to piss people off this week in regards to his treatment of women? Well first off he used the “R” word in regards to a deaf Apprentice contestant:

Just in case you thought Donald Trump was insufficiently awful: He repeatedly called a deaf actress “retarded,” three sources tell The Daily Beast.

Trump, who was accused on Wednesday of making sexual comments to Marlee Matlin, an Oscar-winning actress who once competed on Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice, also apparently had a habit of insulting, mimicking, and demeaning as mentally handicapped his star female contestant—all because she was deaf.

In 2011, Matlin, who is still the only deaf actor or actress to win an Academy Award for best actress, appeared on Trump’s NBC reality-TV series. By the end of the season, she had come in second place and earned her fair share of compliments from Trump in the aired footage. But according to three longtime staffers who worked on Matlin’s season of Celebrity Apprentice, Trump would regularly disrespect the actress and would even treat her as if she were mentally disabled.

That’s a pretty strong accusation out of the box, folks! And see if you ladies and gentlemen can guess who Trump is blaming for his own sexual assault allegations? Anyone? Bueller? He’s saying Mexico!!! I mean seriously is anyone surprised?

Donald Trump reportedly plans to blame Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim for emerging allegations of sexual assault against the GOP nominee.

Trump will say that Slim, as a shareholder of New York Times Co. and a donor to the Clinton Foundation, has an interest in helping Democrat Hillary Clinton's campaign, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
The Times published this week the stories of two women who allege Trump groped and kissed them without their consent in the past.

And here’s where it gets real dark real quick – there’s multiple allegations of Donald Trump allegedly walking in on young women changing clothes during the pagents – some way below the age of 18! Even being over 18 that doesn’t make this OK!

Donald Trump barged in on Miss Teen USA contestants while they were changing clothes, and engaged in “creepy” dressing room banter with the girls — some as young as 15, according to a report.

At least four women told Buzzfeed that the mogul — who owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants from 1996 until last year — nonchalantly strolled into their dressing room during the 1997 pageant.

“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my God, there’s a man in here!’” former Miss Vermont Teen USA Mariah Billado told the site about the alleged 1997 incident.

The Donald, she recalled, responded, saying something like: “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”

[font size="8"]Donald Trump[/font]

Spin that shit! Come on no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy… stop! And it lands on… clip without context!

Spin that shit again! And it lands on……. Donald Trump. Whose name can be spelled Donald T. Rump. I mean that’s a classic joke there. Surprisingly one of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters has been Liberty University. Which is funny because remember at the start of the campaign they’re the ones that birthed Ted Cruz. And where Donald Trump hilariously misquoted 2 Corinthians.

As Election Day looms, a tale of two Liberty Universities has emerged.

It is no secret that Jerry Falwell, Jr., president of Liberty University, has been an unabashed supporter of Donald Trump since the Republican primaries. While his affection for the billionaire businessman has certainly sent attention his way, it has also earned Falwell the scorn of students from the university he leads.

Some students have started a “Liberty United Against Trump” petition, signaling to the watching world that, while their school’s leader may be in the GOP presidential nominee’s corner, they are not. In addition, Ben Howe, a prominent Never-Trumper, Liberty graduate, and son of a former Liberty professor, called on Falwell to resign Thursday in a scathing editorial.

But amid all the press coverage the backlash against Falwell is getting, the university’s student body president wants to make one thing clear: Most Liberty students actually agree with Falwell’s Trump endorsement.

But Liberty University – while they may get a lot of hate because they’re associated with late asshole and extreme homophobe, Jerry Falwell, are shockingly full of surprises!

The group, Liberty United Against Trump, released a statement earlier this week arguing that the school’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., had linked the school and Trump. The group noted that any member of the school’s faculty would be fired for bragging about kissing and groping women the way that Trump has.

“A recently uncovered tape revealed his comments bragging about sexually assaulting women,” the statement, which also serves as a petition, reads. “Any faculty or staff member at Liberty would be terminated for such comments, and yet when Donald Trump makes them, President Falwell rushes eagerly to his defense ― taking the name ‘Liberty University’ with him. ‘We’re all sinners,’ Falwell told the media, as if sexual assault is a shoulder-shrugging issue rather than an atrocity which plagues college campuses across America, including our own.”

