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MannyGoldstein's Journal
MannyGoldstein's Journal
October 31, 2014

Let's get one thing straight about Greenwald

Look people, nobody hates Libertarian traitor Glenn Greenwald more than I do.


But as terrible as Greenwald is, at least in 2002, when any reasonable person knew in their gut that war with Iraq was necessary, a trivial-yet-profitable undertaking, Greenwald stood with reasonable Americans: he was for the thing. He's changed his mind since (which in his case is a sign of weakness while the same action is a sign of strength in better people), but for a brief moment in time, Greenwald stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the best and brightest stars of our Democratic Party.

Now let us turn to another terribly terrible traitor, Ralph Nader. A man who, need I remind you, has money in his bank account. Unlike Greenwald, Nader has NEVER been reasonable, not even once.


In fact, a movie about him is called An Unreasonable Man! A man so cut off from reason that he was always against the Iraq War, even when it was a good idea.

And so we must conclude that while Greenwald is a most worthy contender, it is Nader that has earned the title of absolute most terrible person on Earth.

QED, baby.


Third-Way Manny

October 26, 2014

Oh yeah? How Do *SnowWald* Worshipers Sleep at Night?!

Look people, I can't believe the ignorant crap I have to read on a supposedly "Democratic" site.

How do we sleep at night?

How do WE sleep at night?

How do YOU sleep, SnowWaldistas!!!

Sure, Operation Spy-On-Everyone violates the plain meaning of the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution, but the Constitution is not a suicide pact! Operation Spy-On-Everyone saved lives!

As Starship Cmdr. Keith Alexander, the former head of the NSA testified to Congress, the vital secret programs that SnowWald leaked to al Qaeda had stopped more than 50 terror plots cold!

More than 50!

Of course, that number was later found to actually be 0, not "more than 50", but that's NOT THE POINT. I realize that most of you in DU-land are members of the Lumpenproletariat and are thus as slow-witted as a sloth that's gotten into the ether stash, so I'll spell it out:

Just by the bad guys KNOWING that we had a secret program like this, we scared them from doing evil acts of Terra!

Now that they know we have a program, the game's over. We lose our children, our way of life, our precious bodily fluids, our humorous cat pictures -- all of it. Gone in an instant, thanks to Comrade SnowWald's treason.

I hope you Fourth-Amendment-Huggers NEVER SLEEP AGAIN, tossing and turning in tortured enhanced-interrogation agony, just as Snowden's Hawaiian neighbors did when he didn't smile at them. We'll watch our videos of your nighttime suffering, we'll hear your sleepy voices on your phone calls, and we'll laugh.


Third-Way Manny

October 25, 2014

“The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun"

“The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good gal* without a gun”
- Not-Wayne-LaPierre Manny

*I used "gal" as the counterpart to "guy".

UPDATE: Edited the bit about jurors as it was misleading.

October 25, 2014

Question submitted by MannyGoldstein

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October 25, 2014

"Obama and the End of Greatness"

Decided to read the New Yorker tonight. Always love the writing, although the writers have gotten pretty stiff, could use some time at Burning Man. Or maybe it's the editors. Editors can turn wonderful prose into dreck, too.

In any case, Obama and the End of Greatness sounded pretty important, so I read it. The short story is that a former Clinton speechwriter tells us that Obama can do little more than show up and shrug, and that's OK. That we can't expect greatness anymore.

What have we become that we acquiesce to acquiescence? This stuff drives me $&@#ing nuts.

We can do much, much better, but only if we demand it. Indeed, we need a revolution. Hopefully one that's calm and without bloodshed, but the difference between what we expect and what we need is a grand canyon, and crossing it will be a bear.

October 25, 2014

Terror hiding in every corner of our country.

Except for the corners with Ebola, more of those every day.

Scary, scary times.

Meanwhile, about a thousand Americans committed suicide this week, about another thousand died from not having health insurance, some huge number died just from being poor (those losers have a much shorter life expectancy), and more children are homeless then ever.

Hey... anything good on cable?

October 23, 2014

Wow.....How Many Threads in GD Decrying The Nonexistant

decrying of Democratic GOTV?

I don't think I've seen a single post on DU decrying GOTV efforts. Have you seen any?

Perhaps only an occasional threat to not vote by a frustrated Democrat who's tired of being mooned by the folks we put in office. And some complaints from a few people who think fundraising efforts should be non-imbecilic. (Look, I like like doggies in super-hero costumes as much as the next guy but... as the focus of political advertising?)

It's pretty clear to everyone on DU that even awful Democrats are way the @#$% better than today's bat@#$% crazy Republicans. I expect that virtually everyone here will vote with gusto, and will urge everyone they know to vote Democratic as well.

Once we're past the elections, perhaps we can get up off of our asses and take our party back. But until then... it's what we got, and it's critical that we do the right thing here.

October 22, 2014

A thread in support of Dr. Howard Dean

I don't always agree with Dr. Dean, and in particular I'm weirded out by his recent cozying to the First Couple of Wall Street - perhaps he smacked his head hard on the bus's undercarriage, not much clearance down there.

In any case, Dr. Dean was the only DNC Chair in the past several decades to win back both houses of Congress, and had he not been launched from that post (in a most humiliating, unwarranted, and ungrateful fashion) I think that things would be looking much brighter for the looming elections, despite his likely avoidance of fundraising emails yammering about doggie halloween costumes.

I wish you were leading us, Dr. Dean!

(And please read the following thread: Pushing Dean Out And Ending 50 State Strategy Was A BIG Mistake For Democrats.)

October 22, 2014

I hope to God that someone was really, really stoned.

Or was hired as part of a support program to get jobs for idiots. Any alternative explanation is too awful to consider.

An email today from Rep. Wasserman Schultz, titled One really super dog:

Manny --

Lately my kids have been asking if they can dress our dogs up for Halloween. I can't blame them, either. I mean, wouldn't Demmy look good as a superhero?

Unfortunately, (or fortunately for Demmy, who doesn't want to wear a costume) Democrats don't have much time for an extended Halloween celebration this year. This election is going to be a close one until the very last second. We're neck-and-neck in important races in states like Wisconsin and Georgia, and we need to make sure we finish strong.

So Manny, will you chip in $3 or more right now?

If you donate $200 today, you'll be on the list of our best supporters we send to the FEC. If you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately.


Thanks, Manny -- from Demmy and me both!


Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Democratic National Committee

I'm trying hard to reduce my whining in the weeks before this upcoming election... but holy @#$%...



October 21, 2014

Relax. FDR Dems have *more* reason to GOTV than Third Wayers

WE know what will happen if a bill to cut Social Security benefits implement the blessing of chained CPI gets passed by Congress.

WE know what will happen if the fabulous TPP gets passed by Congress.

Things suck badly - but they could suck much worse.

Enough of this crap about the Left suppressing Democratic voters: Any real FDR Dem is getting everyone they know to vote. Even awful Dems are better than Republicans - let's get through this, then we can work to win our party back for the 99%.


First-Way Manny

Profile Information

Name: Manny Goldstein
Gender: Male
Hometown: Greater Boston
Home country: USA
Current location: Remulak, as far as I can tell
Member since: Tue Aug 30, 2005, 09:44 AM
Number of posts: 34,589
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