BComplex's JournalThis is the most important video I've seen: Marc Elias nails the problems we're having in the south.
I hadn't seen this video on DU, but Kamala and Tim did a video that helped me feel better.
Today Kamal Harris turns 60 years old!! Happy Birthday Madam Vice President!!!
May your next decade be your best, happiest and most successful EVER, for you, and for the country you will lead!
Biden, the FBI, and the Justice Department need to make it clear: NO HANKY PANKY THIS ELECTION OR
you will be arrested and booked.
It's looking like Jan 6 is actually going to be stormings of the elections precincts (and maybe even the Capitol) where mostly POC or democrats are planning to vote, and that there will be an army of right wing attorneys to start legal proceedings to fuck everything up. And Mike Johnson, Empty Green, and senate republicans will be arming the Heritage foundation assholes with any manner of obstacles that will be designed to throw the election to the House.
Biden needs the best minds in the country to head this off. And he needs to say that, THIS TIME, there WILL be the National Guard ....ARMED TO THE TEETH... to head off another Jan 6.
Couldn't Judge Merchan make trump spend NIGHTS in jail for contempt, and order him back to court
during the day?
I've heard it speculated that trump is itching for Merchan to charge him for breaking the gag order by imprisoning him, and that Merchan doesn't want to imprison him for the customary 30 days because he doesn't want to delay the trial by not having trump present. But can't Merchan make trump stay overnight in jail for the duration of the trial without delaying anything?
I have noticed an increase in the Israel/Palestine posts in the past week, after a few weeks
of fewer of those threads. Along with those threads, there seem to be a lot of posters who I'm not familiar with seeing here on a regular basis, even though they show a fairly high post number.
These threads are, once again, becoming more divisive and, well, snarky, after there was a noticeable lull in that type of thread.
This is concerning to me. The Israeli/Palestinian issue is one that cannot, and will not, EVER be resolved on DU. But it would go a long way toward making this election season run more smoothly if both sides can walk back some of the snark and accusatory posts.
We are here to fight for our own democracy. We need to try to be more measured in the way we approach our fellow democrats in order to get through this. Fellow DUers are NOT the enemy.
I had to turn off Jen Psaki tonight. She kept talking over gov. Sununu. Sounds like chicken squawks.
I hated this about Tweety. I hate hate hate it about fux nooz and right wing media. But when you're talking over a guest on your show, or a guest on your show is talking over you, it isn't an interview; it's chicken squawks fighting in the hen house, and it grates on the nerves, eardrums and the brain.
When I saw she was going to take over for Rachel, I just left the tv and came to the computer room.
I started off being a huge fan, when she was Biden's press secretary, and glad that she joined MSNBC. It's kind of gone down hill from there.
Just had a MAGA Tax Assessor come to my property for a revaluation.
She pulls up in my yard with a magnetic sign on her car stating who she was. I went outside to call off my barking dog (we live out in the country...dogs are free agents here) and she told me what she was here to do. I asked if she needed to come inside, she said no, and that she'd only be a moment and didn't mean to bother me.
I said "I'm fine with whatever you need to do: I'm not anti-government"
She said "Boy I AM anti-government!!! Especially since 2020!"
I said "why is that?"
She said "because they're all evil!!"
I said "I sure don't think so! They're just like you and me! They're our friends and neighbors, and they're just doing their jobs, just like you're doing now!"
She lowered her voice and said "well, I think they're evil, but I'll just be a minute and I'll be out of your hair".
FINALLY!!! Alex Wagner (MSNBC 9PM) CALLED OUT the lying right wing media. Full stop!!!
I wasn't a huge fan of hers....maybe a little Rachel jealous/grieving...but tonight? Alex Wagner is my new total all-time hero! She nailed fux nooz for their leadership in lies for all the rightwing media followers, and their total destructive force against democracy.
If you missed her show...catch it on YouTube or wherever you possibly can. She totally rocked the truth! FINALLY!! She called the lying media for what it is. It does my soul good.
Now I'm going to go to bed. And I'm going to have more peace in my soul.
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