Wait – what the what?

But Falwell Jr. didn’t just back down on his controversial statement to endorse Donald Trump this late in the game. Oh no, my friends, he doubled down! In fact he’s about as delusional as it gets and claiming to speak for the majority of the school!

Although more than 2,500 students have signed a petition against Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.'s continued vocal support of scandal-ridden Donald Trump, a student leader says most of the school's students will still vote for the Republican presidential nominee.

"Contrary to what the media is reporting, the majority of students at Liberty University agree with President Falwell and respect his decision to support Donald Trump," Jack Heaphy, who is the university's student body president, said, according to TheBlaze. "They are not blindly following President Falwell, but rather have a shared understanding of the danger a Hillary Clinton presidency represents and what it could mean for the Christian freedoms we hold dearly."

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/liberty-university-student-president-says-majority-at-school-will-vote-for-trump-despite-petition-170880/#6flrrqhSGzXkE1FC.99

And yes religion is about not thinking, at least according to Jerry Falwell Jr. not only is he claiming to think for the majority of the school’s 8,000+ students, can you guess where he is taking his platform to spread his bullshit? Why if you guessed Fox News, you are correct sir / madam!

Students at Liberty University have spoken out against the Christian school’s president, Jerry Falwell, Jr., for supporting Donald Trump. But that got just a passing mention when Falwell visited Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor Friday night to promote his continuing support for Trump.

Substitute host Bret Baier noted in his introduction that “students at Liberty University are denouncing” Falwell for supporting Trump. But Baier didn’t mention why a group of students have come out against Falwell: because they think his endorsement of Trump undercuts the school’s integrity. From The Huffington Post:

[font size="8"]Donald Trump[/font]

Spin that shit! Come on no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy… stop! And it lands on… dating. So if you turn on the TV at any point there’s all kinds of services for just about anything dating you could possibly be into. Or maybe you just want some free luxury cars out of it:

A Missouri man has been accused of convincing a woman to buy him a Lamborghini and a Corvette as part of an online dating swindle that stretched across several states and encompassed at least three women, according to authorities.

28-year-old Timothy Rossell was arrested on October 13, and has been charged with one count of impersonating a federal officer and four counts of identity theft. According to police, Rossell was engaged in a con in which he would convince women to buy cars for him, drive them for a time, and then secretly sell them while telling the women the vehicles were stolen, KMOV.com reports.

Spin it again! And it lands on… Donald Trump. Again? Really? OK. So Donald Trump has been fighting everybody you can think of. He’s been fighting everyone and everything. Like his own vice president!

WASHINGTON — Republican leaders and election officials from both parties on Sunday sought to combat claims by Donald J. Trump that the election is rigged against him, amid signs that Mr. Trump’s contention is eroding confidence in the vote and setting off talk of rebellion among his supporters.

In a vivid illustration of how Mr. Trump is shattering American political norms, the Republican nominee is alleging that a conspiracy is underway between the news media and the Democratic Party to commit vast election fraud. He has offered no evidence to support his claim.

“The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary — but also at many polling places — SAD,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

So Donald Trump is going against the establishment and accusing it of election rigging. Add that to Jerry Falwell Jr’s saying that a vote for Hillary is a vote against freedom and you have a toxic storm brewing!

The Republican presidential nominee's claim that the election is being rigged against him represents the most outlandish moment yet in a campaign devoted to dismantling political norms.

Trump might not be the first candidate to feel nefarious forces are moving to keep him from the White House -- presidential elections have occasionally been disputed after votes are counted and have often been marred by accusations of dark instruments of fraud, such as the dead casting votes.

But when he questioned his own VP about the possibility of election rigging guess what happened?

Donald Trump has been raising doubts about the integrity of the election for months, but his running mate and other GOP leaders are taking a more cautious tone.

"We will absolutely accept the result of the election," Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence said on NBC's Meet The Press Sunday. "Look, the American people will speak in an election that will culminate on November the 8th. But the American people are tired of the obvious bias in the national media."

Trump had recently been putting the emphasis of his "rigged" message less on actual voter fraud and more on the idea that the media is making it impossible for him to win by reporting on allegations of sexual assault, which Trump calls "phony."

