akbacchus_BC's JournalAnyone seen ColesCountryDem recently?
Question: If Nikki Haley loses in NH, does that mean the orange goon is the rethug nominee? nt
How on earth can one rethug senator, tuberville, block the confirmation of US army officials?
Is this chicken shit telling adversaries of the US that its open season on the US? No matter if the US has flaws, it provides sanctuary for the most vulnerable people seeking a new life legally or even if they are illegal. I honestly love the US but this divide that started from Regan culminating with the election of trump is so devastating to the US and the world at large. I just feel like crying. Most countries of the world look up to America for its democracy, guidance and stability.
Jeez, Lawrence O'Donnell is making me tear up ...
Those three Progressive/Democratic Women (The Honorable Sotomayor, Kagan and Brown Jackson) on the USSC and who have the heart and soul of America in ensuring democracy prevails, have my deepest respect. Lawrence O. said it best, how do these progressive women endure seeing their counterparts, who are bent on destroying America, on a daily basis and keep their composure. These women are beyond brave, they are patriots.
Now that the disastrous Speaker managed to get elected after 15 humiliating sessions,
I really hope the organizers of the Lincoln Project will announce they are running as another party. This two party system in the US is not healthy. Just my opinion after seeing an interview with former Republican Walsh on CBC yesterday.
This is so fucked up. McCarthy is such a bullshitter.
I cannot understand how Dems care for people and rethugs want them to get by pulling up themselves up by their boot straps. I am so sad tonight. Not that I wanted the Government to shut down, I wanted the nightmare to end. I have a sad. End of rant.
What on earth is going on with voters in New York? New York used to be so progressive and now
rethugs are winning. I can sleep good tonight and am glad I did not allow the media to influence my thinking. I kept saying that this was not a normal year and there is no way Dems will lose lots of seats as per past status quo. Yes, Dems lost some good seats but they gained some good ones and I am delighted that the disparity for House and Senate Control is minimal. I am still optimistic that Dems will take control.
Good work Democrats and DU. Congratulations and kudos for democracy.
Earlier today, I was wondering how Cassidy Hutchinson is doing. I really hope she is not into
hiding as those magas are relentless in taking revenge for trump. Ms. Hutchinson is more of a patriot than all of those dicks who supported the cockroach and still are. Stay safe Ms. Hutchinson and be proud of yourself, you did a great service to your country.
Its heartbreaking to see what Russia is doing to Ukraine, however, I am
curious as to why it did not become a member of NATO after it became an independent country. Is there a waiting period?
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Name: Annette BacchusGender: Female
Hometown: British Columbia
Home country: Canada
Current location: New Westminster
Member since: Fri Sep 7, 2007, 02:15 AM
Number of posts: 5,720