MannyGoldstein's JournalFace Facts: Going Over The "Cliff" Would Suck Badly
But it will never get easier in the future. For 30 years working Americans have been savaged by hostage takers, and they only grow stronger and more voracious as we appease them.
Time for Churchill, not Chamberlain. Let's start turning this thing around.
I've never been so excited
about maintaining the status quo.
Man, has victory been redefined for Democrats.
Filibuster Reform? NOT Happening.
I watched the press conference where McCain and Levin announced their bipartisan proposal to reform the filibuster. Senate rules are pretty complicated so I didn't understand a lot of it, but the other parts of the presser told me all I needed to know.
First off, Levin repeatedly said that Democrats amending the rules without Republican support would be a catastrophe.
During the Q&A, most answers about how their proposal would actually make things better included one of the following:
- "it just means that we have to enforce the rules we already have"
- "once both leaders agree that..."
It's a bad joke.
And given the choice between voting for a do-nothing rule that pretends to be reform, and actual reform... You can make up your own mind on where most Dem Senators will fall."
Unbelievable. But predictable.
I pray that Washington can reach consensus on a cliff fix. Instead of austerity, we can finally
have austerity.
Why Isn't The Following Post On DU's Front Page?
Reminder: Progressives Have a Great Solution to the 'Fiscal Bluff'!Seems pretty important - if you agree, give it a rec!
(First-Way) Manny
Hey Unsensible Emo Prog Firebaggers: This Time I'm *Sure* I Got It Right!!!
Er, but Obama will never offer to cut Social Security.
Er, but Obama never publicly offered to cut Social Security, don't believe what that liar John Conyers said, it never happened.
Er, but the Social Security cuts Obama admitted to offering were reductions in waste and fraud only, NOT BENEFITS.
Er, but Obama's only bluffing with his offer to cut benefits, dammit - he'd never actually allow Social Security to be cut.
Third-Way Manny
P.S. If it does get cut, it's your fault for staying home for the 2010 elections, even though the lying press claims you actually went to the polls. Because of you, Obama has NO CHOICE WHATSOEVER and needs to cut it.
Instead of "guns", let's call them "shit multipliers"
Drunk and angry? Add a gun and it gets many times worse.
Sometimes forget to put things back in their place? Leave a gun around with kids and it gets many times worse.
Feeling depressed and at your wits' end? Add a gun and it gets many times worse.
That's why fewer guns = fewer gun deaths.
The real world: armed guards in school = bad idea
We actually had an armed guard in my junior high school; it was a reasonably-tough school in New York City in the 1970s. Don't remember if it was a cop or some other type of guard.
A bad kid somehow got hold of the guard's gun. Amusing standoff ended with nobody hurt or killed. My parents moved us out to the suburbs shortly thereafter.
@#$% happens. Guns are an instant @#$% multiplier.
Perhaps we should keep guns of any sort out of schools.
Two-thirds of Americans are against touching Social Security
to avoid the fiscal cliff. Or for any other reason. They are specifically against the chained CPI, as well as all of the other cute schemes to cut it.
So our President offered something Americans absolutely hate, when he didn't need to, because of some mad chess skillz? Do I have that right? That seems to be what a lot of folks are claiming.
This political stuff sure is fancy.
Profile Information
Name: Manny GoldsteinGender: Male
Hometown: Greater Boston
Home country: USA
Current location: Remulak, as far as I can tell
Member since: Tue Aug 30, 2005, 08:44 AM
Number of posts: 34,589