[font size="8"]Joe Arpaio[/font]

Spin it to win it! And it lands on…. People Who Somehow Got Elected! Hit it! Now it’s time for another installment of:

This week, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. This guy has been the textbook definition of the racist redneck bounty hunter since 2004. So how does Sheriff Joe keep getting elected and elected and elected? It certainly isn’t his track record.

PHOENIX — Prosecutors say they will charge Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio with criminal contempt of court over immigration patrols.

The racial profiling lawsuit that Arpaio lost more than three years ago morphed into a contempt case after the sheriff was accused of violating court orders. It revealed deep flaws in Arpaio's internal investigations, which Snow said had been manipulated to shield sheriff's officials from accountability.

Arpaio would face up to six months in jail if convicted of misdemeanor criminal contempt and an unspecified sentencing range if such a conviction is deemed a felony.

A felony contempt conviction would force Arpaio from office, while he could remain sheriff with a misdemeanor conviction. If prosecutors charge him, the case is not expected to be designated as a misdemeanor or felony until later.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/prosecutors-will-charge-arizona-sheriff-arpaio-with-criminal-contempt-229618

That’s right – a felony conviction could forcibly remove him from office. But he’s already way ahead in the polls.

And we mean way ahead. When we say way ahead we mean way ahead, damn it!

Sheriff Joe Arpaio breezes to primary win as Recorder Helen Purcell, Schools Superintendent Don Covey struggle

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio sailed into the general election Tuesday, but early primary results showed two other county incumbents — Recorder Helen Purcell and Schools Superintendent Don Covey — in danger of defeat.

Arpaio, the controversial lawman who has been in office 23 years, is seeking a seventh term. He led his three Republican challengers comfortably in early results, and the Associated Press declared him the winner little more than an hour after polls closed Tuesday.

Pre-primary polls had shown Arpaio with a substantial edge over Dan Saban, a former Buckeye police chief; Wayne Baker, a retired sheriff's deputy; and Marsha Ann Hill, a former sheriff's animal posse volunteer.

None of the challengers raised enough money or made a big enough splash to reach voters. For Saban, it was a third attempt at the office. Even though the sheriff refused to participate in any candidate forums, his national fame and solid conservative base pushed him to victory.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/08/31/maricopa-county-primary-election-results-joe-arpaio-helen-purcell-don-covey/89301900/

That’s right – Sheriff Joe has been elected not one, not two, not three, but a whopping seven times! That’s over 23 years of pure hatred and racism! Or as Homer Simpson calls it “Seven Thumbs Up”.

So how does Joe Arpaio continue to get elected? Well let’s think about who his biggest supporters are – racists. And we’re not talking your tin foil hat uncle at Thanksgiving who spends way too much time listening to Infowars. We’re talking the people who say “I’m not racist, but…” and then immediately follow it up with something blatantly racist. You know, like this guy.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, backed Donald Trump from the moment he decided to run for president. Arpaio says he likes the billionaire because he's been nice to Ava, his wife of 58 years. But there's more to it: Trump represents hope for Arpaio, whose tough police tactics have gotten him in hot water.

The man who calls himself "America's Toughest Sheriff" is a hero to some and a villain to others for his relentless targeting of illegal immigrants and the spartan conditions in his jails. Now, the controversy has come to a head: He is running for re-election while facing potential criminal charges for being slow to implement a 2013 court ruling that ordered him to stop racial profiling. His life's work is in danger of being negated thanks to the efforts of some dedicated activists and lawyers who oppose his tough methods. So it's no wonder that he has called electing Trump his "most important mission" after 55 years in law enforcement. Trump, who has made a crackdown on immigration a signature issue of his campaign and has endorsed "stop and frisk" policing and profiling as practiced in Israel, may seem like the answer to his problems.

Yes Donald Trump is an ally of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. And we all know where Donald Trump gets his talking points from – Infowars. So does that mean Sheriff Joe also gets his talking points from Infowars? Of course you can’t have an article about a sheriff from the south without making some Clint Eastwood references:

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's campaign continues to be a fundraising juggernaut, with its $1.2 million campaign war chest richer than any other county candidate's, new finance reports show.

