wilt the stilt
wilt the stilt's JournalCan someone explain to me why POC
don't back Bernie? People like me who are Asian have no interest in him. Are we stupid? Why is his movement young kids and basically white people?
I'll tell you why I think we dislike him. We busted our asses to make it and we hate people who whine and blame everyone else. We are too busy working and we don't feel sorry about ourselves.
The 10 run rule and Bernie
If we only had it in the primaries. When I coached youth baseball we had a 10 run rule. If you were down by 10 runs after the 4th inning the game was called. The rule should apply here.
Elizabeth Warren- will be Trump's nightmare
If there is one person who will take down Trump I bet it is Elizabeth warren and I think at some point he will explode and lose his temper on one of her put downs. He can handle men but a super sharp women who gets under his skin will drive him nuts. Women have in my opinion always been subservient to him and we already have hints that she unhinges him.
Realistic Healthcare- Medicare for all doesn't cut it
As a person who has owned his own business and had payed healthcare out of his own pocket I have always been for some sort of single payer.
i turn 65 this year and I started to look at medicare. It is not a panacea. It is a single instance system each person is to him or her self. At my income level i will be paying almost $390 and month without prescription coverage. I take no meds so I'll get a low prescription.
Multiply that by 4 and you are at $1600. That is practically what insurance costs now. How do we get there realistically?
Jeff Weaver- worst surrogate ever
How the hell did Bernie decide to put this guy out front. He is homely and has a constant scowl on his face. First rule of getting people on your side is appearance and the second is demeanor. Talk about bad judgement.
Alert Bernie is a poltician
A shocking revelation- Bernie sanders is a politician I can see how one can make the argument that Ralph Nader and Elizabeth Warrren are not politicians. Even though Nader has been around politics he has never held an office and Warren is a later entrant.
Bernie has had one job his entire life. Prior to being a mayor he couldn't even hold a steady job and had his electricity turned of a number of times.
So when you go to the Vatican you are committing a political move. He is a politician.
Honestly, Bernie going to the Vatican
is just a cheap political stunt. Even you Bernie supporters have to agree with that. Like he would do this December. He is only doing it for the NY primary.
New Yorkers are pretty savvy. This does work over in republican land where the Jesus card is always used.
Is bernie religious?
If he truly is and has attended regular religious events and has been religious then I say good for Bernie to go to the Vatican Can anyone educate me on Bernie's activity with religious organizations?
can someone point out to me all the times Bernie worked with the underprivelged
actually went in and worked in the community? just asking.
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