In another county race, however, the reports offered a surprise: A notably poor month for incumbent Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell.

It's not unusual for Arpaio to outraise his challengers. He collected more than $725,000 from Aug. 19 to Sept. 19, nearly four times Democrat Paul Penzone's $188,000. Penzone had about $290,000 in the bank.

But there’s only one Clint Eastwood reference that’s appropriate for Sheriff Joe. That’s right – you guessed it – Gran Torino.

But of course there’s one thing that Sheriff Joe loves – and that’s the possibility of Donald Trump for president. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has earned a reputation as “America’s toughest sheriff” by housing Arizona prisoners in tents and cutting meat out of their diets, but in a Bakersfield Business conference speech he said he's got a huge soft spot for Donald J. Trump.

The Republican presidential nominee has faced calls to step aside since the release Friday afternoon of a 2005 tape showing him making derogatory comments about women.

But Arpaio praised Trump for meeting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Aug. 31 — and for calling his wife to chat several times.

But Joe still won’t let the birther bullshit die. I mean come on, he got owned by Bill Maher on this years ago!

Imagine if there were a story presenting two very striking possibilities:

1. The president of the United States is perpetrating a fraud, in a con job of historical proportions.

2. A major law-enforcement agency is making, perhaps knowingly, an untrue and seriously damaging allegation against a sitting president.

Wouldn’t you say that, either way, it was a big story warranting further investigation?

We don’t have to imagine, however, because this is precisely the case with the investigation of Barack Obama’s birth certificate by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO), the largest sheriff’s department in Arizona. Yet this huge story is treated like a non-story.

However, he is lagging in the polls right now – this might be the year folks! Just like the Cubs might actually win the World Series, we might actually finally vote this guy out of office for good! Who needs some butter?

It’s been a week from hell for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and it couldn't be happening to a more deserving guy. On Tuesday, federal prosecutors in Arizona charged America's worst lawman with criminal contempt of court for violating judge’s order to curtail his department’s unconstitutional racial profiling practices—charges that could carry jail time.

Now the news has gotten even worse for Arpaio. A new poll shows him trailing his Democratic opponent, former Phoenix police sergeant Paul Penzone—by 10 points:

Hopefully that means that in 2017, Sheriff Joe will no longer be a member of the:

[font size="8"]The GOP Anti-Women Brigade[/font]

Entering the spin zone! Come on no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy… stop! Sweet! It lands on community chest! Let’s see what I get.

Nice! I get $200! Make it rain!!!

Spin it again! And it lands on… misogyny! Speaking of making it rain… the GOP is actively trying to justify Donald Trump’s failures when it comes to women. But first of all, is this really necessary? I mean when Donald Trump is embroidered in scandal after scandal involving his mistreatment of women, is this really the photo op you want to project?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday that allegations by four women that he kissed and touched them inappropriately are "totally and absolutely false."

With his campaign reeling from the accusations, the brash real estate mogul told supporters in Florida, "These claims are all fabricated. They're pure fiction and outright lies. These events never, ever happened and the people who said them fully understand." He said he has "substantial evidence to dispute" the claims that will be made public at an "appropriate time very soon."

So now how do you put a spin on that?

That’s right – Rush Limbaugh is actively advocating that the rape police be brought in!


Rush Limbaugh appears convinced sexual assault is a bogus concept invented by "the left."

As Donald Trump was in boiling hot water Wednesday evening after numerous media reports alleged he has sexually abused several women, the boisterous right-wing talk show host appeared mostly upset about the fact that rape is illegal.

"The left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent," Limbaugh said during his namesake radio show Wednesday. "If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police."

All 3 or all four? What kind of sex acts is Rush Limbaugh participating in? I mean remember when he went to the Caribbean in 2005 with a bottle containing 40 pills of Viagra? A creep like this should get absolutely no say in the sexual assault debate.

JULY 6--Rush Limbaugh was traveling with four other men--including the producers of the hit show "24"--when he was detained over a mislabeled bottle of Viagra found in his luggage during a Customs search, records show.

A Department of Homeland Security passenger manifest shows that Limbaugh and his four buddies flew from the Dominican Republic on a Gulfstream IV jet owned by Premiere Radio Networks, which syndicates his radio program.

Limbaugh returned to Palm Beach, Florida on June 26 with Joel Surnow, "24"'s co-creator and executive producer and Howard Gordon, another of the Fox hit's executive producers (Hollywood agent Jeffrey Benson was also part of the Limbaugh quintet).

So why does Rush Limbaugh get a say in the debate when his own recent history would suggest that he’s a globe trotting sex pervert? He’s not the only one though! Actual senator Jeff Sessions (R – Creep) when asked by the Weekly Standard, wasn’t sure whether or not groping was considered sexual assault! Um… it is, dumbass!

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) claimed Sunday that Donald Trump was not describing sexual assault in a leaked video recording in which the Republican nominee brags about grabbing women “by the pussy” without their consent.

Interviewed in the spin room after the presidential debate in St. Louis, in which Trump brushed off the comments as “locker room talk,” the Alabama senator noted that the real estate mogul already apologized for his “very improper language.”

“But beyond the language, would you characterize the behavior described in that [video] as sexual assault if that behavior actually took place?” the Weekly Standard asked.

[font size="8"]Martin Shkreli[/font]

Let’s spin that shit! Come on no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy…. Stop! My wife!

Spin it again! Booze. You know that thing that starts out great Friday night, but the next day makes you never want to have any more of it. That is, until Saturday when you start drinking again! So Pharma Douche Martin Shkreli, who’s currently under indictment for fraud, decided to hold a “drinks are on me” party at a bar near the federal court house in Manhattan. So here’s what happened:

After a securities fraud hearing in Brooklyn Federal Court on Friday, "pharma bro" Martin Shkreli reached out to Twitter for bar suggestions near Brooklyn Heights. He ultimately decided to head to Henry Street Ale House for a "fan meetup," and promised his Twitter followers: "Drinks are on your boy."

Shortly after sending out this invitation into the digital ether, the team at Henry Street Ale House replied to the pharmaceuticals kingpin: "You did not contact us to reserve the space and your ‘fans’ are not welcome." The Tweet has since been deleted, but the management further communicated that they did not have room for Shkreli and his posse at the bar.

Dude, Henry St. I know you want to project the good image of drinking, but you made the mistake of a perfectly good price gouging opportunity! You could have kept the bar open and charged $750 for a gin and tonic! Or $550 for a 16 ounce beer! Well, the bar he ended up at did catch wind of what was going on. Can we throw that Tweet up there?

And by the way we got to mention Shkreli’s ill-ventured Esports business, which as you can guess, was a colossal disaster.

The last years’ worth of venture capital funding, high-profile celebrity sponsorships, and Riot increasingly relenting grounds on community demands has done a lot to obscure what was previously a ubiquitously acknowledged esports truism – that the scene and industry is a lawless, messy, and somewhat destructive mess. Whether or not that is or remains true of its current big movers and shakers is up to debate, but whether the mistakes of yesteryear still linger isn’t.

In early 2015, infamous pharmaceutical industries executive Martin Shkreli was less known as the male version of Epipen price-jacking CEO Heather Bresch, and better known to esports as owner of Odyssey Esports – later merged with NRG general manager Gerard Kelly’s former Team Imagine.

[font size="8"]Infowars[/font]

Spin that shit! No whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy… stop! No, a whammy!!!!

Spin it again. Infowars. Crap, do I really have to talk about Infowars? Ok. Fine. Make me. I know you are but what am I? It takes one to know one! But mom!!!! So you know that Hillary Clinton name checked Alex Jones last week as being the source of where Donald Trump gets most of his talking points right?

And as you can imagine Alex Jones is pissed!

Hillary Clinton’s latest attack ad shines a light on the rhetorical similarities between Donald Trump and Infowars.com founder Alex Jones.

The first minute of the ad focuses primarily on Jones’ myriad out-there conspiracy theories: on Sandy Hook (“synthetic, completely fake, with actors”), on Sept. 11 (“the official story is a fable”), on the Democratic candidate herself (“She’s a freaking demon, and she stinks, and so does Obama”), and on LGBT issues (“I don’t like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin’ frogs gay!”).

Jones interviewed the Republican presidential nominee in December. And in January, Trump — still in the throes of a primary battle — called Jones a “nice guy.”

So Alex Jones is naturally pissed. I mean he called Hillary Clinton a demon and said that she and president Obama smelled like sulfur! Uh…… what?

Radio host and Donald Trump supporter Alex Jones doesn’t need to tell Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama to go to Hell. He believes they already reside there.

On Monday, Jones, host of his eponymous show on the Genesis Communications Network, said the two were literally the devil, Media Matters reports.

He called Clinton a “psychopathic demon.”

“I’m sure of that, and people around her say she’s so dark now, and so evil, and so possessed that they are having nightmares, they’re freaking out,” Jones ranted (watch above).

He claimed that both Clinton and Obama smell of evil and sulfur, attracting flies when no one else does.

You know… is Alex Jones smoking the same stuff this woman is smoking? Because it must be good!

[font size="8"]Ken Bone[/font]

Spin it to win it!! No whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy STOP!!! And it lands on… wait for it… Something random in the news!

An upstate New York man apparently high on hallucinogens broke into his neighbor's home to save their dog from what he thought was a burning home, police say.

There was no fire, state police told WNYT-TV. The man had consumed LSD and cough medicine and thought his neighbor's home in Saratoga County was being consumed by flames last Thursday, officials say.

He went around his Halfmoon neighborhood banging on doors and yelling about a fire, WNYT reported. When no one would help, he drove his black BMW sedan through his neighbor's fence, went to the back door and smashed through it to retrieve the dog.
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This ranks about a 9 out of 10 on my WTF-O-Meter. I mean this story is so fucked up on so many levels! At least the dog is fine! Where have I seen imaginary fires before?

Spin it again! And it lands on… Undecided Voters! So we have to talk about the guy who stole everyone’s heart during the Town Hall debates – Mr. Kenneth Bone.

How could anyone not like this guy? He looks like a fat Mr. Rogers! So neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton won the debate. Instead it was this guy!

Today, the pundits will argue over who won the presidential debate. But we think we can safely deliver the verdict:
Ken Bone.
The debate, in case you missed it, was a town hall-style affair where audience members (screened by Gallup and selected by the moderators) asked questions of the candidates. And in that group of well-behaved, articulate, truth seekers was one Mr. Bone.

So last week we talked about the debates. But this week we have to talk about the craziest story of the week – the rise and fall of Kenneth J. Bone.


So now Ken Bone has become an overnight meme. What to do when you’ve become an internet star? You know we used to have 15 minutes of fame. Now that 15 minutes has been turned into 15 seconds! You know we talked about Halloween costumes in the previous entry. Well would you be surprised that a sexy Ken Bone costume exists? Because… internet! And sexy!

In the week since the second presidential debate, the pop culture phenomenon of undecided voter Kenneth Bone rose like Icarus toward the sun. He made media appearances, did a Reddit AMA, launched an official T-shirt, and his signature red cable-knit sweater sold out at Kohl’s. But it wasn’t long before America found out more about Bone than it wanted to know and his wings melted.

His 15 minutes of fame may be coming to a close, but the most notable attempt to capture some secondhand magic of the Ken Bone story is still up and running, courtesy of lingerie brand Yandy: Holiday procrastinators, meet the “Sexy Undecided Voter” Halloween costume.

Ken Bone was seriously polling higher than Jill Stein! This is hilarious!

A man whose outfit at the second presidential debate made him an internet sensation polls higher than Green Party nominee Jill Stein in Florida, according to a new poll.

Ken Bone leads the Stein 4 percent to 1 percent in the Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey out Friday.

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson, meanwhile, takes 5 percent support among the state’s likely voters.

And I mean really how could anyone be undecided at this point? There’s no possible way any sane citizen can decide because it should be painfully obvious now – the orange clown is not fit for office! He’s not even fit to be the night manager at a Baskin Robbins!

Kenneth Bone is the same person on Friday as he was on Sunday: a 34-year-old, politically ambiguous, white Midwesterner who is suddenly a figure of widespread interest thanks to his mild, be-sweatered appearance during a unpalatable political event. But as a meme, Kenneth Bone has changed quite a bit.

Sunday is when Kenneth Bone the person gave way to Kenneth Bone the meme. At first he was an American Hero, and even described himself as a “huggable, likable guy in the middle of a really nasty and divisive debate.” But then overnight on Thursday, things changed.

Bone agreed to do a Reddit Ask me Anything — as a newly famous human meme does — using his real Reddit handle. This allowed anybody to simply click through and read his entire history as an anonymous Reddit user. And now that we’ve learned more about the man, Kenneth Bone (the meme) is no longer a Hero. Now, Kenneth Bone is Bad, according to several articles about his Reddit comments.

Yeah so what did Ken Bone say under his moniker that pissed people off?

But the Reddit AMA he hosted was the beginning of the end for Ken Bone, the endearing character and the beginning of Ken Bone, the slightly creepy.

Here's the problem:

Bone used his existing Reddit account name, StanGibson18, to host the AMA. Once his screen name was out there, Redditors started digging up the dirt.

To be brief, Bone admitted to insurance fraud, looking at porn and had questionable comments on the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case.

[font size="8"]Halloween Costumes[/font]

Spin that shit one last time this week! And it lands on…. No whammy no whammy no whammy no whammy stop! Clip without context!

Spin it again! And it lands on – wait for it – Halloween! Let’s get some appropriate music, shall we?

Halloween. That one day of the year when you wear a lizard costume when you drop your kid off at school to impress your kid. Then you go to work wearing said lizard costume, and you realize everyone is wearing suits during that big investor presentation, and you’re the only one wearing a lizard costume. Good job! What are the investors going to think now? So let’s lighten things up and talk about Halloween costumes, shall we? Especially that of the politically charged variety. Since the clusterfuck of the 2016 election comes to a close like the week after Halloween when everyone will still be recovering from that Halloween-induced hangover. So you could go as Supergirl, but a certain high profile celebrity has a problem with that.

Miley Cyrus has always used her fame as a musician and actress to talk about a wide variety of topics, and this week she decided to talk a little bit about her ideas on gender and how gender relates to inequality in Hollywood. However, she may have bit off more than she can chew when she tried to explain why Supergirl shouldn't be called Supergirl. Here's what Miley Cyrus had to say.

For example, there's a show called Supergirl. I think having a show with a gender attached to it is weird. One, it's a woman on that fucking billboard - it's not a little girl. Two, what if you're a little boy who wants to be a girl so bad that this makes you feel bad? I think having a title like Supergirl doesn't give the power that people think it does.

Supergirl has faced some challenges ever since it first started airing last season. The drama is the only female-led superhero series on television right now, and it has faced criticism from some audiences because it has told stories from a female perspective. Its first season also faced challenges when it didn't do quite well enough on CBS to justify its large budget, and it was subsequently shipped off to the CW, whereupon Supergirl was forced to switch locations and downsize. The fact that Supergirl's gender is mentioned in its title is the least of the show's problems, as it is working to rebuilt its universe on a brand new network. But Miley Cyrus is entitled to her opinion, and she spent a considerable amount of time sharing it in an interview with Variety. Miley being Miley, amiright?

Seriously… WTF did I just read? There’s no trying to justify Miley’s logic, or complete lack thereof. I mean what’s wrong with Supergirl? It’s the highest rated show on the CW! Which is only a 1/10th the ratings of what an actual network brings! And the word “girl” is in the title.

And by the way, Ms. Cyrus got smacked down by the CW boss:

“It’s based on a pre-existing property that’s called Supergirl, so we never had any intention of calling it something other than that,” said Kreisberg. “I think we worked hard, especially in the early part of season 1 to address the discrepancy. We actually had a scene about Kara herself lamenting, ‘Why aren’t I called Superwoman?’ and had Cat with her great rejoinder about how the word ‘girl’ in and of itself is not offensive. We continue to be proud of this show, we continue to be proud of Melissa and the character she represents and the hero that she represents. We stand by the show.”

Or you could go as Melania Trump being groped by Donald Trump. Can we show that costume before we tell the story?

Jemima Goldsmith paid homage to embattled Republican leader Donald Trump on Tuesday evening, but it certainly wasn’t the tribute he might have hoped for.

The associate editor of the New Statesman magazine attended Unicef's annual Halloween Ball dressed as Melania Trump, complete with a plastic version of her husband strapped to her back.

Or you could dress as something wildly offensive. But the University of Florida (obviously) won’t have any of it………. Because……………… wait for it………… religion.

Certain Halloween costumes related to race, religion or culture are often deemed offensive. Now, the University of Florida is offering counseling to students who have been troubled by such costumes.

The university sent out a memo to students urging them to make appropriate costume choices for the upcoming holiday. It has also asked students to report incidents of bias to the university’s support team.

“Some Halloween costumes reinforce stereotypes of particular races, genders, cultures, or religions. Regardless of intent, these costumes can perpetuate negative stereotypes, causing harm and offense to groups of people,” the university said in the memo earlier this week. “Also, keep in mind that social media posts can have a long-term impact on your personal and professional reputation.”

Yeah that’s exactly why you don’t wear the lizard costume to a board meeting, dumbass!

Or you could dress as the groper himself and give an added third dimension to the above costume! Just be sure you have a female who is willing to participate in the group costume!

Spirit is a South Jersey-based novelty retailer with 1,200 seasonal stores scattered across the country.

“Our Cry Baby Trump mask was in the lead, with the #HBIC Hillary mask a close second, just one point behind,” said spokeswoman Trisha Lombardo. The latex likenesses sell for $12.99 each.

More striking numbers were posted by Rubie's Costume Co. of New York City, which bills itself as the world's largest manufacturer and supplier of Halloween costumes.

And by the way in case you were wondering, why yes a sexy Donald Trump costume does exist:

Donald Trump. With cleavage.

Welcome to Halloween 2016.

And judging by these harrowing costumes, it’s going to be the scariest year yet.

Let’s be clear: There’s nothing new about Trump outfits. That douchey mop is on sale all year round.

[font size="8"]And Now This:[/font]
[font size="8"]Halsey[/font]

Ladies and gentlemen, playing her song “Ghost” from her album “Badlands”, available everywhere music is sold, please welcome Halsey!

Yeah how about that?

See you next week!
October 19, 2016

Puscifer's "The Arsonist" Video Takes A Stab At Donald Trump

With only 22 days left until the election, we’re into the home stretch. While it’s been fun to watch Donald Trump begin to implode over the past couple of weeks, the shocking truth is that he’s still only polling seven points lower than Hillary Clinton, meaning he’s drawing way too many voters considering how fucking nuts he is.

Maynard James Keenan wants to change that. In the new video for his group Puscifer’s track “The Arsonist,” the group takes on a raging cartoon Trumpzilla, all in the name of saving the human race. As Keenan told The A.V. Club, “sometimes you grab the Puscifer. Sometimes the Puscifer grabs you.”


"Maynard James Keenan is a stupid loser, OK? It's all part of a media conspiracy to rig the election against me!"
October 17, 2016

Jamie Lee Curtis Spoke To Lindsay Lohan About Her Being The Subject Of A Creepy Trump Interview

Jamie Lee Curtis says Lindsay Lohan is "doing very well" after being the subject of sexually demeaning comments made by Donald Trump in a recently-unearthed 2004 interview with Howard Stern.

Curtis -- who took the Republican presidential nominee to task on Instagram on Friday for his "gross, lecherous, lewd commentary" -- said she's spoken with her Freaky Friday co-star, who was "grateful" for Curtis speaking out.

"It was incredibly disturbing to hear someone that is up for the [presidency] of the United States talking about a teenage girl in the way that he did," the 57-year-old Golden Globe winner told ET's Lauren Zima at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles Once Upon a Time Gala on Saturday. "It was disgusting and she deserves people's support."

In a 12-year-old interview with Stern, Trump speculated about Lohan, then 18, saying that the actress was "probably deeply troubled and therefore great in bed."

"How dare anyone, let alone a man in that position, make comments like that when clearly she was having difficulties in her life," Curtis added, referring to Lohan's string of high-profile run-ins with the law over the course of several years.


Could that guy be any more revolting?

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